The Sweet Sound of a J79! | F-4 Phantom

Published 2024-07-14
We were able to do it today! We were able to start up engine #2! Ran into some leaks along the way, though were able to bleed some air out of PC2 and the Utility hydraulic systems. We were not able to start engine #1 due to that one deciding to have a fuel leak upon one of the final checks prior to startup (that side didn't leak in any prior checks).

Hope you all enjoy the wonderful sound of the J79, plus the multiple camera angle. Jack sat in the backseat and got quite the experience of hearing and feeling the engine come to life! Be sure and check out his Instagram if you are into that (link below).

For those of you that are on Instagram, check out Jack's page, as he regularly posts stuff from the hangar. His page is at:

Our maintenance work and flight operations are funded entirely by donations. If you'd like to help keep these iconic aircraft operational, please consider donating!

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All Comments (21)
  • This old bird is 66 years old thanks for keeping it in running condition.
  • @HobRob148
    The most beautiful fighter ever made in my opinion. P-51 is right there behind it but a Phantom looks like it’s gonna punch you in the mouth. Bad ass. Thanks for posting.
  • @remylopez4821
    Thank you so very much for keeping her up and running. I was in the USAF from 1978-84 as a Crew Chief on F-4Ds & F-16As. Believe it or not but my F-4D was tail # 65-680 at Nellis AFB 474TFW 429 TFS then we transitioned to the general dynamics F-16. I believe the tell number you guys are using on your aircraft is actually off of C model that general Robin Olds flew. I wish you guys are located in California. I would love to volunteer to go work on that. I got out. Got my A&P and worked for McDonnell Douglas at Long Beach Airport finishing off my career on the C 17
  • @pickandstrum
    Wow the first time a ran an F4 D when I was working red flag my knees were shaking so much, lots of things to think about for a kid just out of high school. There was a shorted of qualified people to run air craft up for testing and i got called up to do the run training. All great memories.
  • @ralphreid7972
    OMG!!! Sound on my computer is at 100% and I've got the biggest grin on my face. I'm a former E model crew chief and the flood of memories that came back just now are crazy. Esprit de Corps
  • I grew up around the F-4. My father flew the F-4 Wild Weasel for 25 yrs. Which included a tour or two in Vietnam. He was a Thud Weasel and then transitioned to the Phantom the 2nd time around over in Vietnam i have loved the F-4 since i was old enough to remember. I got to sit in his squadrons planes numerous times. I still remember the smell of the cockpit. He was in the 561st our 1st go round at GAFB in Victorville, California. Then we were in Vegas where he was working at Redflag. after that we went back to GAFB where he was in Detachment 5 as the commander. I truly miss that howl and booming roar. Man, I wouldn't want to grow up anywhere else.
  • Lauch assist! Brings back so many memories of helping launch the E models. This sound lives forever in my head in the form of tinnitus!
  • I know it's an old cliche . "Jet noise is the sound of Freedom" . Every time I sat in the cockpit of an F-117 or F-22 to run engines that phrase would be in the back of my mind, along with the child like smile that I always got.
  • @mchurch3905
    In 1968 I was at McClellan AFB enroute to Lackland AFB. I think it was a depot for F4s on the way to and from Vietnam for major maintenance. We heard some of the jocks were 100 mission vets and were performing test flights. These guys were the hottest pilots I’d ever seen. Saw one guy in burner who folded up the gear feet off the runway and stood that Phantom on its tail and disappeared straight up. Unbelievable…..
  • @jimfulmer3526
    I was a jet engine mechanic on F4's (C, D, E, F, and G model Wild Weasels), and F-105 F a G Wild Weasels. The sound brings back great memories, thank you.
  • @wesmccollaum
    I wish i had the money to donate to you guys, my dad was a jer engine turbine specialist when he was in vietnam in the army, when he got back he did four more years and then did a few years in the national gaurd. i remeber him hanging out the side door waving at us when they were out testing the aircraft and flew over our house. He also would being home these huge wooden crates that engines came in and would make club houses out of them for me and my brother. They used to have christmas parties on base and he could bring us and we would go for rides in the chinooks, hueys, and armored personel carriers and tanks. Memories i will never forget. My dad was my hero and i miss him a lot. You guys are awesome doing what you do....
  • @trespire
    Just hearing the familliar sound of those engines spooling up brought back many memories of working in the QRA HAS. Finaly hearing the "Thunder". Spook lives !!
  • when i was a teenager in the 70's . I was out in the yard mowing the grass. There was a church about 1/2 a mile away. There was a wedding happening. it was a wedding of an airforce pilot and one of his friends buzzed the church in an F$ Phantom. Too do so he went over me at probably almost tree top level. he was going so fast i did not hear hime comming. When he went over i thought the world was ending, almost wet my he went vertical over the church and into after burners. My dad said he got into all kinds of trouble.
  • @mikesp1
    Man that takes me back. I was a jet engine mechanic in the Air Force 82-86 I was stationed at Edwards from 83-86. I remember running F4 and T38 out on the trim pads on 2nd shift
  • @kinch613
    Getting closer. Cant wait to see this girl fly. Congratulations fellas and thank you!
  • So exciting to see and hear the F4 come to life! It’s great to see your sons getting involved too! Thanks phor a great video!
  • @kyleb3754
    Just the sound of that thing gives me shivers. How awesome!
  • @UncaDave
    Even just sitting there, that plane is the Death Star with wings!