Israel reports intercepting a missile fired by the Houthis | DW News

Published 2024-07-21
Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen say they fired multiple missiles at Israel's resort city of Eilat. The Israeli military said it shot down a missile before it crossed into Israeli territory. One Israeli and six Yemenis have been killed in the latest burst of violence that has sparked fears of further escalation.


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#Yemen #Israel #Houthis

All Comments (21)
  • @jeffwanjohi2299
    If the houthis send a huge response the Israel will send "a huge huge huge response too."
  • @alcab4855
    Why are people doing humanitarian for Yemen when they’re firing on cargo ships?
  • @tieuphong1664
    Imagine Israel sending all these cheap drones to Yemen.
  • Why can't Houthi focus on their Crisis. They are in no position to screw around, their people are dying of hunger but they have to enter a war that has nothing to do with them.
  • @urii11
    Режиссёры с Газы приехали видео снимать 😂😂
  • It’s proportional: the more you fool around, the more you find out.
  • Gazans celebrated for a few hours then found out. Yemen taking the same path is lack of wisdom
  • @gunaborman1699
    They flew a 1000 dollar drone into Isreal and ended up losing 2-3 billion dollars worth port and oil reserve ? That doesn't sounds like a win to me.
  • @johnmahoney9354
    We refer to our "enemies as terrorists, as aggressors, & their military acts as aggression." We refer to our own aggression & repression as defence & advancement. Independent understanding & opinions created by living on either side of the "Front Line."
  • @haeretz8475
    what a terrible news speaker, this clip is so unprofessional
  • @ragnaryahuwah
    That "millitary guy" speaKing there makes me get images of one of those dolls you wine up with a key looking thing in his back. He doesn't even sound human to me. He's a toy puppet, it's a humorshow King of Israel Ragnar Yahuwah