Michael Gervais | The First Rule of Mastery | Talks at Google

Published 2024-01-09
Author and high-performance psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais discusses his book "The First Rule Of Mastery: Stop Worrying About What People Think Of You," a groundbreaking guide for overcoming what may be the single greatest constrictor of human potential: our fear of people’s opinions (FOPO).

Get the book here: goo.gle/3PxAtNC
For more information on Michael, please visit findingmastery.com/.

Michael Gervais, PhD, is one of the world's top high-performance psychologists. His clients include world record holders, Olympians, internationally acclaimed artists and musicians, MVPs from every major sport and Fortune 100 CEOs. He is also the founder of Finding Mastery, a high-performance psychology consulting agency, the host of the Finding Mastery podcast, and the co-creator of the Performance Science Institute at the University of Southern California.

Moderated by Mike Abrams.

All Comments (7)
  • AL-ANON & THE 12 STEPS 29 minutes into the interview, it's already full of enlightening gold nuggets (thank you) - like: Finding and having a purpose, and focusing on the purpose rather than only on the particular achievement. Plus: Being focused without noise in: The Current Moment, as the place where you experience, what we could call divine wisdom unfolding. AL-ANON Which is why I'd like to share something which may seem rather unusual to those who've never experienced dysfunction in their family. As: I learned many of the great things mentioned by Michael Gervais - in a great, worldwide, American Made, and free organization called: Al-Anon. (In Iceland, that is. It's about the 12 steps etc., and Al-Anon is basically the flip of the coin to AA, where AA is for alcoholics who quit, but Al-Anon is for anyone in their family or circle of people who're affected by their dysfunction). So, for me, Al-Anon was like starting the path to making some of the important key points mentioned by Michael Gervais, a part of my every day reality. /// The small print: Sure - there is a certain "art" to Al-Anon, and it may take a while to get into the vibe, or to find a group that suits you - and it probably works best when you desperately need it. But there may not be many places on Earth which are more packed with the paths to the healing everyone seem to need, than Al-Anon, and related groups for various other family dysfunctions. Many churches also seem to be offering the so-called 12 step programs, and this is probably very similar. (Note that Al-Anon is not about addiction, but about the so-called co dependency, which may however trigger adrenaline, and performance addiction etc. But the substance addiction healing groups (like AA), have as a main purpose to keep people away from the addiction first, so their main focus is this, plus the other good stuff. Meaning: AA has that purpose first and foremost, while Al-Anon is only geared towards what it has done to you, to be emotionally engaged with dysfunction. Plus, it's open to all, and free).
  • @bernard3690
    1st and only rule of mastery : practice practice practice.
  • @alfredoistic
    Wow thanks so much amazing conversation, so true we are so addicted to performance, I have similar experience related with that (as content creator) thank you so much , cheers from Toronto ❤🙏🏼
  • @eddieheron1939
    Why does Everything American these days have to involve someone being SO Excited, SO Happy or other expression, perhaps linked to the now reduced reference to ‘Awesome’? It’s most notable from UK, where we’ll tend to reply “not too bad” to any “how are you” or similar, but y’all are bouncing off that ceiling of extreme exaggerations, where it’s clearly now impossible to identify anything that might genuinely be regarded as ‘above average’!