Ep263: My Demon Exorcism - Mattias Daly 3

Published 2024-07-19
In this episode I am once again joined by Mattias Daly, Taoist practitioner and translator of ‘Taoist Inner Alchemy’, published by Shambala.

Mattias tells the story of his affliction by a malevolent entity, a demon attached to his ancestral line for generations. Mattias details the progression of his symptoms and his terror as the being began to take deeper hold on his body and mind.

Mattias recounts several attempts at exorcism, working with ritualists from Taoist, Catholic, Tibetan Buddhist, Spiritualist, and Māori traditions in increasingly desperate attempts to rid himself of the entity.

Mattias also explains various theories of demonology, the steps he now takes to avoid contact with such forces, and reveals the surprising reasons why he is sharing his story now, for the first time in public.


Also available on Youtube, iTunes, & Spotify – search ‘Guru Viking Podcast’.

Topics include:

00:00 - Intro
01:02 - Arriving in New Zealand
03:49 - Searching for a mentor
04:23 - Intense and unusual spontaneous meditation experiences
11:48 - Teacher’s advice
13:02 - Extreme experiences reach a crescendo
14:54 - Martial movements and speaking in tongues
17:34 - Self healing powers
20:26 - Meeting a new Qi Gong teacher
26:01 - Lead up to the exorcism
35:06 - Exorcism #1: Taoist
37:33 - Failure of the exorcism
42:06 - Exorcism #2: Catholic
50:18 - Challenge to Mattias’ materialistic world view
55:03 - Return to meditation practice and involvement with Tibetan Buddhism
58:38 - The demon returns
01:02:13 - Teacher advises to stop practice
01:04:37 - Exorcism #3: Tibetan Buddhist
01:09:26 - Demon breaks through and takes possession of Mattias
01:13:33 - A deeper level of affliction
01:15:47 - Isolation and worsening symptoms
01:20:20 - Exorcism #4: Spiritualism
01:24:14 - Fear of full possession
01:25:35 - Exorcism #5: Māori
01:38:06 - Māori tohunga’s explanation of the exorcism
01:49:03 - Origin of the demon and ancestral ties
01:50:54 - Why did the demon try to take possession of Mattias?
01:54:11 - Care and safety around malevolent entities
01:59:19 - Contact with other entities
01:59:48 - Should you learn exorcism?
02:02:23 - Sleep schedule and dreams
02:03:16 - Chinese demonology
02:07:15 - Ghost sightings
02:10:38 - Why is Mattias sharing this story now?

Watch the previous episodes with Mattias Daly:
- www.guruviking.com/podcast/ep244-taoist-adventures…
- www.guruviking.com/podcast/ep251-taoist-inner-alch…

To find our more about Mattias Daly, visit:
- www.shambhala.com/authors/a-f/mattias-daly.html

