Ser Barristan Selmy Quits Like A Boss [HD]

Awesome scene where Ser Barristan quits from service after being insulted with forced retirement.

"A hall to die in....and men to bury me!"

コメント (21)
  • "You're too old to protect anybody." Old warriors don't get old by accident.
  • Everybody gangsta until Sir Barristan Selmy draws his sword
  • He's too old to protect anybody and yet when he draws his sword, whole throne room goes dead silent. And even tho he walks away without a sword, no one dares approaching him. Now that is fucking badass
  • “Here boy, melt it down and add it to the others.” Bro just quit, disrespected the king, and declared himself an enemy of the crown all in one sentence. What a legend.
  • "Fuck you and your early retirement package" Ser Barristan the Badass
  • The metal sounds clinging as sir Barristan walks away isn't his armor it's his huge balls that are probably made of valyrian steel.
  • I love how the Hound still reaches for his sword. He knows that wasn't an empty threat, and that he could genuinely take those 5 down.
  • @Shann553
    Best part about this in the books was Tyrion laying into Cersei for humoring Joffery in Barristan's dismissal. Barristan was a living legend among the small folk and any king he serves gains credibility by association. It was one of the only times Cersei actually admits to fucking up.
  • Who else wanted to see him carve through the other five Kings Guard like cake?
  • Ser Barristan is basically a maxed out account that's been inactive
  • "Here BOI!" The disrespect was real and on point. Barristan IMMEDIATELY became one of my favorite characters. I'll never forgive Dumb & Dumber for killing him off so soon. He lasted WAYY longer in the books and was very significant.
  • @njmfff
    I love how Varys has respect for him and tries to defuse the situation, and how Hound still grabs his sword, despite there being entirety of Kingsguard. Hound knew Barristan wasn't joking when he said he could easily cut through all of them if he wanted.
  • "Dismissing him was as insulting as it was stupid." - Tywin's words to Cersei
  • "Always be wary of the old man in a profession where men die young" This describes Barristan Selmy perfectly
  • @lit5465
    barristan had so many good lines within the span of 3 minutes “only death relieves us of our sacred trust” “a man who profaned his blade with the blood of the king he swore to defend” “i am a knight, i shall die a knight” “even now, i can cut through the 5 of you like carving a cake” “here boy. melt it down and add it to the others!” a shame what d&d did to his character. he doesn’t even die that early on, not to mention he could’ve easily defended himself from the sons of the harpy if it was book accurate 😞
  • Their must have been 10 men between Barristan and The Hound, but The Hound still had to grab his sword.
  • The flaw in Joffrey's thought was that he was "too old". He failed to realize that an old knight is a knight that hasn't lost a battle or fight.
  • If you ever doubt that sir barristan Selmy was capable of going through the 5 kings guard, watch the hound go for his sword. He wouldn’t of done that if he thought the kings guard would stop Selmy.
  • If you’ve ever read the books Ser Barristan’s reputation as a knight is unmatched. In his prime he would cut down dozens of men single handedly in combat