Chip Chilla - A Conservative Bluey RIPOFF?

Published 2023-12-16
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Chip Chilla is a new cartoon on the DailyWire's streaming service Bentkey. The series has been accused of being a ripoff of Bluey which the creators of Bentkey deny. Is Chip Chilla a shameless ripoff of Bluey? Is it even any good? What does "conservative" Bluey even mean? Let's find out

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Video Credits
►Video Script and Research by Saberspark
►Video Script and Research by ToonGrin
►Thumbnail by Rishi
►Video Edits by Henri
►Video Edits by gum
►Audio Edits by dBPony
►Intro Music/Outro Music by Hirosashii

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All Comments (21)
  • @Saberspark
    Thank you Helix for sponsoring! Visit to get 20% off your Helix mattress, plus two free pillows. Offers subject to change #helixsleep. What do YOU all think of Chip Chilla? Is it a conservative Bluey ripoff? What does that even mean??
  • @generalginx
    Shaming kids for being honest about bad things they see by calling it tattling and “not real news” is insane💀
  • @creategenius719
    The messy room episode would have been done much better if Chip's younger brother accidentally broke a toy he left out. It would be a natural consequence of not putting his toys away. Instead, the show has the PARENTS intentionally break his things so he learns that disobedience will be punished with the destruction of his belongings.
  • @kaniq6120
    The parents basically teaching kids that destroying things in anger is good is actually disturbing
  • Its fucking hilarious that the Daily Wire loves to throw out that liberals are "grooming our children" and then pump out an episode of a kid's show where the main lesson is "Don't tell anybody about the bad stuff you see or experience not even your PARENTS" 💀💀💀
  • @littlemeow124
    What really makes this ripoff unnecessary is that I've never seen any conservative parents call bluey "woke", yet apparently the people at daily wire thought that there should be a conservative alternative to the show
  • @Trident_Gaming03
    I like how The Daily Wire complains about how not enough kids shows have nuclear families anymore, and then proceeds to get compared to a very popular kids show with a nuclear family
  • @yowwowtow
    It’s crazy that being a nice person has become the equivalent of woke for them 💀
  • @Hoshi_Hoshi_21
    Someome should do an AU where the Chilla kids get adopted into the Heeler family and get the chance to heal
  • @asleepyb0i400
    Bluey’s morals aren’t even political to begin with. Basic human rights and decency isn’t politics- I can’t believe that has to be said 😔
  • @MoonCorvid
    Bluey isn’t even “woke??” what???
  • @abigailsmith6138
    TBH, it just seems that the biggest difference between the two is that, Chinny and Chum Chum were ready to have babies Bandit and Chillie, were ready to be PARENTS
  • @JanieLane
    As a ludo intern, please DON'T harasss the animators on Chip Chillia, animation is a tough industry and sometimes the best you can ask for is food on the table and the lights on. I hope they can find better shows to work on in the future
  • @Toontastic_Juju
    You know the ripoff is awful when even Bluey herself does not approve it.
  • Telling the daughter that she’s just tattling is so weird to me. Isn’t tattling a stigmatized term for telling adults when someone does something bad? Why is the dad discouraging that “unless it’s important”? A better phrasing would be to say it’s gossiping, since it seems like the daughter hurt people’s feelings by “reporting” people’s private stories
  • @lalalachris
    The “breaking everything you have/love cause you don’t do one thing” is common in these households. And what the show didn’t cover was 1) the emotional toll of destroying the sentimental toys and 2) the parents refusing to take on any burden of replacing things, even to a small extent All that episode is going to do is affirm to kids that it’s normal for parents to break your stuff when they are angry
  • @c-o-b-o-2010
    One way I can tell that Chip Chilla had no heart or care put into it is that they went with a South American animal for this. If this is a strong conservative pro American cartoon, why not go with a native North American animal specifically found in the US like gators, bears, deer, and… THE BALD EAGLE!
  • @-meinjuaco-6439
    As a Chilean I'm offended they bastardized the chinchilla. At least bluey's characters are dogs and like, 95% of countries have dogs, but they really had to take like one of two or three neat animals we endemically have.
  • @mobius273
    Imagine being a kid asking your parents if you can watch bluey and them refusing because its on disney+ and turning this slop on instead