Free Homeschool Curriculum~Our Homeschool story~Easy Peasy All in One Homeschool

Published 2022-06-10
WE have been using Easy Peasy All in One homeschool for over 5 years now. Come see what we think!

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Things we love and use everyday!(These are affiliate links, using these links doesn’t cost you anything but we might earn a little from qualifying products!)

Ninja blender

KitchenAid mixer

Food processor

Berkey Water Filter

BIG mixing bowl

Outdoor and Garden things we love:

Outdoor cooking stove

Fish Emulsion


Waterbath canner

All Comments (18)
  • Every time I watch videos about easy peasy, I am just so darn impressed. I truly believe Easy Peasy Homeschool is a gift from God and made freely accessible to homeschooling families everywhere. The fact that this humble woman Lee Giles is willing to offer all this for free is admirable. And even when you choose to purchase the books, they are so cheap! $11 and under for the workbooks and under $7 for the parents guide! And this is all from one woman being led by God to put all this together, she did not have a curriculum making team, and hundreds of experts to rely on. It is just her and God and obviously He has gifted her for this! I have done the expensive curriculums, I have done the fancy ones, but what I found out in them, is that they are VERY time consuming, and with a lot of fluff, a lot of unnecessary components. Easy peasy homeschool is just that. Not easy in the sense the school work is not rigorous, because some would even say EP is advanced. But easy in the sense that to teach children should not be complicated, all you need is simple explanations and lessons that are straight forward. No fluff, no 2 page spread of like 25 problems per subject. If your children are practicing daily theres no need for so many problems! No need for a parents guide that weighs 2 pounds which so much information that one can get lost! Our family is finally giving EP a try for several subjects this year. And we are so excited to start!
  • @worldofweeze
    Thanks for sharing! We love EP and we have used it for a few years now! I just cannot get over the gracious hearts behind it all😊
  • We used EP for 2nd/3rd grade and then I got curious about other *shiny new things...this year I am using EP for my 6th grader & as part of my first grader's resources. We are loving it. I honestly don't know why we ever switched away from it.
  • My grandson has autism and he loves doing Easy Peasy for homeschool <3
  • @LovedbyJesus23
    Nice to see your review of Easy Peasy through the years.💕 We used the Preschool & are currently doing Learn to Read & Math 1!💜
  • @TheChan7
    New sub here. We started with easy peasy too. Fun to see families using it into the older years. We also have a channel and right now it’s mainly about homeschooling. It would be fun to be friends and connect here 😊looking forward to watching more of your content.
  • @kimp7160
    Thanks for this review. I'm going into year 3 and we are kind of stuck with this program due to budget reasons and I often feel guilty that I can not try the bigger, fancier stuff out there. And I'm like you on struggling to teach the Language Arts which is so strange as essays were my 'bread and butter' in school, so to speak. I never really understood the rules, I just knew I could write them and get a good grade. We do supplement with other free resources I find online so we can study topics that interest us. We do our own novel studies, for instance. We have only done our own science studies with library books and free note-booking pages but it's a lot of work and stress. We hate projects in our house though. We skip a lot of them or glue the lapbooks into our notebooks. If the kids are not enthused then I end up doing most of the work and I make up a couple of my own curriculums so I'm not doing their projects too. Getting my special needs kid to write is like pulling teeth so if he writes anything for his essays, whether it follows the rules or not, is good enough for me. They did love the idea of writing their own plays about Ancient Rome so we spent a day making togas and props for their dolls and stuffies in a 'puppet' show. Then I had them do a review of a single book on a facet of ancient history rather than a big research project. They worked hard on that but it was already kind of hard for them.
  • @breynolds7196
    Looking forward to your EP updates. Loved the sneak peeks inside of the curriculum.
  • @robandmegyzq2
    My girls are currently in public school (5th grade & Kinder). We are thinking of homeschooling in the fall. I’m trying to find a curriculum that will be a good transition into home school. Like I don’t know if I should do a really structured curriculum since that is what they are used to from public school or if we should start right off the bat with a more relaxed Homeschool environment, if that makes sense? Are the workbooks colorful & engaging?
  • Hi Amy. How much do the books cost? Are you planning to homeschool the kids when they get to high school age? Does your State have achievement tests in Grade 3, 6, 9 and 12 like our Provincial tests in Canada? Easy Peasy sounds like a great homeschooling curriculum. Thanks for letting people know about it.
  • Are you able to do the science etch offline? Is there anyway to do that?