Carl Sagan's 1994 "Lost" Lecture: The Age of Exploration


コメント (21)
  • Carl Sagan was so great that they had to introduce the guy who was going to introduce him.
  • When I started studying English on my own, some friends asked me "why? You don't know any Americans, you don't intend to travel there, why bother?" Well, here's one reason. I can watch this wonderful lecture, they can't.
  • I named my son Sagan after this great man. If everyone listened to Carl Sagan's teachings the world would be a much better place. Hopefully my son grows up in a world more like Carl envisioned.
  • Carl Sagan died far too soon, but geniuses like him never really die, they live on in those willing to listen and learning from them. We are indeed explorers of knowledge and through Carl Sagan, among others, we manage to not just understand our universe, our Earth, but also ourselves and our purpose and legacy on this planet of ours.
  • I'm about 39 minutes into watching this video and I can't help but comment--it's a damn shame Carl Sagan didn't live long enough to enjoy the discovery of thousands of extra-solar planets. We are in great need of voices of clarity such as his. He died way too young.
  • @zevy76
    I was honored to have translated the Cosmos series for the Spanish dubbing, and later on to be invited by Sagan to join his Planetary Society. He was an extraordinary human being! More than ever we need his voice and wisdom.
  • My Childhood hero who convinced me to study Science passionately. One of the great minds that walk in this little blue dot planet. Thanks Dr. Carl Sagan for everything.
  • @mikeg3660
    I tell my young adult children that Carl was/is a voice of reason in a sea of self-importance… much love to carl as a human…one of our best.
  • “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” ―Carl Sagan
  • @shipwreck9146
    Every time I watch videos of him, I'm amazed by how much he thinks about what he says before he says it. He talks slowly, but with a very high degree of precision, and a high density of information per word. It's an incredible skill.
  • @misanthrophex
    How sad are the people who don't see the incredible beauty of Carl Sagan... In just two ears he, sadly, left us. He had so much vitality still, even to the last day.
  • I met Carl Sagon as a teen & we had a great conversation, but one thing he told me stuck with me more than anything, "Question everything", Carl Sagon.
  • I was privileged to attend two lectures by Carl Sagan in Portland, Oregon. He was joined by Ann Druyan in the second one. In the Q&A for one lecture, a person asked him, "how could you see the wonders of the world and not want to know God?" Sagan immediately answered, "how could you see the wonders of the world and not want to know science?" I cried the day he died.
  • He has the mind of a scientist and the heart of a poet. I find his lectures fill me with awe and wonder, not despair and hopelessness.
  • @RobCLynch
    Carl Sagan was and still is the epitome of human brilliance. We let ourselves down so often, but every now and again, a genius like Sagan comes along.
  • @biovmr
    This may sound strange to most, but to a few it will make perfect sense. I have the original COSMOS series on my phone (downloaded YouTube videos), and I listen to it perhaps every other day as I fall asleep, or as I take my exercise walks in a local nature reserve. Doing this has helped me in my discussions with other people about many topics. It helps me stay focused, level-headed, and (more often than not) happy in dealings with other adults. Perhaps most importantly, it has given me patience to help children explore the world around them, to answer their questions in ways that promotes their thinking, and to work towards a better world I hope they inherit.
  • I love him so much. The second best starts talking, and I hear his distinct and recognizable voice, I immediately feel good. Carl Sagan is a happy place for me.
  • Everybody on the planet should watch this talk by Carl Sagan
  • I love how dead quiet the audience is when this man speaks. That’s respect!