Scatter plot and Line plot in R (using ggplot2)

In depth video looking at how to draw scatter plots and line plots in R, as well as other graphs such as bubble plots. The R file used in this video can be found here:!AjV0z-feoMBLhOMCfK2ZJeBVD1SaJA?e=ZKWJR…. The geoms used in this video, and in order of use, are:
geom_point(), geom_abline(), geom_smooth(), geom_hline(), geom_vline(), geom_jitter(), geom_violin(), and geom_line(). See the timestamps for each section below!

00:00 - Intro
00:17 - A Scatter Plot with a Trend Line (geom_point(), geom_abline() and geom_smooth())
04:13 - Adding the Trend Line Equation to the Graph
07:04 - Marking Where Trends Happen (geom_hline() and geom_vline())
10:11 - Visualing a Respone for Categorical data (geom_jitter() and geom_violin())
13:05 - Connecting the Dots (geom_point() and geom_line())
17:46 - Bubble Plot (Application of geom_point())

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