"THE HOMECOMING" Vietnam Veteran Homecoming Celebration Ft. Campbell KY.

Published 2010-11-18
This is a portion of a documentary I'm making about Vietnam Veterans and the long overdue welcome home celebrations that have been popping up around the nation. I still have interviews and stock footage to collect. Finished video will be an hour. In budget raising mode now.

All Comments (21)
  • @chuckcrabbe3253
    I had the privilege to be one of the soldiers driving the buses on this day and what an honor it was. These men and women deserved this day and I am so very proud to call myself a Screaming Eagle. This is something they will never forget and neither will I. Thank you to all that have served.
  • @Alltel12k
    About 3 weeks ago my uncle & I attended a dinner for vets at a local jr high,there were several kids present,most were under the age of 12. It really made me proud and even cried when dozens of the kids hugged my uncle and thanked him for his service.Several kids asked him for his autograph and gave him pictures they drew for him along with a letter,many saying I LOVE you We MUST make sure EVERYDAY that when we see a Veteran to thank them and it would make their day if we did ANYTHING for them!
  • This should have been you Dad. Thank you for your service Therone “ Tom” Tompkins. You went to hell and everyone hated you but you still went. It’s because of what happened to you that I was able to be shown love when I came home. You never asked for a thing but you were and are my hero. RIP Zoomie. Love, your son.
  • @reddivadana
    MY vet, my husband, died from the effects of Agent Orange a bit over 2 years ago. He did'nt want to talk much about his service as a Green Beret,but he talked about what it was like coming home or having to be in uniform in public on leave. He always displayed his POW/MIA flag & the very rare occasions, near the end of his life, when someone thanked him for his service were the only times I ever saw him tear up. Thank them NOW, Agent Orange is decimating these men. Thank YOU for filming this
  • @richardpcrowe
    As a Vietnam Combat Veteran, this brought tears to my eyes...
  • @joseaviles8388
    Wow, just wow.  Very emotional indeed seeing myself in that formation (minute 2:42) after the years.  Thank you!!
  • @MegaAtombomb
    This is one of the coolest things i have seen in my 15 yrs of service, my father is a vietnam vet and when i see these guys being honored like this i see my father. I hate to think that back when these men and women came home they were mistreated, that breaks my heart. I have served in iraq and preparing for my first deployement to afghanistan and i have witnessed the good hearted people of our country come out and welcome us home and support us. I am so happy to see this video, thank you.
  • @MienemLeben
    This is the welcome these veterans deserved 50 years ago
  • @miznana58
    Welcome home. Thank you so much. You are loved.
  • Humble respect from France America , and thanks for your help in 1945.
  • @thesarge4457
    Got very misty eyed when I saw this video, had 2 uncles who are Vietnam Veterans, 1 U.S. Army, 1 USMC (RIP), they would have love being a part of this Wonderful Ceremony. I'm a Retired US Army Vet (Medic), I would have liked saying to these Vietnam Vet's "Welcome Home" as I have told my 2 uncles. Thank You Ft. Cambell and Thank You America for recognizing them. THE SARGE
  • Those glorious bad ass mamma jammas deserved to be welcomed home after 40 years... I present led my dad, who is Vietnam Vet, a bottle of Jim Beam, and a deep embrace..... thank you fine folks
  • @emm28bee
    It was as if many of them just could hardly wait to get in that hanger. They are deserving of this and more, much more than we can give them. Thanks Vets, from the very depths of my heart!
  • @cbmays2222
    I was stationed at Ft Campbell May 1964-May 1965 in the 313th Army Security Agency BN, Co B. Glad the Vietnam Vets finally got their welcome home.
  • Regardless what war you fought, regardless what country you fought and fought for, you get my respect.
  • @aussieview124
    Thank you to the film maker. God Bless the Screaming Eagles. It is nice to be told that it is OK to feel good about doing our part. I repeat God Bless the Screaming Eagles.
  • An eternal great of gratitude is owed to every US Veteran, that must be paid by all citizens of this nation.
  • I’m sorry for the way the Vietnam vets were treated. It was wrong and I know it hurt, but I’m very thankful for those of you who fought. I can’t even imagine what y’all went through, and then to come home and be treated like that.