How to Manifest: Be SPECIFIC

Published 2014-09-10

Have you ever felt like you have a hard time identifying or getting really specific with what you want?

It’s almost as if someone asked you what you REALLY, REALLY wanted, no- holds-barred, whether it be how much money you want to make, the kind of home you want to live in, the kinds of relationships you want to have, you would feel like the cat got your tongue.

You search your mind for a bit, but the moment a big idea pops in, you sort of push it back down in fear that it sounds silly.

In my experience, many of us struggle to get specific with our desires, because we are so afraid that if we really admit what we truly want and THEN it doesn’t happen, we will be gravely disappointed.

And if we have been disappointed in the past, it's almost as if we forget how to even dream big or how to be specific with our desires.

Today, I have a quick video for you where I share a story about something I wanted badly, but almost screwed it up. You will see what I did instead.

Curious about my MAGICAL MANIFESTERS course?! CLICK on the link above!

Goal setting, desires and making things happen are certainly on my brain with the start of fall and it all starts with clarifying and get explicit with what you want.

Watch the video, here to find out how I got really lucky, or rather, how I Magically Manifested something I really wanted because I was super specific.

If you feel inspired, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments about a time when you manifested the wrong thing because you weren't specific OR when you manifested the RIGHT thing because you were so on point. I think there will be some great stories over there to get you inspired.

Magically yours,

P.S. In case you didn't pick up on my magical clues, I will be starting a new round of Magical Manifesters in a few short weeks. For now, watch the video to hear a little about manifesting.

All Comments (21)
  • I always imagine the best possible outcome for the situation & usually it just follows suit.. positive thinking does work, but you have to know you deserve the best of life & everything it has to offer you..
  • @64Magick
    "Specific" is setting the intention..........but Letting go ALLOWS the manifestation to appear in our physical reality!
  • @AndrieaDenise
    That is so funny! My husband and I started playing this game where whenever we are getting our mail, we say there's a check in it. The other day, we said it before we checked the mail, and there were refill check advertisements in it. We laughed so hard! I definitely will get a lot more specific!
  • @BladeDayBreak
    I read somewhere when you are extremely specific - that can close doors for the universe to bring you what you want in a different way, maybe you could not think of...
  • @kosandram4427
    I did this today all morning I said it would be nice to receive a job interview today said it allll morning and while I was sitting at my current job I checked my personal email i had a phone interview but the job was low pay lmao ! It was a interview like I asked for but I wasn’t specific ! Your so right lol thanks for sharing !
  • When I think about "I'm gonna have fun doing___ (in this case, being specific with my manifestations)", it's always much easier and I open up for things to come into my life ;)
  • @lisal6242
    Wouldn't it be nice if my soulmate and I met and recognized each other instantly
  • @andra_
    Being specific is a great tip Erin! Loved your story, glad to hear you ended up getting tickets to the show!
  • @nwsupernova
    That story almost made me cry. Sounds crazy I know, but that is so awesome! I need to get back into the practice of manifesting.
  • @ashay76
    Such an amazing and awesome story!thank you for sharing 😊
  • @jeffmejia111
    Hello, two things here that were put into action during her 'ticket' story. 1) Positive attitude. She touched on this. She didn't get in line with 'this is never going to happen attitude'. Her attitude was positive the whole time through. 2) She didn't 'wish' or 'hope' in her affirmation to the Universe. Law of Attraction for the most part doesn't work when you start with "I wish" or "I hope". The dominating thought must be on exactly what you want. Some may argue and counter with "yeah, but she said 'IF' which constitutes a wish or hope. She did use 'IF' but she also had a visualization that someone would come up to her and give her a ticket. I believe in visualization and the fact she did it is what gave her what she wanted after she made her affirmation more specific.
  • @lalamami123
    Erin, this was a great example! Thank you for sharing.
  • @mpex1980
    This is amazing! I will try it!
  • @MiracleMagnate
    I loved this story in your book and was so thrilled to find it here. The wonderful question is something I use deliberately and know from experience how powerful it is as a manifesting practice, so when I saw it in your book and the recognition you gave it as something of value, I knew you know your stuff! Thank you Erin.
  • @miasouthgate970
    This video has been so helpful! I'm trying to manifest getting into the school I want right now on appeal, and this has been so helpful. Thanks you so much!