The Most Geared Barbarian in Dark and Darker (100k Gold Kit)

Published 2024-07-27
Dark and Darker is a fantasy dungeon delving MMORPG, with a focus on looting to gear up and PVP. In this video, I spend 100,000 gold on a kit with an artifact weapon - the Echo of Screams for
Barbarian, along with froststone gear and frostlight gear.

0:00 Perks/Skills/Gear
6:21 Game 1 (Afraid)
16:39 Game 2
26:50 Game 3 (Confident)


All Comments (21)
  • Bro I was the fightdezbutz, the fighter in the first round your first swing did 80% of my hp + you out speed my sprint + first time getting hit by that named weapon I was 100% stun locked irl
  • bro blames the atention he gets to the artifact axe, bro you are glowing light blue
  • I loved when you loaded in and some dude immediately says "HOLY SHIT"
  • @slick571
    1 shotting that warlock has made my day thank you very much good sir
  • actually a bug rn where when your looking at someone thru walls up to 1.5 modules away you will get frame rate drop
  • @NNT
    hey just wanted to say, your moltov at the door thing really saved me like 10 mins ago in a game lol there was this rogue on ice abyss that tried to gank me at the top left of the map, i had to drop down and climb up the ladder on the other side of the room. he was basically guarding the only way out, and since you can't attack on a ladder, i would be at a disadvantage going back up it to the rogue. I remembered your vid and remembered that i had just 1 moltov on me, so I threw it across the room so it would (hopefully) land in between the rogue and the ladder, and it worked, and i got up the ladder and traded with him and came out ontop. thanks again for that tip
  • @manocheese
    One shots spider - “ aw, that damage feels good “ 😂
  • @sixn148
    bro actually overpayed for a mid kit
  • @bardiq4616
    I have been waiting for this video with baited breath, love your content. Keep up the good work!❤
  • @AllTheOthers
    Resourcefulness is the stat which increases interaction speed as well as skill regen, meaning those rings of survival allow him to do many things much faster including opening chests and searching the treasure pile while also increasing his skill regen for things like running away and inflicting bleed poison or crit or whatever rogues do, didn't read the rogue book.
  • @lastwayyoutube
    axe spec does scale according to the wiki: "While using axes, gain 5 Physical Buff Weapon Damage. " "Buff Weapon Damage The damage added from the perks Slayer, War Song, and Rapier Mastery. This stat is multiplied by Impact Zone Multiplier and Combo Multiplier. It essentially acts like a modification to your weapon's base damage. It is unknown if this is affected by Scaling as no weapon-sourced damage has less than 100% Scaling"
  • @Decaposaurus
    You should do a "cheapest high gear score" build. Craft a build from low priced high gear score equipment
  • @Squall598
    Due to compounding, a potion spec can land Barbarians with the most healing in the game. Combined with PDR it's very formidable.
  • @MEE7CH
    I lost it seeing a blue horseman's axe with that setup, your explanation makes total sense but that is still hilarious
  • @starch4686
    I was the cleric at at around 20 mins, the screams after you hit me had me so confused, thought my game was bugged lol
  • @dailyfb5481
    just started playing high roller the other day and had no idea how crazy the nightmare goblin mages were. I spawned in the game, started lagging a little bit and immediately got one shot by a nightmare mage
  • @nminskey
    >brings in most expensive gear in game >has to cheese warlord :(