Narcissists Are 100% Done With You Forever After They Do This | NPD | Narcissism | BehindTheScience

Publicado 2023-05-11
Narcissists Are 100% Done With You Forever After They Do This | NPD | Narcissism | Behind The Science


If you've ever been in a toxic relationship, you know firsthand just how draining and soul-crushing it can be. The aftermath can leave you feeling like you've been knocked down and struggling to catch your breath. But here's the thing: you're not alone.

When you finally make the courageous decision to cut ties with your narcissistic partner and initiate a period of no contact, get ready for some intense reactions from them. Narcissists have a way of ramping up their toxic behavior when they feel their control slipping away. Brace yourself, because things might get even more complicated.


If you're attracted to this video, chances are, you might be going through a tough time with someone who is controlling and manipulative. You might feel lost and confused, unable to trust your own thoughts and feelings. We are here to support you.


👉 Survive & Find Calm After Chaos :

👉 Narcissism101: Early Warning Signs, Escaping the Trap, and Rebuilding Your Life :

👉 The Self-Love Handbook :

I understand how painful it can be, which is why I want to offer you a free course called "From Chaos to Calm," to help you cope with these difficult situations. This book is designed to provide you with the basic shielding technique that will help you avoid falling into the trap of negative people such as narcissists and emotional vampires. If you're in need of this course, don't hesitate to download them.

And if you're struggling to heal after a toxic relationship, our sponsor has a team of experts to help you navigate the journey toward healthy, fulfilling relationships. Get personalized support and advice from certified professionals.

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Narcissistic Personality Diso

