Published 2024-01-14


Intro: 0:00 - 5:48
Manifest Meditation: 5:48 - 31:15
Positive Affirmations: 31:15 - 3:00:00

There have been a number of occurrences in my life that have changed me from a doubtful skeptic, into a lifelong believer in the law of attraction. That is what the law of attraction is capable of, turning the unbelievable into reality. Let me explain why the law of attraction has the power to bring the seemingly extraordinary into existence. The human mind favors efficiency. If there is a way to reduce the amount of energy our mind exerts, it will do it. Since conscious behavior takes up much more energy than unconscious behavior, our mind will push much of our daily actions to the unconscious part of our mind. This is our mindโ€™s act of creating habits. Instead of consciously making thousands of decisions every single day, our subconscious will create and play out the same daily routine of habits. This is a good thing, it allows us to focus our energy on more important decisions throughout the day. Now, the longer we indulge in each habit the harder it is to remove it from our daily routine. This is because habits create grooves in the road map of our brain. The longer we engage in these habits the deeper these grooves become which makes it harder and harder to escape from these grooves. This is why you always hear how some older individuals are stuck in their ways. They are stuck in these grooves.
We also have habits of thinking. When we are younger, we are more creative and open to new ideas because we have not yet created those deep grooves of thinking. We still have the ability to think differently and see the world from many viewpoints. The grooves of the mind are not yet deep, so we can easily move in and out of these habits of thought and behavior.
Now, if we create habits of negative thinking, we may begin to find ourselves in a bout with depression or anxiety, because it is often our thoughts that create these mental illnesses. This is why the most effective, most used form of therapy, is cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. This is because the therapist uses CBT to help the patient change the way they think by breaking those negative patterns of thinking into more positive ways of thinking.
Now, what does this have to do with the law of attraction? Well, like how negative thinking patterns turn into negative things like depression, positive thinking patterns have the potential to manifest extraordinary things into our lives, things we initially never thought possible. We are all stuck in a certain pattern of thinking. It may be a good pattern, it may be a bad one, or just an average way of thinking. The influences in our lives; friends, family, the media we consume, all push us into a certain way of thinking. That is how we identify ourselves and how we believe the world to work. Although, this is when we start putting limits on what we believe we are capable of and what the world is capable of. This is why some things seem extraordinary for one person, but perfectly normal and common for another. The way we see the world is how we will manifest it into our lives. If we think the world is out to get us, forcing us into a pit of poverty, that is how we will act until it is true, eventually fulfilling those beliefs. But if we are able to break those negative habits of thinking, we will have the ability to see the world in a whole new light, and manifest that instead. Once we remove the limits we place on ourselves, the extraordinary doesnโ€™t seem so out of reach anymore. That is how the law of attraction has the power to bring the unbelievable into existence. Once we see the world in a new light, we will begin to see how we are more capable than we ever thought possible, and how the world is more than abundant to provide it.
Once I began changing my negative, pessimistic ways of thinking, changing the way I was pushed into seeing the world, I was able to start manifesting the things I once thought impossible. I was able to go from being broke and jobless, to manifesting the things I once thought impossible including manifesting $500,000 in a single day.
By using this meditation, you will effortlessly break those negative thinking patterns, allowing you to see the world in a whole new light, in a way that will allow you to manifest the things you once thought impossible. Once you ask for what you want, you will understand that you are more than capable of receiving it, and the universe is more than abundant to provide it to you.
If you want to uncover all the secrets of attraction, the techniques that will allow you to manifest anything you want easily and effortlessly, transforming your current life, into the life of your dreams, I invite you to MANIFEST BEYOND BELIEF. Click the link in the description to find out more!


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