Biggering Storyboard (Old Practice - read description)

Published 2021-05-20
Book: The Lorax 1971
Film: The Lorax 1972 & 2012
Song: Biggering - The 88 (The Lorax Demo 2012 Illumination)

Done on ibisPaint X

I definitely got inspired by Gloriadrewthis’s (Whysoanimated) Biggering Storyboard in some of the scenes. As well as “The Lorax” 2012 concept art, “The Lorax” 1972 film, and Dr. Seuss “The Lorax” 1971 book.
(I might eventually remake it)

Edit: Hello there! 1 Million views! Thank you so much!

All Comments (21)
  • @natschema
    Hello everyone! Thank you all for watching. This storyboard and everyone who watched it made an amazing impact on my life, as it was the first step into my career journey. Within the past year, I’ve been deciding whether or not to recreate it. Unfortunately with all the work stacking up and having a change of interest, I am going to set this storyboard aside and not continue it in the future. As well as leaving this Channel behind. It has been a wonderful experience and a very surreal moment for me to see so many people enjoying this video. Thank you again! Goodbye! / Adiyós! / ¡Adios!
  • @ShadyDoorags
    The Onceler gets darker and darker, with only his gloves being visible at times is a very nice callback to the original where only the Onceler's hands were shown.
  • @rainpooper7088
    I love how the final Truffula seed got stuck in his machine by mistake and him removing it to fix the error is how he obtained the environment‘s last hope. That was a legitimately powerful moment.
  • @earthsteward70
    I still can't believe they made a pink Floyd song for this film
  • @elliottpak
    I love how as the song goes on, the Once-ler’s face get shown less and less until his face is completely obscured. It’s a perfect representation of how he’s becoming corrupted and how he eventually becomes a completely empty shell of his former self.
  • @vibes8930
    This wasn't cut because it was "too relentlessly dark" for kids to handle. It was cut because the company funding the production team didn't want to portray corporate business in a negative light.
  • @melovespoon
    4:03 this would've hit like a truck in the movie. The flashes between a past conflicted Oncler and an empty one telling the story, and the disappointed Lorax mixing with a terrified child listening to what happened. It would've stuck out and that's what illumination was afraid of.
  • @Ahmadabdal_
    I absolutely love the comment made on the original story board "Biggering is what really happened How bad can I be is what they portray in the court"
  • @Mothbean
    I fucking love how as time goes on, Onceler's face and body slowly becomes more obscured in darkness until only his green gloves are left visible. The pure-hearted man with dreams of grandeur is gone, replaced with the faceless embodiment of corporate greed that he was in the original film. Such an incredible detail.
  • @CMGThePerson
    One thing I noticed is that one newspaper says Trends 1964 while another later one says 1972: What awaits. Implying that The Once-Ler spends years tearing apart the environment for profit
  • @insanecreeper91
    I only skimmed the comments, so I don't know if anyone else has pointed out that it appears the onceler is wearing a wedding ring as he's putting on the gloves. Could be reading too far into it, but since he's alone in the story, I'm guessing its meant to show that he chose his company over love.
  • The story of the Onceler has the potential to be one of the most tragic yet captivating tales in modern animation. I hope it’s given the chance one day.
  • @sneakaboo3486
    They can’t even say this is “too dark for kids”, I showed this to my 8 year old brother and then watched the Lorax with him, and he was actually upset when Biggering didn’t show up
  • All I can think of when lessening to this song is corporations like Disney and Amazon and how they keep on biggering.
  • Noticed how the Onceler's arms are they only thing colored near the end. Very nice detail🙂
  • I love how the Onceler is shown smoking cigars. He’s becoming addicted to them as he becomes addicted to biggering.
  • @zeckma
    It's scary at 4:16, and I don't see many people mention this, that when he says, "who cares if some things are dying," his contraption cuts the tree down and lands right onto a group of animals, killing them. Not just trees and bugs die, but those animals die too. I wouldn't be surprised if humans died from this ordeal too, such as the workers or innocent people