Violence against women and girls as big a threat as terrorism warn police

Published 2024-07-23
Violence against women and girls is a 'national emergency' that's as big a threat as terrorism police have warned.

The National Police Chiefs' Council says two million women in England and Wales - 1 in 12 - will be victims of violence every year.

Top officers say it's an epidemic which is getting worse.

We’ve been given exclusive access to a unique project run by Essex Police, which aims to break the cycle of domestic abuse by working with offenders and offering them the help they need to change.
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All Comments (21)
  • @riverdeep399
    No, women don't report it. They are shoved out the door, told to buy a camera and document it. Even when you have a restraining order, the police are reluctant to turn out and then refuse to remand them. The literally give the offender permission to carry on. When my life was openly threatened in court and the police had to tell me, nothing was done. No extra locks, nothing.
  • @JodieTarot
    Man or woman, I think they should be tattooed to warn future partners! No abusive relationship starts out abusive.
  • @MeColinYouWho
    I think telling women they can't have their own sports or, changing rooms or, toilets does not help with the rights and standing of women.
  • @xandervk2371
    The police only forgot to mention that the problem is also caused by them.
  • @jadepixie2719
    I can completely relate to this, my Mom is domestic abuse survivor and domestic violence or stalking is still not taken seriously enough and so on.
  • @dmo8895
    Social media and dating apps mixed with economic deprivation, drugs and, to some extent mysoginistic music culture, is to blame imo.
  • @riverdeep399
    Useless. I was abused by my partner and left. I asked them about Sarahs Law,as I was concerned about daughter and wanted to know about his criminal history, it was useless. They told me they didn't know about and never offered to help or look in to it. I was stalked and then blamed. I left! I get police are fed up of being unable to help women leave sooner, but ffs, when you do what you can and are still seen as a burden, whats left?
  • When this crime gets reported the police don’t listen and the abuser gets to walk free ! If there’s no evidence which the abuser makes sure of cps won’t do anything and the victim suffers very sad 😢
  • It is a very real near invisible part of society. An abuse practiced by seriously psychologically damaged men looking to make women the scapegoat in their lives. The hate is endemic.
  • @gnasher688
    It’s ingrained in one society/community in particular but NONE of the UK media channels will state the facts about it
  • @paulclive3626
    More 'laws' then eh?? - because criminals will stop with new 'laws'...
  • @Nattiie
    I can’t even begin to say how many women I know and how many of my own stories of this I have that will never see the light of day because how normalised it has become in the society to downgrade women it’s absolutely devastating we’re literally in the medieval but it has became EASIER to abuse and get away with it. Men are protected.
  • @titteryenot4524
    This is, in part, linked to the way boys as young as 7/8 are regularly accessing hardcore porn depicting terrible objectification of women purely for men’s sexual gratification. A whole generation has been brought up on this stuff, linked to when everyone got a smartphone about 20 years ago. It’s not the only factor, to be sure, but it’s a big factor. Back in the day, the only porn available to us as boys were the used, sticky copies of Razzle or Fiesta you’d find in the bushes on the way home from school.
  • @Ghostbearuk
    Can we get a per capita breakdown on race please?
  • @benjiskitts
    It's literally being imported here . So maybe that's a good place to start . Alot of these young men have no idea how to treat a woman. Look at that poor girl in Paris. Absolutely disgusting