Bhagavad Gita: A Message To Modern Man - Alan watts

Speech extract from " Hindu Mythology Essential Teachings of the Gita" by Alan Watts, courtesy of

Alan Watts. In this video, offers his unique interpretation of the ancient Hindu text, Bhagavad Gita.He provides insightful commentary on these teachings while offering practical advice for applying them to our modern lives. Whether you're new to Eastern philosophy or a seasoned practitioner, this video will leave you feeling inspired and enlightened.

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The story goes like :
Krishna explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and Prince and elaborates on different Yogic and Vedantic philosophies, with examples and analogies.This has led to the Gita often being described as a concise guide to Hindu philosophy and also as a practical, self-contained guide to life. During the discourse, Krishna reveals his identity as the Supreme Being Himself , blessing Arjuna with an awe-inspiring glimpse of His divine universal form.

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#AlanWatts #BhagavadGita #HinduPhilosophy #EasternPhilosophy
#Spirituality #Enlightenment #Wisdom
#SelfImprovement #Meditation #Mindfulness

コメント (21)
  • @blogical4320
    I read a quote from bhagvad gita that said:-Do ur duty...if u fail...don't be disheartened..start again bcz this time u will not start from 0 ...u will start with experience.
  • @miko3895
    I read this book as a teenager.. i am senior now, Still on my wonderous journey of self realization, RIP Mr. Watt's
  • ''That as water cannot rise higher then its own level. Thought cannot think what is higher than thinking'' What a trip being alive is, just WOW.
  • “Do your duty (right thing) without expectation of a reward”. The single statement from Bhagawath GIta that changed my life for the better. 🙏 to Lord Krishna for imparting the wisdom.
  • Bhagavad Gita… The book that changed the way I look at life! Thank you Sri Krishna my Lord ❤📖
  • I took solace in the Bhagvad Gita, when my dear father passed away. I had to turn Gita to gather strength and handle life for the better.
  • @Hero0fTimeSS
    A beautiful explanation. As a Hindu from India I have always felt that the western world is unable to grasp the true essence of Hinduism. This is the first time I have heard an explanation that gets it right. Thank you.
  • If only more people were open to exploring aspects of culture other than what they were born into...the world would be a more peaceful place
  • @hirenahir4377
    Its history not mythology And we Indian proud for it...
  • My mom's friend tried to get me to read it when I was a teenager, many years later John Joseph convinced me to read it and I am much better for it
  • One of the best books I have ever read. True love of human kind lives here.
  • Why do Western authors call Mahabaratha "mythology" but not the Bible? It is the old Western disrespect for non-Jewish-Christian and Islamic religions;
  • “But because he carries out his appointed place in a society in which it’s his vocation to be a warrior.” This aspect of the Gita changed my life when I realized I could apply all of Krishna’s teachings while in my vocation.
  • @skj708
    My family was very abusive towards me and i used to cry for days.i had no idea how to deal with it.i accepted everything they saud about me as it heart was broken into thousand pieces.i was wandering here and their as dried leaf. Then one day i got bhagwat geeta. I learnt that i need to fight with my family to keep living and to protect my soul from living this body.
  • @benoitpepin5779
    Im glad I was born in a temple of Sri Radha manohara in mtl , srila prabhupad with all his grace came to America and went to soon, I feel blessed to have this knowledge and try to be a better man everyday because of it , I want to break free from the reincarnation nightmare and go back to good head after this life, not sure I’ll be able to do it but I’m working hard to remember Sri krsna when the end comes ❤
  • I'm 46 and diagnosed just 2 years ago. I share many of your reflections there, had a similar journey. I trained as a teacher, failed a placement for not being involved enough with the 'corporate life of the school', I avoided the big social things. Other reason I failed is tha5 they said I was too formal and office like. They failed me for my autism.
  • The Raamaayana and the Mahaabhaaratha are “ITHIHAASA”-s. They are not Myths They are nearer to being Epics, but not wholly Epics. The difference lies in the reasons for which an Epic and an Ithihaasa were composed. A dictionary describes an Epic as “ a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the past history of a nation.” Like the Illiad, Odyssey, Aeneid, Kalevala, Popol Vuh, they are beautiful story telling of the ancient past in brilliant poetry. But both the Raamaayana and the MahaaBhaaratha are more than just superbly told stories. They are composed to serve as guides to lift the individual human and the communities of humans to higher levels of existence, in thought, speech, and action. Sri Raama is the perfect Man. Shri Seetha Dhevi is the perfect woman. To be like them is what we as ordinary people need to aspire for. The Mahaabhaaratha shows us Human Society as it is, and the individual’s place in it. Every one of us has all the characters of the Mahaabhaaratha within us, interacting, battling, cooperating, with each other. As I sit here, I can see the Mahabharatha being played out inside me, and my continuous struggle to balance between the Right and the Convenient. While at the same time Sri Raama and Seetha are our beacons.
  • @mohanhegde
    "That so long as our conduct is motivated by fear on the one hand, or by desire on the other, we are incapable of performing a truly moral action. Only those actions are truly moral, which are unmotivated." So many quotes full of such wisdom and eternal truth 🙏🙏🙏