They Are Coming For Your Kids!

Published 2023-12-29
When ideology bleeds into the most innocent parts of our society, thats already dangerous. But add in a touch of greed and corporate lobbying, you have a recipe for disaster for generations to come. Children are on the front lines of this new threat. Parents and regular adults alike need to be aware NOW!

rare appearance of my now passed on Zorro. editing this made me miss him

thank you to @KianaDocherty and @evan for the amazing videos and info

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All Comments (21)
  • @eleniandthecards
    I loved Michelle Obama, but I was super disappointed when her Let’s Move! Program partnered with the food industry, who was already ruining school lunches everywhere.

    I also had to add this in: I just got back from Colombia, and I didn’t see a lot of fat people. Why is it affecting only people eating heavily processed food? What could possibly be the connection?

    Also, surgery should be a last resort, not a shortcut.
  • @bigpynk
    All of a sudden I’m glad I went to a preparatory. We had chef’s for 3/4 of my years there. The went w/ public schools system after. But by that time I was a senior & left before lunch 🤠Lunchables are the trashiest disgrace of charcuterie boards in existence. They’re not filling and basically made out of bullshit. I’m beyond disgusted w/ this system.
  • @Llilac2481
    Also, Lunchables were disgusting back then and I imagine they still are now.
  • @colleens9932
    When I was at school, the school lunch for kids who couldn't afford lunch was always bad. Not lunchable bad, but I do remember my sister telling me someone dropped a hotdog and it bounced super high in the air. Those aren't suppose to bounce like that... There is definitely a whole problem feeding healthy food to people on government assistance. But I think there are solutions out there. Use the small spaces for fruits and vegetables, more community gardens. Harder to actually implement, but not impossible. Thank you for the video Starsan! You look so good in blue lipstick, I wish I could pull that off!
  • I would never put my child under the knife for weight loss because I failed as a parent to take care of them by not feeding them sugar. I'm glad I just went out and taught myself nutrition, portions, and calories needed based on lifestyle. I can't belive kids are going to be put on more pills. I'm so disturbed by them coming after kids and it angers me so much
  • @TaylorWeber
    Jesus Christ. I've never felt so blessed that my parents sacrificed as much as they did to send me to a private elementary/middle school. They didn't give us anything special... but at least it was edible. 🫠
  • @EssiSunday
    Yeah this checks out, I’m a junior right now and since elementary school our food has been AWFUL. Granted I live in the south so our nutrition education was VERY bad and brushed over with our gym teachers. Breakfast consists of pop tarts, muffins, juice, and MAYBE raisins. Lunch is just tater tots, potato wedge and pizza, if it’s a fruit it’s likely maraschino cherries, a moldy orange, or a red “delicious” that isn’t even required to be on your plate. Luckily we do have a salad bar but they’re prepackaged with a bunch of croutons and cheese Along with a crapton of ranch
  • @SkinnyBonVivant
    My mom was just like yours. I always took my lunch to school and back in the olden days, lunch was cooked from scratch by the lunch ladies. Things changed when I went to high school when I saw junk foods in the cafeteria. It all looked so gross and I found out that it was all rehydrated Sysco food. I never ate anything but my packed lunch, fruit and the occasional serving of tater tots. It’s truly disgusting that kids are being served this trash. My mom made good money so I could pack my lunch everyday (yes, she gave me that responsibility and she checked it each day). I pray for unfortunate kids who have to rely on food from school.
  • @user-mf6lo3tf4c
    I graduated about 4 years ago now, all of the food in the school cafeteria was free to everyone. I had a restrictive ED while I was going to high school, so I didn't really eat a lot, but not a lot of other kids did either. The burgers and buns was rubbery, (I can't eat pizza because I'm lactose in tollerant but I remember it being described as "plastic slapped on cardboard"). There was also tacos or spaghetti once in a while. No salad bars and the only vegan option was a sunbutter and jelly sandwich. For breakfast it was always pre packaged pop tarts or pre packaged muffins. There were 3 vending machines in the cafeteria which sold chips, soda and candies. Kids prefered to pay for those rather than get the free meals being provided at the cafeteria, at least I can say if I was eating at that time, I would have, because that food was disgusting. Lower quality than mcdonalds, taco bell and gas station microwaveable prepackaged burgers (I used to eat those on a daily basis for lunch as a young young child, the cafeteria burgers were more rubbery than a 2 dollar microwaveable plastic wrapped cheeseburger sold from a mini fridge in a gas station). There may be more foods I am leaving out because I forgot them, but this is what I remember from high school lunches. I remember in middle school (lunches were also free for everyone) and they had pizza slices that we watched cafeteria servers take out of it's plastic packaging and put in the microwave. In middle school I would trade (I don't really remember what I traded, but it definitely wasn't cafeteria food) my friend things for some of her homemade food from her lunchbox.
  • @malk71
    This video is just another reason why we are feeling blessed our kiddo was diagnosed with Celiac, it is saving him from all the crap foods and it has saved us because we actually had to learn about nutrition and undo all the bad food habits we had.
  • @aniE1869
    My kids would rather not eat than eat lunchables.
  • @LifeAfterLosing
    Gurl, how did I just discover you and your channel now! I love it! I was researching this subject for a video I am working on because my mother used to be a lunch lady and I was going to discuss how when I was a kid I remember that her and her coworkers would be making lunch from scratch and as time went on it got more processed until everything brought in was just being reheated and served to the kids. They used to have specific recipes that they had to go by that met certain dietary standards, but it was all fresh. Fresh cheeses, vegetables, breads, so on. They had someone who made breads, someone who made sauces, people who served and so on. They were actual restaurant style kitchens. A lot of the reason they got rid of it was to cut costs, they were able to half the amount of staff because they didn’t need many people to only put things in ovens and serve it, and of course their food costs were cut by a ton since you could serve kids a premade burger with just nasty fake cheese on it, instead of a fresh one with lettuce, tomato, and onion. Anyway, I love your personality and think you are so refreshing to watch. Hopefully one day I can get comfortable enough to be more myself in front of a camera. I would even love to do a collab!
  • I try to pack my kiddo lunch as much as possible, but let her get the pizza on friday as a treat (I don't want junk food to be this ultra taboo that makes her rebound and bindge it as soon as she has more freedom) but how often she comes home begging for junk food snacks cuz the other kids get doritos and candy bars when her snack is usually stuff like fruit. Makes it so hard to feed her healthy without also making her "that weird kid who only gets healthy stuff"

    Kids need proper nutrition to focus in school. Lunchables is just gonna make them hungry, cranky, and tired.
  • @juniper5617
    I remember eating them as a kid, and thinking they were kinda gross. I feel like i’m starting to outgrow the weird processed food taste that’s most foods.
  • @Ruth25853
    My future kids will not be eating a mountain of crap refined carbs and saturated fats. I'm making the freaking lunches myself.
  • @catcookie6726
    Ewww! I’m glad my mom made my lunch when I was in school.
  • @vivicareeves1316
    As a person who used to eat Lunchables, even I think making school lunch Lunchables is a horrible idea. I always wanted a sweet afterwards and it got me into a bad habit of craving something sweet after a meal. So yeah…not as healthy oriented as they think.
  • @MphoenixE
    In the States, the food offered is always based on the money the can make off the people