The Genius of Quake (and the Stupidity of Nightmare)

I love rocket jumping raHHHH


Background music is from OSRS or Quake lol
Special thanks to Cojack and Biodegradable for feedback and video help

コメント (21)
  • @karpai5427
    It is so nice that ID added a yellow armor to Quake. Without it, I would not be able to find my way through the levels.
  • @iroxudont
    Getting music to work on quake is a such a fucking arcane knowledge.
  • It's difficult to relate to a new player discovering Quake since I've been playing it for 20+ years now. When I say nightmare is too easy it's probably for different reasons than when a new player says nightmare is too easy. You kind of have to look at a game's design from within the context of the time it was made. Back then mouse look wasn't standard and most people had to get used to this new way of playing. Moreover, 3d accelerators were expensive and weren't widely adopted yet. The ones that were available were finicky and difficult to use. Frame rates were very rarely high let alone consistent. It is clear nightmare difficulty was more of an afterthought, but I expect that's because id thought the game was already difficult enough. Like with Doom, nightmare was seen as a bonus extra for people who really, really liked the game and wanted to keep playing after finishing the campaign. It was never meant to be a main selling point.
  • @st4ri.
    i've lived 10 lifetimes in between your posts blunderly
  • On the subject of source ports, I'd highly recommend giving Ironwail a shot. It's a fork of Quakespasm, but adds a couple of extra features, like a new fullscreen hud, performance improvements in heavy custom maps, and a video mode that simulates the look of the original software renderer, with adjustable intensity. Anyway, it's always nice to find a fellow Quake enthusiast! To this day, its one of the best-feeling shooters I've ever played. I can't tell you how many times I've ran through the first episode.
  • When i play doom I feel the demons are trapped in hell with me With quake i feel like wimpy cat trapped in cage with a horde of dogs with rabbies
  • @IzunaSlap
    Shub Niggurath makes Doom 2 Icon of Sin look like Ocarina of Time Ganon in comparison
  • To clarify about nightmare: - The original version made enemies do ranged attacks more frequently. It also makes vore projectiles move faster, all enemies flinch less frequently, and each shambler lightning blast last longer (which equates to 10 extra damage). - The Copper mod used to make nightmare the same as hard but with base hp lowered to 50, but version 1.30 scraps that in favour of an individual buff for each monster that suits its role - I assume this is what you meant by "smarter instead of faster", but I wouldn't say it's entirely accurate. Some enemies still shoot faster without being as exploitable, some move faster, and others have more specific changes. The mod also improves enemy AI in small ways across all difficulties. The current version of Copper is my favourite iteration of nightmare (and Quake's base feature set in general) by far. - The 2021 rerelease has the 50hp cap that Copper used to have, as well as the faster vore projectiles and reduced flinch frequency from the original version.
  • I never found it as nervraking since the enemies don't respawn like in doom.
  • @JakZie
    3:27 Shamblers have damage resistance against explosives. it's nearly always better to shoot them with thunderbolt/nails/shells, with only exceptions when you have quad or literally nothing else to throw at them
  • Quake is a really enjoyable, simple, fast paced game. Doom might be better in several ways but Quake's simplicity is very charming. It also has some of the best rocket jumping in all of gaming history despite coming out almost 30 years ago. The only game "mechanic" left unexplained in-game are Shamblers taking less damage from rockets, just like Cygerdemons in Doom.
  • @somnvm37
    one thing that I love about the quake shotgun is that it has a rhythm, how often do you shoot, strafe, and then shoot again esp with the hellknight [i think it may just be the best enemy in the game btw, also ogre], and when you're too tired of it you can whipe out the nailgun or the perfarator [yes that's the name for the objectively better nailgun] and quickly kill the enemy, you do think of how the projectiles work though.
  • Of course there's always the hot take that Doom Eternal is the real Quake 6, but for marketing. I suppose that's more an indication of the likelihood of a proper Quake followup than anything.
  • Ironwail sourceport man, the easiest way to play quake
  • @Schraiber
    Omg I've never felt so seen. It's like you read my thoughts and put them into actual words about why I prefer Quake to Doom.