I Can’t Feel Anything - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan


コメント (21)
  • Alhamdulilah, a month or two ago, I asked Allah SWT to soften my heart that had become so hard, I couldn't see the result immediately, but day by day, my tears became easier, and I'm inshallah on the way to become a believer who cries for Allah in each remembrance ❤
  • My heart is very hard, it's like a dry stone wanting to beat again, i feel 2% feeling when i read Quran, I'm scared because there was a time when my emotions overflowed, i spent nights prayering just out of love, i was a child that time i was 12 yrs old, i was the most content human being ever, because i loved Allah, i felt very powerful connection with Allah, i felt presence of Allah every where, i felt the love of Allah everywhere... But then as i hit my puberty, my hormones, my emotions, my desire took a hold of me and then ruined me, it destroyed me completely and i couldn't understand why, I was aware that Allah is testing me, i called out to Him too, but i was in a delusion, now i am at a point that i lost one the most valuable thing in my existence( that's what i was feeling actually) and now i am numbed, i feel nothing, i don't feel that love which i had for Allah, i don't feel overwhealm, i recognize the blessing of Allah upon me, but i feel no love in return, my heart is dead, it wants to revive.. I want to be that little girl again who would rely upon Allah and for whom standing in prayer to please Allah and the pains and soreness of muscle the next day was the joy of life.... Please make dua for me... I want to become a muslim again, i want to become a human again. I want to feel again.. I want to love again.. I want to love my Maker again.. Allah guide me and those eho are lost like me.. Allah guide me and those whose heart is dead and who are searching for you.. Allah please don't leave us to ourself because we will be doomed..
  • I was excited for ramadan but I realized I didn't do anything productive..I feel away from Allah and scariest part it's not shaitan it's me.. I'll ask Allah even more to fix my heart
  • The disconnect I feel is because I don't understand Arabic . I feel so sad that I wasnt gifted Arabic on my tongue. May Allah make it easy for us to have a relationship with Quraan .
  • Please read this Wallahi after i listened to this it brought tears to my eyes, especially the part where the Ustad asked about weather or not we are grateful of the Quran and i randomly opened the Quran to establish connections with Allah through it and opened the ayah (وَالَّذِينَ آتَيْنَاهُمُ الْكِتَابَ يَفْرَحُونَ بِمَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ ۖ وَمِنَ الْأَحْزَابِ مَنْ يُنْكِرُ بَعْضَهُ ۚ قُلْ إِنَّمَا أُمِرْتُ أَنْ أَعْبُدَ اللَّهَ وَلَا أُشْرِكَ بِهِ ۚ إِلَيْهِ أَدْعُو وَإِلَيْهِ مَآبِ) [Surat Ar-Ra'd 36] page 254 And it begins (with rough translation) those whom we've sent down the Quran to are happy about what we've sent down to you,.... and I broke down crying. Wallahi if you open the book of Allah He will guide you if only we open our hearts to it. اشهد ان لا الله الي الله و ان محمد رسول الله Ustad Noman and every other person who have helped my Allah grant you janah for you spreading the word of Allahجزاك الله خيرا
  • When the heart cannot feel anything, means it getting loosing from al Quran. Reangage with the kitabullah to make the heart beat again. When the heart is dying, means the source of oxygen (Al Quran) is far from it. Replant the trees back so that you can rebreath again. Let Allah talk to you. That's the medicine that we really need.
  • Just last night I made dua to Allah for softening my heart and this very morning, He gave me His guidance through this :") I cried, literally. Barakallah
  • @sye3810
    In Turkey on holiday, as I walk around the man made holiday resort my eyes engage with the sea, my creator is all I think about. May Allah guide me and the ummah. Amen.
  • @ijazzzali
    I look back and half of Ramadan is over in the blink of an eye. Before I know I'll be saying that about my entire life. 😑😥
  • Can't Stop loving this Brother for the Sake of Allaah. I live in Somalia and my dream is to meet one day this brother. He is Always My Motivator.
  • I pray i get a partner like him,at least few percent of him! 🙏🥺 My favorite scholar/mentor/therapist! ❤
  • ALLAHUMA INAKA A’FUWAN TUHIBUL A’FWA FA’ FU A’NI “O Allah you are the most forgiving and you love to forgive, forgive me”🙏🏻 AMEEN
  • Please make dua for me. I cry almost everyday because I don’t feel anything anymore. I don’t know what to do, I feel that my connection with Allah is weakening. Please help me brothers and sisters
  • We take reminders for granted, may Allah soften our hearts and strengthen our bond with Qur'an even after Ramadan YaRab Al3alemin.
  • Thanks Ustadh Nouman. You really motivate us. May the Almighty Allah reward you for that. Our hearts are really sick , to the point that we no longer feel anything. May Allah (SWT) protect and help us.
  • @ExxKun
    Thank you Nouman. This is exactly what I needed to watch. I’ve been praying and asking for forgiveness for this whole month by making dua, reading Quran. And when I make dua, I only ask for forgiveness everyday, and it’s sad because I don’t feel that love and connection with allah even though i desperately want that love and feel but I can’t..
  • @Overawed
    SubhanAllah, i was listening to the khutbah and whilst made dua to Allah ﷻ to soften my heart and right after making dua i heard: 20:27
  • Wallaahi this is so true of our hearts' condition.May Allaah azza wa jal soften our hearts.ameen
  • @samik5755
    So true about playing the Quran in the background and not listening - a very common activity what a shame.