[YBA] Jetstream Sam Destroys Toxic Teamers

Published 2022-08-19

All Comments (21)
  • @Drag03Val
    Memories broken, truth goes unspoken
  • @FoxDoesVids
    this man is the type of boss to have 5 healthbars in games.
  • at this point this man is just a boss battle that is rare to find in public servers
  • @axol1754
    this man is the kind of person to solo a final boss with a stick
  • @HappyDemonXI
    "Self taught, and not half bad. Still... Your technique lacks something... Now I see... You deny your Stand its purpose." -Jetstream Sam
  • @MyNameIsT.m.
    "Wandering the earth, dispensing justice. But only to those who deserve it." -Jetstream Sam
  • the unfunny fact that they needed 8 people to get you low or sometimes kill you and then they die in a 1v1 makes me laugh so hard 💀
  • @Michelletto0
    Can't wait to see part 2 featuring Vergil lmao, The level of skill displayed to battle 6 people and not get shit on is incredible
  • @Dr.ReflexBBiEaL
    this man is proof that all you need to be good at a game is a spotify playlist
  • @deez1200
    Bro literally pulled out his whole family just to fight one guy
  • @GravlitMW
    This man singlehandedly destroyed over 6 people killing each one of them a lot, A LOT of times and yet still being chill after someone said "ez" Definitely deserved a sub
  • @Fropa
    11:15 Finally, Sam has acquired his true form
  • @yesyes2736
    this dude is just the dictionary definition of a whirlwind, this man was all over the place clapping like 6 ppl at once, that honestly a new level.
  • The definition of "I'm not stuck here with you. You are stuck here with me."
  • @CuppaJoe313
    What would be really cool is if in games like YBA, Peroxide, and other teamer rampant games is if you get a stat buff when being attacked by multiple players at once. Maybe quicker move cooldowns and a stun-lock escape ability
  • @Colon_D
    -Jetstream Sam from Metal Gear Rising -Law's sword from One Piece -Anubis Moveset from JJBA -Yone moves from League of Legends There's alot going on in this video
  • As a brazilian 17 year old who stopped playing YBA for a year, came back at the halloween event and made someone upset for no reason whatsoever that they had to cheat on me and still lose, I can say one thing: YBA players are either children with brain damage or absolute masters at the game. This guy has a certificate for Brazilian Male, kudos to you fellow. (Joke from Max0r.)
  • @Elcomacho
    I’d like to point out, this man, has 0 things, they do not have or cannot get, excluding anything that doesn’t help in combat, so basically, this man is beating up people without a stand, with pure skill, this is literally the definition of a alpha male, peak gameplay. Get this man his own murasama Anubis skin now, he deserves it.