I Did LOOKSMAXXING Everyday for 30 Days

Published 2023-11-18

All Comments (21)
  • @AdamSmithhimself
    You can spend all your time looking for different little techniques to increase your looks, but at the end of the day losing weight (diet and exercise) and great skincare is the best long-term option.
  • @JonasWeather
    Staying hydrated is key to looking your best as well
  • @iamtbee
    My dad was obsessed with carrot juice for awhile and literally turned orange, like an Oompa Loompa…. He looked hilarious lol
  • @madeonearth3429
    Man this channel always takes a good healthy take on new trends. Thanks man. Here since 2018
  • @MySUHIT
    Bro your videos should have much much more views. Spreading such good info and trying different things to find best health care stuff. Plus the hardwork you do is really under-appreciated.
  • Thank you, for all the reserve. Always great to watch your content.
  • @ENDER-4710
    You are looking super sharp after this transformation bro! Keep it because you are looking insane fr!
  • @stel1000
    My girlfriend and i had this talk about jawlines and so on, cause she is for a girl, haing a really nice defined jaw. And when i told her about mewing, she said so simply "wait, but this is where the tongue coes natually, there is no other place that the tongue can even fit normwlly in the mouth". So guys as you can understand, she has been, without knowining it, mewing all her life. I was shocked, and this made me follow mewing.
  • @Funzelwicht
    I LOVE your ironic videos (while still giving valuable information)! Great job!
  • @SeyaDiakite7
    You are a great part of my saturdays. Thank you for existing pal
  • @sunfrr
    Hey man, you look great, I wanted to remind you that you look like a top 0.1% man imo. Keep the good work, ur videos are so creative and I love them!
  • @NikaCox-wg3bc
    I saw great improvements. You're looking even more attractive now than before. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing.
  • @rueentur
    the guy is literally human Shrek
  • Wow, the hair really made quite a difference. It’s a nice cut! Great job mate 💪
  • @Y45HV1N
    Lucas, you really really should consider doing a longer challenge (for any of the challenges you usually do). I really think that the transformation is not linear in time, it's much slower for the first month, but there could be much more significant changes over the second and third month (assuming the consistency stays the same).
  • You teeter on the boundary of sincere monologue versus dry wit sarcasm that few people understand. Well done.
  • @tomatovamp
    I think the biggest change was indeed "the vibe". In the before you look anxious and after you look calm and even content. The other big change was the improved head posture. And I kid you not I didn't think that mewing helps, but I can clearly see the rearrangements that it did to your face in only 30 days 🤯
  • @reddingblood1467
    I've just been getting into looksmaxxing and have been watching you for years, pleasant surprise to see you post a video about it! Thx man, keep up the good work!
  • @owyn636
    Hey lucas! big fan here, i hope you're seeing this. my friends and i love your fake weights series a lot, we love all the characters that you played in especially russel haha. we were a bit sad to find out that your last uploaded skit was from a year ago. i'm hoping you can give updates whether or not you have plans for upcoming skit episodes! much love brother.
  • @frankelenable
    As usual, very interesting video! Looking forward for your video on vagal nerve stimulation devices.