I took my customer to court, turns out he's a LAWYER 😔

What's up folk, this is my story of my customer not wanting to pay for the floor sanding and refinishing work I had completed on his herringbone parquet floor. I hope you enjoy it! let me know what you think.


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コメント (21)
  • He had no intention of paying and will likely have done this in the past, I would now send an email to the bar association as he is clearly a crook.
  • Being anxious isn't pathetic. It just shows you're a decent guy who isn't used to that sort of aggro.
  • I've been a Contractor for thirty years. A bit of a tip: Everyone knows the last payment is the hardest. They love the work but buyers remorse sets in and they don't want to pay. So I've found it's much easier if I ask for half up front on small jobs. For larger jobs, I always ask for ten percent at signing, 1/3 at start and 1/3 at half way point, which means the final payment is only 24 percent (a lower payment then the 30%). Much easier to get out of them. Change Order payments are due before work is commenced on change orders, not at the end of job.
  • My mother was an interior decorator. Years ago she and her business partner did some work for a couple. The husband was a dentist and the couple appeared to have money. In addition to some other redecorating work, the couple ordered a very nice dining table and 8 matching chairs. When the set came instead of one "captain's" chair (a chair with arms which is more expensive) and 7 armless chairs, there were two captain's chairs. The couple were told about the mistake. They were giving the choice of accepting the second "captain's" chair at the same price as the armless chairs OR an armless chair could be ordered for them, but it would take several weeks to arrive. The couple accepted the second captain's chair. And then they didn't pay their bill. Just as in the video, my mother and her partner kept billing the couple. The couple wouldn't pay. It finally ended up in small claims court. The couple claimed that they didn't owe anything because they had not received what they ordered. They then offered to pay only 5 cents for every dollar of the thousands of dollars they owed. Fortunately the courts did NOT find in their favor. My mother and her partner did a little checking around and found that this couple had pulled this type of stunt several times and owed money all over town. There were essentially thieves.
  • Almost the exact hing happened to me. Sued a lawyer in court to collect unpaid bill. He tried to intimidate me throughout the process as I was arguing Pro Se (by myself) and I still prevailed as you did. I am proud of you man.
  • My dad was a bricklayer years ago and every so often he would get some smart alec customers refusing to pay for his work. He always offered to redo the work if they weren't happy for no labour cost , just materials. If they refused this he would go to the pub , have a few beers and go back in the evening with a sledge hammer and smash it all down!
  • Firstly, it's not at all pathetic of you to be shaking and anxious due to this ordeal. Secondly, I applaud you for having the courage to face the fear and go through the whole process. Thirdly, congratulations on winning the case. Rightly so!
  • You're not the only layman to have taken a solicitor to court and won. I too have done this and recognise all the feelings you described. Only because I had all my evidence was I able to refute his story was I able to gain victory. I feel that there are a lot of bullies in the legal profession who as you said try to intimidate and push others around. Well done you for not collapsing under the pressure. Best wishes my friend.
  • @Phox71186
    As a solicitor, I am embarrassed that you were treated this way. Well done for sticking to your guns, but trying to be reasonable about it before you had no choice but to go to court.
  • @fontybits
    It's such a good feeling to hear when someone takes on a LOWLIFE SCUMBAG and beats them. You're a hero to all those who have been victims!
  • Well done for highlighting this! My husband laid a floor many years ago and the customer got down on his hands and knees with a magnifying glass to see if he could find any faults! Glad you got justice in the end.
  • So proud of you you explained everything perfectly clear. You had me all wound up reading about your bad experience ,and I was so angry about what you had to go through but you managed everything so well.
  • I am a carpenter and I have found that the people with the most money are the most penny pinching. Well done sticking to your guns because it would have been so easy to just swallow your loss. People like your customer try it on and hope that the tradesman will back off. Brilliant stuff mate. So glad you stuck it to him.
  • Contractors should get together with lists of their non payers ,and create a blackball list. Good on you son
  • Just recently I heard someone say: If you don't get agitated, even angry in the face of injustice, if your heart does not beat faster when you see injustice, then a piece of your soul is missing. I can fully relate to the emotions you felt, even feel now when you are talking about - it is not just about money - it is about Truth, Justice, Fairness, Respect for yourself, being vulnerable, at the mercy of others or the system, Trust, overcoming Fears, Courage even if you think you might loose. I take my hat off - you did wonderfully, and are a wonderful man! Your family and friends can be proud of you!
  • Very well done! Having work for esteemed Solicitors for over decades many tend to think they are gods on earth and the rest of us simple plebs, so glad you were successful!
  • My father was an electrical contractor. He did a fairly large job for this guy and there were a lot of (authorised) variations. When the time comes to pay, the guy says "i'm not paying". He says "take me to court, see what happens, I never loose". So he goes to court, disputing the variations. The judge says "so, you are disputing the variations, but concede that the basic amount is justified and payable?" The guy says "yes", so the judge says "pay what you owe". First win. For the remainder, he start claiming bankruptcy, then not and then again - and my dad has to chase him back and forth through various courts, driving up costs. The guy is hoping that my dad will run out of money and give up. Finally, there is a judgement in dads favour, including the legal costs, which by now are much greater than the disputed amount. So then the guy disputes the costs - so back to court again. The court audits the costs and approves a larger sum! The guy disputes this. More court time. Finally, there is a judgement "stop, pay up, do it now, it's finished". And still, he doesn't pay. My dad asks his solicitor "what should we do now" and the solicitor says "take him to court (lol)". The guy eventually payed about 3x more than the original bill. What a waste of time and energy. He didn't plan on coming up against my dad, who would fight to the death and never let these types of cheats triumph.
  • Im 72 year old, retired painter and decorator, self employed, over the years i took 6 customers to court for non payment and won every time, heres the secret, do the paperwork yourself(it can now all be done on line, it really is easy) dont get enoyed just treat it like a game and dont give up, thats what they hope you will do, its soooooo satisfying when you win and the best is that they end up with a county court judgement against their name, good luck and dont back down.
  • I thought you were about to tell us that you lost the case. I'm soooo glad you won it in the end. You deserved it. And thank you for sharing your experience and being so open and honest about it.