For more interviews, videos, and more visit:
- www.guruviking.com/

Music ‘Deva Dasi’ by Steve James

All Comments (21)
  • @TheWrongCar84
    This may be the most fascinating and interesting podcast I've ever listened to! I was on the edge of my seat until the end of that unbelievable story. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • 2:15:20 Thanks for sharing this story Mattias. It’s such a relief to hear this experience spoken about with such clarity. I really could have used this knowledge about 45 years ago, so I know there’ll be others who need it now. And yes, that episode of The Emerald was great! We are all in a relational web; the plant people, the animal people, the fungal people, the human people, the elements (als)… e are all in this together. Love to you 💗
  • The one i experienced would set off bombs of group psychoses sometimes. Saw some horrible things. I spent 3 years trying to remove it, mostly scaring spiritual practitioners and then also dealing with a kind of PTSD of whether it would return. Mine finally left on the 5th day of my first water fast and never came back. Yeah cannabis is dangerous, its extremely potent nowadays. Have to be careful with whom you smoke, the state your in. Before it happened, i had this one really positive entity once that was more easily activated with smoking and I started this crazy weird loving performance art group where we basically tried to share this group channeling experience full of love and creating amazing things. I also had so much energy and love at the time. Things would unfold in such a beautiful way. People would follow me around when i had the feeling and it scared me, i was afraid it could get to my head - i tried to tell people it wasnt me doing it but the love through all of us or something to that effect. Anyway, it was still hard to handle and could be destabilizing. Then though when i experienced the other side and saw horrible things and experienced horror things. (I was wide open and went back into working with friends on the street addicted to crack, heroine and alcohol who were also in altered states). I went into their realm and saw what they saw. My view became different, because i wondered if both of these times i was just a puppet of these spirits and whether any of this was good.
  • @David-og7di
    This is a brave man. Im sure many would not come through such an experience so well. Best from NZ
  • Synchronistically, I’m reading a book by Father Amorth, exorcist for the Diocese of Rome, about his experiences. This account is a fascinating adjunct.
  • @mehenra485
    I would say it did not make me more fearful, i actually began to appreciate the various spiritual healers more and had a bit of reflection on my dharmic path.
  • @Bishop1104
    I’m going this spiritual warfare rite now. For the past 10 years. Idk if it’s attached from my ancestors. I hired a lot of people. Usually working from a distance but hasn’t worked. Still searching so if anyone know someone that can help from the NYC, NJ, or Philly are please let me know. Ty
  • This is a great interview. More than likely he actually was one of the Scandinavians who partook in the pillages of people. We are our ancestors from past lives. His speaking publicly about this is so profound and helpful to others. Thank you.
  • @sockneman
    Thank You Mattias for sharing this. At first I was a bit hesitant to listen to the episode because of its subject but you presented it in such a “matter of a fact” and constructed way that it was just interesting and informative. It helped me a lot in my own personal journey and situation. Thank You again and May though be well and happy! 🙏 /from another Swede
  • @anipema6963
    I lived for 12 years in India with my yoga meditation teacher Swami Muktananda. His students received an awakening of the Kundalini energy which brought on these kinds of spontaneous movements, singing, dancing. They seemed to purify the body so that the energy moved freely through the body.
  • @timoteo522
    Excellent assessment Mattias. Thanks for sharing your story my friend. Ignore the ignorant comments, as they only have the one lens to look through, which is the materialist, western psychological, assessment version of events. It's evident that they have no experiential understanding that these things do exist, and have existed long before psychological assessments came into play. Spiritism has an incredibly high (90+%) success rate in alleviating what modern day psychology calls 'schizophrenia'. I learned about this in Brazil, while working a medium there. Sounds like you were visiting some folks who still had their training wheels on. Also, it's not uncommon to have to use techniques/methods for removal that are in some way associated with our genetic heritage- you mother had lineage in NZ, so it makes sense that it would require a medicine woman from that area, or your N European genetic heritage, to remove this entity.
  • @darksidejosh
    story checks out, similar experience. appreciate the obscure validation.
  • @chrxmeface
    Wow this happened to him so he reverse engineer all of this and figure out how to deal with it and share it with that world!
  • It sounds to me like Mattias had a pretty quick shift from expressing lots of malevolence in his youth to a life of pretty rigorous, disciplined spiritual practice. Whatever anger, sadness etc. he had gathered from what sounds like some intense early trauma had expression in that life of malevolence. Then, and I’ve seen it on my own path and with others, he was likely continually and repetitively suppressing it in his practice. When the energy started coming through in qi gong, he initially reports improvement in mental clarity, lessening of suffering, etc. as the energy was finally finding an outlet. In fact it wasn’t until a teacher unfortunately identified it as a problem, and it started being repetitively approached and re-enforced as a problem, did it become a problem. If you demonize your emotions, they will indeed turn into a “demon”, and they will not relent until you accept and love them totally. Kriyas, spontaneous body movements, often unpretty ones, seem to me a natural result of the body burning off stored emotions that were previously repressed. Mattias accentuated in his recounting of the final healing the woman’s intense, deep love. It seems to me logical that a ceremonial surrender to and acceptance in the presence of such love dissolved those parts of him that he had, unfortunately with the help of teachers, denied.
  • @TheTTrickz
    Just wanted to throw out my thank you to balance out the less pleasant comments here. Extremely worthwile listen. Has some resonance to Jung talking about Wotan posessing the german psyche prior to ww2 causing them to go berserk.
  • Thank you for the video. I practiced, researched and thought this for over 40 years. In China it is nowadays forbidden because it caused acute psychosis in a significant number of practitioners. Learning it isn't more difficult than moving clouds. But it is tricky to master. There are different methods, also using fireqi to control others in that process. It is part of both learning mediumistic possession and exorcism. It helps to learn it if you have been posessed but it also keeps you a risk to yourself. Korean shaman are probably the ones who talk about this the most openly. In daoist thunder magic and other schools it is most seriously discussed and kept secret.
  • @marks8413
    Thanks for sharing this information. Very nicely presented in a way that enables us to think about belief systems in a calm and conscious way.