Girl Living Off The Grid and Built Deep Hole Water Well 2022


コメント (21)
  • I am absolutely amazed at the skills this girl has been blessed with!
  • I have been a construction laborer & in that field for over 40 years. This young Lady has my utmost respect !!! I wish her the best for her future.
  • Girl props to you and the shape your in and your knowledge. I would love to have learned from you when I was young. Stay strong! 👍
  • Es una niña con conocimientos legados por sus ancestros, fuerza, tenacidad y valentía, me ha inspirado a mudarme a mi pequeño terruño en el campo, es un ejemplo a seguir para la humanidad y en especial para los jóvenes. Gracias mujer por tus enseñanzas, un abrazo, cuídate.
  • While I realize this is common procedure, I have witnessed several engulfments from construction sites around the world and would never put anyone in her situation without shoring of some sort. I consider all soil types type C and require banking and or shoring in all situations where depth exceeds 4 ft.
  • She builds a city in the same amount of time it takes me to look for my shovel🤔
  • If the end of modern/technological civilization happens, I hope I have a neighbor as resourceful as this charming lady!
  • She does everything fast. She even eats fast. She is amazing. Who ever trained her trained her well. Seen her in other videos. Just amazing. 🎉🥰🎉
  • This young lady has stolen my heart. Never have I seen so much energy and enthusiasm on one young person. She is a jewel. And she is gorgeous.
  • @ecrusch
    That type of soil/earth is very cooperative. Plus, she's a darn hard worker. (Man, I bet she is excellent physical condition too)
  • Thông minh mạnh mẽ sáng tạo chúc cháu nhiều niềm vui trong cuộc sống
  • My next wife must pass this characters survival ability test. Guess Ill be alone for a long time😔
  • This young woman takes living off the bush to an entirely other level. She shows us what can be achieved with a lot of hard work using very little by way of modern tools and materials. She is an absolute human dynamo. Greetings from Down Under.
  • The difference between this woman and the other survivalists I've seen is that she treats this like an art. The passion, the perfection, this is someone who cares deeply about what they're doing. Absolutely love this channel so far, instant sub lol so fantastic, so beautiful, I envy all these skills, absolutely amazing.
  • @tbakesify
    I easily could do this! ...After 37 trips to Home Depot, thousands of dollars in new tools and about 5 years. This girl is incredible!
  • What a person bringing joy and happiness to So many people God bless you
  • I find it very bizarre that mixing yellow dirt with dark brown dirt from an ant hill results in something that looks exactly like pale gray cement. Maybe because it actually is concrete.