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @hankhill3417
    If someone can fall asleep right after hurting you…. That’s the sign
  • @caralee2617
    In the beginning - It's like finding the most sincere kindest person in the whole wide world. They are nice and gentle. They are affectionate. They will cuddle you and hold you. A couple months in you will notice that they seem to lack in the intimacy department but you will dismiss that to shyness. They will mimic/mirror your style of communication & you the entire time (which goes unnoticed until they become distant with you & use new words). I learned that If you express intimate emotions they will say “I feel the same way for you too or I would do the same thing for you or I love you just as much or I'm glad to hear that.” Which feels insincere and robotic. However you might dismiss that to shyness or inexperience expressing feelings (even tho they could be gorgeous & clearly experienced with women). They will never voluntarily just express their love for you in their own words and say how much they love or miss you. Very rarely will you get an “I miss you" or ” love you" for no reason at all. You will wonder why? Like do they have any feelings? So, you find yourself working harder to make them feel more safe & more loved in hope's that they provide that love back to you. It's easy to dismiss them withholding as a lack of trust or insecurity because they seem so nice. You will look for logic in behaviors and with Coverts there is never any logic which will lead your further down a rabbit hole creating confusion. In time you will start to doubt your own perception of what you see and lack the clarity to see the abuse. You will have more anxiety, lack inner peace & feel tired. Your physical appearance might change where you either gain or lose weight. You struggle to keep yourself at peace. Its exhausting. By now, you have became an expert at everything they like. You take on all the chores and make their life as easy as possible. You feel isolated too b/c they kept you “away". You feel so confused b/c you worked so hard to break down their walls in hopes of a more consistent close bond with them. One day they seem really into you and the next they withhold affection. It's hard trying to figure out what is wrong. The more you vocalize your feelings the more they encourage you with their words that everything is ok. You certainly don't feel “ok" but you make peace with it the best you can and start “withholding” your feelings too b/c they have made you feel like your “too" sensitive and it's too much! Most of the time it will feel like they are present in the flesh but nothing else is going on inside them. Even after all this time you've been together you still feel like you don't really know them. If you happened to gain the courage at a later time to ask more questions as to why things still feel off they will say your being insecure & that they aren't cheating and make you feel like you have issues. If you cry they will watch tv, stare at their phone or even continue to eat dinner. They won't ever give you all their undivided attention & acknowledge your pain. Which makes you more confused bc their actions doesn't match their words. They won't look at you while you cry, they seem like it causes them shame to see you cry. At times you might feel like your having to teach them about feelings as if they were a child. You will wonder why their emotional intelligence seems very immature/off. Everything they have is something you also don't have access too. Their family, phone, friends, bank accounts, pay stubs, credit card statements, and etc. You will start off feeling like they are very private or insecure & years in it now feels like they are super secretive b/c it makes no sense for them to still be so private. They promise things that they don't see through or conveniently feel bad or forget everything that is important to you. They will isolate you and hide their relationship with you. When you express that something about what they are doing isn't right then they act like they lack understanding and that they do nothing to hurt you. You will always be explaining everything and wondering why they just don't get it! They will even use apologies as a form of manipulation. (lack of empathy and no change to their behavior). You will always feel like you need to phone a friend to ask if your situation is normal because this person will give you $200 to pamper yourself but won't invite you to Christmas dinners or let you have access to their phone. They will leave/abandon/ghost you to say they are sleeping at a relative's house then on their way home they will offer to bring you breakfast or something from the store. Even their giving is a form of manipulation. They want to distract you with gifts to keep you off balanced from the emotional abuse they are putting you through. When you ask them why they didn't come home they will say they felt like you didn't want them around or etc. You will spend the entire relationship wondering how someone who seems like such a nice person can be so emotionally cold. Moreover, People wonder why they end up hurt, seriously hurt, and even killed for their own actions. Cheating is a choice and there’s simply a lot of ignorance in the process.... Thank you so much for helping me out Barryinvestigation@gmail. com. Your advice and services helped me so much. You are a lifesaver !!! The information you gave me about my cheating partner when you gave me access to his phone was everything I needed to get,.. thank you very much..
  • @carolb3869
    Being involved with a narcissist can be extremely dangerous!
  • @fizzy3132
    Rather be broken for a year than to suffer for the rest of my life
  • @user-kz4ji3yo1x
    It is horrible to be fooled by a narcissist, but it really highlighted how much work I need to do on myself to not let others determine my happiness, or how I should feel about myself. Self love is the answer
  • Narcissists are never done with getting supply from anyone. When they lose their other supply they will come back around.
  • When you get free of a narcissist it is time to party and love a great life forward
  • @artluvr6170
    So true. People with personal attachment issues can easily fall into relationships with narcissists.
  • @joeboxter3635
    No! A narcissist is never done with you. They are still bad mouthing you. They may even act nonchalant like they have done nothing wrong, but they will instinctively scheme and act on any stray opportunity. They will attack the very first opportunity you give or they can get. So they are counting on you to be foolish enough to think they've moved on.
  • @salisiharmony
    My ex covert narcissist tried to kill me. They are extremely dangerous.
  • @jeffvaljean6030
    The sad thing is there are so many out there now but once youve been bitten and you become aware life will never be the same again spotting them becomes so easy and they are growing in number
  • @forensik5081
    My mother was probably the worst covert narcissist ever I am 33 years old still trying to recover from the trauma.
  • I've been in a relationship for 25 years. The mirroring stopped 17 years ago. But, I thought...relationships require work, I'm going to work on this. But after trying my very best I have been insulted, hit, screamed at, ignored, etc. There is not love left. There is no trust left. Yet we still live together. It's horrible. When I finally extricate myself from this situation there will be no more romantic relationships for me. I am done. I've been kind of destroyed.
  • @TerriLynch
    Yeah sometimes you don't see it till it's too late. This is very true and on point.
  • @bradwilliams4919
    This is exactly my wife! Uncaring and distant. Controlling and extremely jealous. Kept me from my family. She was having an affair with one guy, then another. Very disrespectful!! Constantly lying.
    I got mirrored big time. She used to call herself a chameleon, and I had no idea that she was spelling out her disorder. And it's also sad.
  • One thing I have learned about narcissist, don't ever ever expose them. I did and now I have a smear campaign on the net forever.