Set These BOUNDARIES To Command Respect & Deal With TOXIC PEOPLE | Evy Poumpouras

Published 2022-03-13
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On Today's Episode:

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It’s been reported that the average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, 80% are negative thoughts every day. How many negative thoughts have run through your mind so far today? It’s easy to come across critics, naysayers, and haters with opinions about what you’re doing or saying and what you should be doing better. Whether the hate is coming from someone you love and respect, or people you’ll never meet, like internet trolls and gangsters, knowing how to maintain your confidence and identity through it all is super important. Evy and Lisa are exposing all the ways you can better face the haters in your life while taking aim on your most ambitious goals today.

Questions to Ask Yourself
Can I live with NOT following my dream?
Who is this person?
Why should I listen to them?
What’s more important at this moment? My goal or my identity?


Negative Comments | Evy and Lisa react to negative comments and reviews [0:00]
Tune Out Other Opinions | Deciding against strong opinions and culture for yourself [1:52]
Stand Alone | Evy on choosing the police academy against her parent’s support [6:03]
To Listen Or Not | How to decipher if a person is worth listening to about your dream [11:05]
Cruel Hate | Tactics Evy uses to deal with people that have expressed hatred and cruelty [16:54]
Screw What They Think | Showing up in spite of the hate being thrown your way [21:15]
Goal Vs. Identity | Lisa reveals not being willing to sacrifice identity for your goals [24:03]
Coping With Critics | Evy shares how she deals with haters and critics that don’t matter [29:20]
Don’t Play Victim | Evy’s advice to not allow anyone to make you a victim [36:06]
Ditch Your Inner Critic | Evy shares a time she allowed her inner critic to play small [38:17]
When to Hear Your Inner Critic | How to discern when to listen to your inner critic [43:59]
Negative Comments II | [55:02]


“Just because somebody thinks something doesn’t mean I have to follow it.” Evy Poumpouras [8:53]

“There’s an expiration date for how long you can blame somebody else for the dreams you didn’t achieve.” Evy Poumpouras [9:47]

“I am not here to make choices to make the rest of the world happy. Do no harm, but live your life.” Evy Poumpouras [10:33]

“Just because somebody is your family member [...] that does not mean that is in harmony with who you are and your value system, and it does not mean that you’re supposed to listen” Evy Poumpouras [15:03]

“At the end of the day, if I betray who I am, who I feel like I want to show up every day to be, who I try to be every day. If I betray that, why am I doing a show to empower women? I would feel like a liar…” Lisa Bilyeu [26:21]

“People self-select… so those people who have doubt, who don’t think they can, they’ve already self selected out.” Evy Poumpouras [46:26]

“Focus on where you want to go because you don’t have the bandwidth to waste it on anything else.” Evy Poumpouras [54:54]

Follow Evy Poumpouras:


All Comments (21)
  • @AmberDrysdale
    That really hit home. “Just because you see the good in people doesn’t mean they are operating on that level.”
  • @KatrinaFishman
    "there is an expiration date for how long you can blame somebody else for the dreams you didn't achieve" - PREACH!! 🙌
  • I was givem a golden nugget of advice from my grandmother while growing up and learning difficult human dynamics. She used to tell me:" Let it go. Noone has ever signed a contract that they HAVE TO like you or love you. The important thing is that you know who you are. You stay devoted to yourself." My angel❤🍀🌎🍀
  • A message for Lisa and Evie: Ladies, I'm almost 70 year old and I absolutely LOVE your conversations! Please keep on doing the good work! N. Seton Handville
  • @Luckybetta
    I was literally rolling on the floor when Evy read the mean comment with the awful grammar about her book. Evy handled it like a Greek New Yorker and I loved it! 🤣😂🤣😂
  • @angelm1112
    I always look forward to the episodes where Evy is on 😃 eagerly anticipating this discussion and knowledge sharing from two brilliant minds. Thank you ladies, in advance, for your insights and wisdom 💖
  • @sharone9230
    My life has changed for the better since finding you two! Wouldn't miss this for the world!
  • @roadstomiracles
    Evy's book "Becoming Bulletproof" actually helped me with my anxiety issues. I like that there is a part about physical safety, as well as about communication with people.
  • @just_depie
    "your gestures are offensive" "I'm Greek" Yaaaaaaaaas queen 👑 Εύη σ' αγαπάμε ♥️
  • Fuck!! How many of us stop living our dreams, being our true selves and just falling into fear and anxiety by what others say about us. To us directly, to us in a passive aggressive dig, or to others… So needed, throw this shit out there! Empower rather than disempower fucking classy ♥️🌟♥️
  • @beavis1679
    My absolute favorite moment of this episode is when Evy said “ I don’t hear a No, I hear Not Yet!” Wow 🤯 I struggle with the word No and this woke something up in my brain. Brilliant. I want this as a tattoo! I AM UNSTOPPABLE!!!
  • @charleas2839
    I can’t stop watching and rewatching these interviews. Evy is the best and the conversations you two have are always so enlightening. ❤️
  • @JRB09990
    “‘She comes across as a difficult, aggressive New Yorker’…thank you.” 💕
  • You are blessed by your father’s wisdom and strength. I was hit, kicked, verbally humiliated, sexually assaulted etc and grew up being a victim. It took years of study and practice…still learning how to live with strength. It was a tough transition.
  • There is no point in changing who you are because no matter what you do or say or wear, there will always be people who hate you! Sometimes for no specific reason. There's a quote that says: "To escape criticism: Do nothing, say nothing, be nothing." —Philistine
  • @daifukurinn
    9:50 Spot on! My parents are refugees from the Vietnam War; they grew up there during the war. In fact, my mom's house got blown up. Anyways, they came to America and had a family. When I graduated high school, I was going to join the military since I needed direction in my life and didn't know where to go. My parents were against it. Instead, I went to college the way they wanted me to, but the whole time I thought about the military. I graduated during the housing market crash and couldn't find a job, so I ended up joining anyways. Most of my family were unsupportive. I had to leave due to medical reasons less than a year later, but I'm glad I gave it a shot. Not only will a NOT spend my life wondering "what if", had I not have that experience, I wouldn't have gone back to school to become a Physical Therapist Assistant.
  • @musicsdrug
    I AM UNSTOPPABLE! My favorite takeaway is being mindful of who is in your circle. Also not taking strong opinions from people who don't have experience or knowledge in your undertaking. Hope to meet you someday :)
  • @hollis1440
    I’ve been a teacher for 21 years (single mom) and I can’t explain how much I get out of each and every one of your videos, and podcasts. Thank you!
  • Im a native new yorker and living in harlem. This was very helpful....I'm starting to make appearances on news media outlets, had a few viral videos and podcast interviews. Now the opinions are pouring in and it can be alot to swallow what people say. Learning to dismiss that inner critique and be my own ally
  • @noona514
    I don't know what those other folks' problems are but this duo has me mesmerized.