MUST-WATCH: Democrat goes viral calling Betsy DeVos corrupt to her face


コメント (21)
  • Ugh, that moronic grin always on her face screaming “I have no idea what I’m doing, I only got this job cuz I’m rich.”
  • Another one who needs to serve jail time after she's kicked out of office.
  • She is a horrible person. I'm so glad she will be out come January. Swweeeeeeeeeeet takedown by this chap.
  • Mr. Harder: Are you corrupt or just incompetent? Betsy: yes.
  • This woman doesn’t give a f about children or people going to school.
  • She can't answer a simple yes or no question with a yes or no. She only knows how to misdirect, which she learned from Trump.
  • And Betsy is wearing her Christianity on her sleeve. She would be one of those Jesus threw out of the temple.
  • She's offended that he would confront her with facts and real life situations.
  • I’m offended by Betsy DeVos. She got her job only because of her family’s large donation to the Republican Party. Betsy has no experience in or with public schools.
  • "Mistakes were made" The words of a politician who gets caught and deserve to go to jail !
  • Make her sell all of her assets and pay everyone back. Its real easy .
  • She has no idea what her responsibilities as education secretary are.
  • This dude is my hero. I've been wondering when people were going to stand up to her considering story after story of her screwing over students.
  • It’s called accountability and apparently she has non. Hopefully this entire clown circus will be shown the door in November!!!
  • "I don't have to sit and listen to what you just spewed out of your mouth" 1: You had to because 2: you're sitting there, literally.
  • To say she is evil is incorrect: She is the soil that evil grows in.
  • She's the Education Minister who thinks Adam and Eve existed. Forget calling her corrupt, how about calling her uneducated?
  • I swear, Betsy Devos always looks like she's perpetually asking for the manager.