Keterangan Pers Plt. Kepala Otorita IKN Basuki Hadimuljono, IKN, 29 Juli 2024


コメント (21)
  • @msgv_nem7847
    Trimakasi para bapak Bapak yg telaj susah payah mewujutkan mimpi rakyat indonesia👍👍👍👍❤❤
  • ✨ من يمتلك الصحة يمتلك الأمل، ومن يمتلك الأمل يمتلك كل شيء.
  • @Welcome-421
    Life doesn't always get better. But you do. You get stronger. You get wiser. You get softer. With tattered wings you rise. And the world watches in wonder at the breathless beauty of a human who survived life. 🌿
  • إذا فقدت مالك فقد ضاع منك شيء له قيمة، وإذا فقدت شرفك فقد ضاع منك شيء لا يقدر بقيمة، وإذا فقدت الأمل فقد ضاع منك كل شيء.
  • ✨ ثلاث يساعدن على تحمل مشقات الحياة: الأمل والنوم والضحك.
  • @Welcome-421
    No matter how much negativity is going around us we can always choose to focus on the positive. Focus on them; let them overpower the negative, and don’t give the negative a second thought. Unless it is used for ways to grow you as a person or closer to God, you really don’t need to entertain them!
  • @NonaManis229
    Love you JO 😎 ! 😊 If today was difficult for you, I hope you know that tomorrow can be better. I hope you know that the moments that are uncomfortable or hurt or don't make sense will pass. I hope you remind yourself of all the times you didn't think you were going to feel better but you did. As you go through your days remember that every moment is just a moment. When you can't take it one day at a time, try to just take it one breath at a time. Take really good care of yourself and know that it's okay if you don't accomplish everything you told yourself you needed to today. You don't have to start a new routine or healthy habit today if it feels like too much. You don't have to be as productive as the people that you see online. Your life is your life and you only have this life. Tomorrow it will feel a little bit better. You are safe. You are being guided. You will have everything that you need 👏🏻😊 😊👏😊👏😊
  • Sehat Selalu Pak Basuki , Panjang Umur, Selalu dlm Lindungan Allah SWT Amin
  • @Welcome-421
    No matter what you are passing through today, do not give up. As long as there is life, there is hope…
  • 🪔 انشروا روح الأمل والتفاؤل بين الناس وعيشوا في الآيات القرآنية والأحاديث النبوية التي تطمئن قلوبكم، وتبشركم بمستقبل واعد لهذه الأمة وإياكم والإحباط؛ فإنّ المحبَطين لا يُغيِّرون، واليائسين لا ينتصرون.
  • 🪔 الأمل هو شعور داخلي يرتسم فينا مولداً ثقة بغد أفضل، وأنّ ما نحلم به سيتحقق، والأمل شعور جميل يعطينا دافعاً قوياً وطموحاً، ويشجعنا على العمل بجدية وإصرار، وهنا في هذا المقال سوف نستعرض لكم أقوال وحكم وعبارات عن الأمل.
  • @arifin5897
    Wow selamat dan sukses pak presiden dan pak mentri,selamat bertugas pak.🤝📱📲📸👏😂🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠
  • Bismillahirrahmanirrahim "Wujud" hari "Kemerdekaan Bangsa Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩" Ke 79 di"IKN".
  • IKN adalah budaya kerja baru pemerintah. cepat, cerdas, ikhlas, tanpa korupsi. kalau tidak sekarang, kapan lagi??masih mau jadi negara yang dipandang sebelah mata?
  • @NonaManis229
    Yes JO 😎 ! 😊 Relationship is not about having a handsome boyfriend or having a beautiful girlfriend. Its not about looking for a perfect person coz there is no perfect person on earth. Its not about looking for a well off or rich person. Money cant buy love. A relationship is finding someone who respects you,who cares about you,who understands you,who is proud of having you, who loves you the way you are, who is faithful to you, who knows how to comfort you.who knows how to encourage you and who would accept the worst of you and who will go through everything without giving up on you. Such people are very rare to find these days so if you have got one,just keep that person, handle him/her with extra care, be honest & contented with that person, don't ever think of hurting or letting down that special person. lf you don't have such relationship you better start praying & looking for one. God will strengthen your relationship and you will find someone with such qualities 👏🏻😊 😊👏😊👏😊
  • Assalamualaikum,selamat malam,good night...semoga pa.Basuki hadimuljono beserta time bpk.menteri semoga sehat² selalu...Keterangan Pers Plt kepada otorita IKN basuki hadimuljono...mohon ijin...semoga IKN ...Indonesia punya...Is the best...luar biasa...Time yang solid...Sukses...amanah dari pa.Presiden...1.Pertisipasi Masyarat terjalin baik...2.BUMO fasilitas ada Bioskop dll... Progres terbaru di IKN ada Kereta Api Art,Bandara IKN,Indahnya Balik Papan...ada 4 pesawat juga...mantav...semoga Progresnya Sukses lancar,Aamiin...🇲🇨maju🇲🇨hebat🇲🇨Otorita IKN ...salam hangat dari Bandung🙏🇲🇨😍🤗✨.
  • Pak Bas sy suka sekali dgn kinerja beliau ...tentu dgn teams lainnya serta smua menteri kabinet satu teams yg solid dlm satu komando Kepala Negara.....good lucks