The Lives of Jews in the Kovno (Kaunas) Ghetto

Short video describing the establishment of the Kovno Ghetto, Lithuania, and the lives of Jews inside during the Holocaust period.

コメント (21)
  • It is deeply troubling what the Jews had to go through in Kovno. Everyone can learn a lot about their suffering in this video! Thanks a lot!
  • I hope that this crime against the Jews will never be forgotten. So many people died for the ideas of a few. May all victims that died during the holocaust and World War II rest in peace.
  • Yad Vashem Foundation, good morning! Congratulations on your exceptional work in preserving the memory of the Holocaust. This work has to last, so that such an atrocity never happens again. I ASK YOU TO TRANSLATE THE VIDEOS SO THAT MORE PEOPLE CAN APPRECIATE YOUR WORK IN MEMORY OF FUTURE GENERATIONS. TRANSLATE AT LEAST IN SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE! GOD BLESS YOU!
  • As a lithuanian, i cant comprehend what lithuanian coloborators have done. I feel deep shame. Sorry for everything
  • @rebecakomm
    Abram Sielecki, my great-grandfather, and Marek Sielecki, granduncle, were in the Kovno Ghetto. Mr. Dov Levin exchanged letters with my grandmother, Hanna Sielecka, in 2001. He told her that my granduncle was his friend in the Kono ghetto, and that her father worked as the manager of the Wäsherei (laundry). As far as he knew, both perished during the liquidation of the ghetto.
  • Most-of my Bubbe’s family was murdered by Einsatzgruppen at the Ninth Fort massacres. Of those who remained in the Kovno ghetto, all but four family members remained in the Kovno ghetto. Of those, two later died in the ghetto. Only my Bubbe and one brother survived the war. There were fourteen children in immediate family, and over-seventy extended family, all murdered or starved to death. #NEVERAGAIN!
  • Shame on those who collaborated with the murderers of the Kaunas Jews.
  • Them numbers and how they declined in such a huge way is so heartbreaking. May those who perished RIP.
  • Никогда не забудем жертв холокоста ни в Каунасе, ни в Минске, ни в Варшаве… Помним! Я родилась в Каунасе…
  • @vytuliss
    Very good historical film. Only one fact - Kaunas was occupied the second time by the Soviet army on 1st, August 1944, not liberated. Later many Jews were deported to Siberia and Gulag system labor camps...
  • This is such a tragic thing to happen. Even for germany it was tragic also.
  • @peace-now
    Lithuania has blood on its hands. Kaunas was the most vicious pogrom. Every time I meet a Lithuanian, I think of Kaunas. Sorry. I know the young people are not responsible for what happened 80 years ago. Never forget!
  • This could happen again, T(is is what we must support Israel, Some countries today are saying that Israel has nor it to exist,,
  • Watch how history is repeating. The Jews are God's chosen people. When will humanity learn?