This is How CAVIAR is Made !

Hey there. Do you know that a pound of red caviar is worth $50? But why is it that you'd only pay 5 bucks for a pound of herring or capelin caviar? That's ten times cheaper! It's like comparing Ford Fusion with Ferrari 488 GTB.
We all know the difference between Ford Fusion and Ferrari. But are salmon caviar and capelin caviar actually different in quality? Or maybe advertisers are just the ones fueling the hype?

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コメント (21)
  • You know I've never had caviar and never really cared to have caviar but I suddenly never want caviar now
  • Narrator: “While the eggs are GENTLY removed” Farmer: *proceeds to destroy the fish’s womb 4:20
  • “There are no predators inside the cages” right because they’re outside waiting for them to grow to the correct length 🤣🤣😢
  • Just so y’all know the caviar you eat is not the caviar that has the salmon sperm. The worker was fertilizing the fish eggs to make more salmon not to package
  • "seems sad ..huh?" "this is just the natural coarse of things." (conveyer belt sending innumerable salmon corpses down the line whilst being hacked into fillets.) LMAO
  • "The ovary is cut" - "the eggs are harvested humanely" seems like these are contradictory statements
  • “ what do you do for a living” “’s complicated”
  • "Salmon is an amazing fish...." *shows trout* "Yes, that's salmon sperm" From a brook trout?
  • This sounds like The promised Neverland they’re well taken care of until it’s time to go
  • "That's the natural course of things" No, Men just became too greedy to do this
  • @rhall001
    I keep hearing 'extract gently' but I really don't see the gentleness😂😂😂 sorry 😅
  • “I’m not sure if the fish enjoy this but they remain alive and well” as the guy molests the eggs out of the fish
  • Hey guys! I havent watched this yet but i always wanted to try caviar, it looks and sounds so good Hey guys! I never want to try caviar ever