Artists hate ourselves too much & I don't like that stop it, you are awesome

Published 2024-03-26
Oh hi, it's been a minute. Let's sit down, grab a drink, and have a little chat about how and why we hate ourselves so much LOL. But for real, artists struggle a lot with negativity. We're not as free with our work as we used to be as kids, and I want us to get it back.

I had no idea what to do for the title and thumbnail with this video idk if it's obvious lol

PewDiePie Video (drawing for 100 days):    • I Drew Every Day for 100 DAYS!  
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Note that some might not be the highest quality brand, sometimes I like cheap stuff just to be rough with it.

*Crayola Markers:
*Strathmore Sketchbook:
*Strathmore Mixed Media:
*Micron ink pens:
*Copic Markers:
*Clearpoint mechanical pencils:
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All Comments (9)
  • @sambeawesome
    Whenever you hear a plane or helicopter, know that somewhere nearby, someone is recording a YT video. It's just how it works, I don't make the rules. Anyway, happy Tuesday! Or whatever day you're watching this. Be good to yourself :)
  • @KoalaTulip47
    That's why I ultimately make art for me and about what I like. If it's not fun, why bother? Granted I do also want to improve my art to better realize my artistic visions, but still it's good to have fun.
  • @_Nanalae
    I used to get compared to others art and feel bad about what I post. So I stopped. And I enjoy art again. Every now and then I feel like wanting to post online again just to interact with others, but I feel too lazy to do it and low key scared. But at least I enjoy what I create and appreciate others work more positively instead of feeling jealous.
  • @sirgogetter
    I'm tempted to go into a longer comment about this subject, but something you said towards the end of this video resonated with me and I'm eager to do it now. I've been agonizing a bit over a piece I'm struggling to finish, and I want to take a few moments to just... enjoy it. Even in its incompleteness, its imperfections, and the reality that it's not going to be all I wish it to be, I'm just going to try to appreciate it for that fact that it exists - for the fact that my efforts are the reason it exists. There is something important and instructive about this, and I want to better make sense of it. My opinions about the rest of the video can wait. Well, I'm off. Great video and see you around!
  • @Rohvannyn
    Thank you- I really needed to hear this today. By the way, I love this video format.
  • @ninahahart5879
    Saaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmm! First thing first: First! lol Second thing: I think I'm not uncovering anything new when I say that I did felt like that and sometimes still do. Some days are not my art days and I'd rather sit and play Sims instead of doing art. On topic of not accepting compliments: I think self-deprecating humour also goes hand-in hand with it. It's that notion that you are trashy and you wear it as a badge and you know it and you cannot be hurt by mean words but it is mostly a "fake it till you make it" and a failed attempt at getting confidence boost and the negativity you applied to yourself just stuck. I will repeat what my favourite youtuber said to me once I appeared on his stream with my previous YT name of "Nina the trashy artist" (in an attempt to let go of NinaHah nick). He said: "Hi, Nina the artist. I refuse to read the rest of your nick cause I don't believe you are trashy and you should respect yourself more." I changed my YT name to NinaHah Art right away kinda in shame but kinda in truth. There was a time when self-hatred was "cool" which wasn't healthy at all. Also on topic of scribbling or destroying art: I am so guilty of that. I drew a story since I was 5 to when I was 10. Redrew it and rewrote it hundreds of times. It was Looney Tunes x Tom and Jerry x every cartoon I ever watched x fanon OCs (before I knew what fandom meant). I call it now the most ambitious crossover before Endgame lol. Some chapters were word-for-word plot of other cartoons, some were really bizarre and creepy. But after some time I was so ashamed of what I drew and I refused to show it to anyone and I dreaded to look at it even myself that one day I ripped and threw away. 2 huge A4 folders of markers, crayons and printer paper. I was so happy when I found one piece with these characters from that time among other papers. A piece of who I was as an artist and character designer. I am now all for archiving everything. I grief over lost photos I took with my first camera, unrecoverable links of my first blog with 5 viewers, lost digital files with first draft of Sims machinima I wanted to do. Cause it was my legacy however edgy and immature it was.
  • @rozarah
    Sam is bringing the love <3
  • @PumpyGT
    I haven't watched the video but Currently I hate my life and hate the way I am born, it would've been so easy if I found art fun and have the motivation to keep working towards it But there's nothing to work towards, I'm not like the others, people can learn anatomy in a concise matter but I can't, people can have fun with art and not care about being good but I CAN'T. I feel so directionless and I am left to make every decision that I don't know will be the correct one when it comes to art Fuck me for trying to express myself I guess