How To Let Go Of What No Longer Serves You | The Mel Robbins Podcast

Publicado 2022-10-17
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How do you know if the thing you’re holding on to is something you should keep fighting for or if it’s time to let go?

Phenomenal question. I’ve got the answer.

The truth is, most of us never let go.

You spend a lot of time adding things into your life – new projects, new #relationships, new stuff – but when was the last time you subtracted something?

I’m talking about all the things you hang on to, even when they’re no longer serving you or helping you grow.

The stuff that you know is weighing you down and sucking your #energy dry, but you can’t seem to drop it.

I’ve got the solution for you.

I’m about to walk you – literally – through a strategy that nobody talks about. It will help you let go of what’s a pain or a drain in your life.

Are you staying in a job you hate?

Do you keep hanging out with that friend who brings you down?

Holding on to those too-small pants because you’re hoping to one day fit into them again?

As the late, great Pulitzer and Nobel prize winner Toni Morrison wrote, if you “want to fly, you got to give up the sh*t that weighs you down.”

By the end of this episode, you’ll understand how to start letting go of what doesn’t serve you to create room for #growth.

And, you’ll learn the two things you must let go of today.

Get ready to step into your new potential and unlock the magic of your life.

Aren’t you ready for that? I know I am. Let’s do it!

Xo Mel

In this episode, you will learn:
- How to let go of what no longer serves you
- How to use your intuition and energy to know what is meant for you
- Why we focus on what to add into our life vs. subtract
- How to know it is time to let go of something in your life
- What happens when you put all your energy into one thing, one person, one job…
- How I use energy exchange and intuition to spot the things that no longer serve me
- Understanding your fuel gauge and inner compass
- How resistance drains energy
- What reciprocal energy exchange looks like and how to redirect an imbalance
- How to reframe letting go as a beginning not an ending
- What happens when you use activation energy to launch into something that better serves you
- How to rise above the day to day stressors that are temporary
- How to tap into your values
- The importance of celebrating yourself
- What this season of your life might mean for you
- What the 2 biggest energy drains are and how to let go of them

Listen to the podcast episode "How to Let Go: 2 Simple Ways to Find Clarity & Move On" -

