July 19, 2024

Publicado 2024-07-19

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @sunkissed6220
    Almost didn't recognize Clark without the headset 😄 Glad to see people remaining calm.
  • @JimB16
    Great info Clark! Awesome man. Hope you get home soon sir!
  • @LadyChelleish
    That’s good news to know that travelers are calm and understanding that always makes situations better, things should be back to normal soon thanks for updating us on this
  • Montreal is GREAT. Go visit the oratory St-Joseph, take the subway. Say hello to Fr. André for me.
  • @frogpaste
    Sorry to hear you're stuck there, Clark, but I love your positive attitude! 😁 I keep my computer offline when I'm not using it, so luckily I wasn't affected. 😅
  • @TechYodaSV
    What a day to be alive. What a day to be traveling! 😂 Hope you made it to you destination ok.
  • @Jan-bella
    Poor Clark and all the people at the airport.
  • Now we're in another shutdown Clark, and I hope that everyone makes their destination ❤
  • @KimInMichigan
    It's Canada, so of course they're nice!! ❤️🇨🇦❤️