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @melrobbins
    What are YOU going to let go of starting today?! Tell me in the comments! Then please do me a favor drop a like and subscribe so you don’t miss another episode! 🚀
  • @owainthomas3051
    Mel, six months ago my brother died from suicide, two months later my wife took her own life leaving me to solo dad our beautiful three year old boy. I’ve always been a positive person who strives for growth but obviously this dessimated me. In addition (airing dirty laundry warning) her family discarded us adding indescribably to the trauma and stress. I am now rebuilding myself and working to let go of a whole family for myself and my son and your videos are the ones I really value. I just wanted to give you immense gratitude for creating them and helping me find myself and my power again through this apocalypse. My son thanks you too! One Day At A Time! Full Disclosure: This post was written from a self care salt bath. 😋❤️🙏
  • @PA-tu1jg
    I don’t think I’ve ever felt this lonely and scared in my life. Mel has become my friend that’s helping me get through this. It’s like she cares. And that’s what I need the most right now. Thank you Mel.
  • @mikenicholas6921
    My energy and intuition has been telling me for YEARS to get out of a bad marriage. I’m no quitter, however I deserve to be happy. I’ve lied to myself about my spouse changing. I don’t recognize myself anymore. Great message
  • Me almost 51, married almost 1/2 my life and I’m 2 weeks into filing for a divorce. I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m going to do once i get there but I’m not going to stay in my marriage and be sad , mad , resentful & all other things that have made me act out of myself and i refuse to be ignored, not put first , not receive any communication , any decision making, not included in marital decisions and not even our 25 th anniversary recognized even though it’s on his birthday. No dates , no affection, no physical contact, no time spent with me. I’m not going to be around to do that anymore. Nope . It’s sucking my energy & i can’t do it anymore. I’m going to be ok !!!
  • At 82yrs of age and 34yrs of unhappiness during 35yrs of marriage, I grabbed that 'last straw', told my wife that I'm leaving and not ever coming back. I'm now an 84yr old who's finally able to be my 'silly' self without being told to 'act your age'! I am 'me' every day! Finally happy every day as my days dwindle and happy to die with a smile on my face.
  • @Renemor
    Anything that costs you your peace, is too expencive. Love you, Mel❤️
  • @ah_kneesha4822
    “Sometimes the purpose that some people play in your life is simply to teach you to let go” yeah I absolutely 1000% NEEDED to hear this. Thank you Mel thank you thank you thank you!!!
  • @TheSherriefoster
    Your awesome 😎I quit my job moved back to la, left my husband of 20years.. it was scary as heck, but I’m so happy I did it 3 years later I’m doing a podcast and I’m my own boss.. I did it Mel. 🎉
  • @gracecase998
    I remember the day after my dog died (had to put him down) and the girl at a Subway restaurant waiting on me had this amazing smile and was so kind. I needed it and told her so and she saved my day. Totally needed her sweet friendly energy that day. She came around the counter and gave me a much-needed hug.
  • I absolutely loved this episode! I'm 76 yrs old. I loved the part about doing things with your values in mind and feeling I am a good person .. Thank you! I've been a nurturing person since I was a little girl. I was the third in a family of ten children and the first girl. I helped my mother until I got married and left home. I did care for my parents in my home until they passed away. My husband passed away seven years ago. I am thankful for my good health. A few years ago, my household was full of sons who each one had their wives take off for greener pastures. For awhile, I was happy to have them here. Then I began to resent that they took advantage of me . I had grandsons here all summer but after three years even they seemed a burden. I was paying for everything on my fixed income. Now I have only one son here who struggles with mental illness. He's working full time now. Now I look around at my house that has been turned into storage unit with things everyone has left behind. There are lots of leaves on this old tree. I'm even going to get rid of all my husband's things that I will never use. I have a new refreshing outlook on my life. When people say, " do what you love" I have to really go deep inside my heart to even know what that looks like. I think if I clean out the physical clutter in my life, I will be able to figure out what that might be. THX
  • I am to starting my divorce after being lied to, lonely, emotionally separated and exhausted. Even though I have a little girl and a serious disease, I know that letting go will help my body heal. Power up💪
  • After hearing this it makes so much sense my fiance kicked me out her house,i was sucking the life out of her with my depression and on meds now feeling a bit better,working,stopped drinking alcohol, smokin weed, working out a little bit,thanks Mel for pointing out i was the damn problem....time to work on me for once in my 48 years
  • PERFECT TIMING. ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. Let go an 18 yr toxic marriage about 15 mos ago. Letting go of a one-sided work environment/boss of 2.5 years this week. All scary at 65. But this tree has had to kick those leaves off.
  • @durgan5668
    62 years old; Was a caregiver for my folks for the past 10 3/4 years. Mom passed away and my father decided he didn't like having people tell him what to do any more and told me either I did what he wanted, or 'it's been nice knowing you'. He's 86. I'm the only child. Now, I could have stayed and been a doormat, or, go spend 2/3rds of my life savings in 2 months and take care of myself. I handed him off to the VA who hired some caregivers and I'm free to be me. Could have been smarter and taken care of myself first, but honestly, Mom deserved having someone there who loved her and wasn't a narcissist. I stuck it out for 6 months beyond my duty to her. It's not easy, the easy path is to cave in, but it's never the best path. Be true to yourself and your values. Never let someone use a lever like 'security' or 'comfort' to manipulate you into something that isn't good for your own wellbeing. Family will push your buttons because they know what they are. Don't give them that power.
  • @pjlewisful
    Loved this! At age 75, I'm moving from a small town with no relatives to a town & state that has lots of cousins, aunts, etc.. I have no kids, and realize now that family is important. I'm letting go of most of my "stuff" only taking my favorite things that can fit in my SUV. I'm happy to be so healthy & able to make the move, leaving any bad habits & regrets behind.
  • @Stepho66
    Mel I found you right in time Today was my wedding anniversary. We would have been married 13 year and together 16. I made the right decision about the divorce and God lead me to you today to get me through this very painful day Thank you for making this video for the us who are brave enough to walk away and learn to stand again
  • @lynnsmith4
    So my family has continued our family holidays into adulthood., this is me and all my siblings. My parents have both passed but we've kept up this tradition for years. It has become so toxic and nerve wracking that I've wanted to end it for the past few years but felt guilty. Finally, after a lot of family drama, I've said I'm done. I love all of you, wish you the best, everyone enjoy their holidays, but I'm not coming. That was today and this video popped up. I had been thinking, well it's going to be weird and different not spending it with my family and was trying to think of things I could do that day to take my mind off of it. Started watching this video and in the middle of it a friend called. I don't have kids and hers are grown. Within minutes we've planned this wonderful get together of singles where we'll have a few drinks, play games and just relax and enjoy the day. I'm so excited. So thankful for this video and that it reinforces that I've done the right thing.
  • This video came at the perfect I woke this morning very upset. I hadn’t thought about certain people that really hurt me. It took me years to get over certain people and I finally thought I healed but woke this morning with those thoughts of those people that hurt my heart. Two years ago I had a heart attack from a broken heart. I thought I healed. I was good for a full year. But those feelings came creeping back. I do not want to hold on to these feelings. It’s so hard to let go.
  • @Nikkipooh222
    This is what I needed to hear. I go home tired, annoyed, angry and completely ignoring my child due to a job that has sucked the life out of me. So I needed to hear this so bad.