Do Spirits Talk To Each Other In Heaven?

Published 2024-01-31
What language do the souls speak? Psychic Medium Matt Fraser shares what life if like on the other side....

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All Comments (21)
  • Come to India, Matt. I know that it is labelled as a third world country but we need people like you in this place too. God bless you, Matt. Life is so much more meaningful now after listening to your videos online. Take care of yourself, Matt.❤❤❤
  • Shortly after she passed, my cousin who I was very close to, came back to me in a dream. My cousin was the kind of person that really did light up the room and she was exceptionally kind and when we used to talk, we would always spend most of the time laughing. I recall from the dream that we had quite an in depth discussion (I have forgotten exactly what she told me) and when it was time for us to part, we had a hug. I will never forget that hug because a feeling of pure light filled me and all of my worldly cares just flowed out of me, it was just amazing. I have had many "experiences" like that since childhood, but I will never forget that feeling of radiance and love of our last ever hug.❤
  • @angiemarcou6616
    I went shopping yesterday and I didn't like the tomatoes so I noticed some cherry tomatoes in the next isle . They were the sweetest and tasteful that I had ever eaten .I looked on the label to see where they were from . My husband's exact name was on the label with the same middle initials.. I was blown away . I lost my husband 9 months ago.💔
  • @mellie5899
    If you really listen pets can speak here too. When I was 9 years old I came home from school one day and my mother was gone. She was always there when I got home so I didn't know what happened. There wasn't any note and when I saw her purse I really freaked out. She NEVER went anywhere without her purse! I thought for sure she'd been kidnapped and started crying. I opened the back door thinking maybe she was in the backyard, but she wasn't there either. Then our cat came up to me, purring, and I just lost it. I wailed, "Oh, Pretty Kitty, where's mommy?" And, I swear, the cat answered me in English telepathically. She said, "At the babysitters." I heard it clear as day. Our neighbor had babysat me the night before so I ran over there and there was mom having a longer-than-expected chat. When I told her that the cat had told me where she was she said, "Well, that's very interesting because I never ever talk to that cat, but for some reason when I went out the back door she tried to get in and I said, "No, stay here, Pretty Kitty. I'm just going to the babysitter's to pay her and I'll be right back."
  • @suecone2198
    I truly pray that my husband who passed away in November is somehow still with me. We would have been married 64 years this Saturday. He was definitely the love of my life and I felt he really loved me also. I was an only child but I do have 2 sons but they live far away from me. My church people and my quilting friends have really taken great care of me. When you have been with someone that long it’s extremely hard to be alone all of a sudden. I so enjoy listening to you and i do hope that i will feel his presence in some way.
  • I must say that our pets can speak whilst being alive on earth. Animals communicate with me, sometimes it telepathic, sometimes I hear the animals voice, sometimes it's pictures and visions shown to me. I get given smells and sounds. Everyone who is in tune with their pets can pick up what their animals want and feel. My Granddad and Auntie often visit me together in spirit, they talk to one another and enjoy each others company. ❤
  • No, telepathy does not seem odd. When I was in my NDE, it was more natural than how we speak here. It’s beautiful and more a vastly more complete way to communicate on incredibly multiple levels imparting what we can’t begin to imagine here.
  • @bettiemorris720
    When my son passed away, and my husband, it became clear to me,,how they communicate to each other,,❤
  • @joycehaines2055
    I had a dream with my mom, been passed 4 yrs now, it was exceptional as we talked just like old days, we hugged in the end an I forgot what was in conversation but the hug was so majestic I could feel it for a while as if still was current.
  • Matt you're very dedicated, you're gifts are AWESOME. You bring comfort, tranquility, peace, and everyone who's scared to die, now they don't. I'm one of them. Thank you! God bless 🎉🎉🎉😊
  • @pjmiller8632
    Wow! So great his brother came through with such amazing validation. I'm sure this story may also have a benefit to someone here. Perhaps it may be a wake up call to get the help they need, and deserve for both themselves, and their loved ones. I wanted to share an incredible visitation dream I had of my Mom. She passed decades before and far too early, from cancer. In my dream, I heard someone at the front door. Hearing my Mom's voice, I ran to the door, and reached out to hug the first woman standing there. Just behind her was Mom, smiling at me. I apologized to the first lady, who I only recognized later in photos as being my Dad's younger sister, when she'd been much younger. That was how she also appeared in my dream. I then gave Mom the most huge hug! It was amazing!!! So many years had passed since she had died. I still tear up just thinking about it. It was so very real, and also just a few weeks before Christmas, 2015. My Mom didn't say anything, she just smiled. I wouldn't let her go, and I backed up into my small sitting room near the front door, not able to stop hugging her. I sat her down on my sofa, still hugging her - and I looked up at her face. She was still smiling and looking all around my little English cottage sitting room, a place she'd never been. She'd been born in England, so I can see why she'd be smiling as she looked around! My stupid clock radio alarm woke me up, and I had (happy) tears running down my face. I had gotten to hug my Mom again, just before Christmas! I tried to get back into the dream, but couldn't. I remembered clearly they'd been dressed all in black warm winter coats and hats, in a dressy style. Just a few days later (after my dream) I received a call from the local cemetery. They said my Dad's ashes had been interred (buried) that week. Sadly, Dad's third wife never let us see him. Only if she was out of town did he feel safe to invite us for a family visit. She was very jealous and controlling - and thirty years his junior. She proclaimed herself his POA while he was in the nursing home, and methodically dissolved Dad's family trust for his family and grandchildren. She also had us written out of his will, and ensured we were not informed when Dad's ashes were interred. Three years before his death, he was found left alone on his Estate with severe Alzheimer's, and covered in bruises. She was off on summer holidays to the Hamptons. This kind and complete stranger who was likely part of the gardening staff, rushed him to hospital for immediate, life saving care. Dad wouldn't make it home from the hospital again, but thankfully, he was put in a loving Care Facility by Social Services, once they learned how he'd been treated by his POA/wife. He finally had proper care for his condition, and was well loved for the last 3 years of his life by his family and remaining friends. I was with my Dad while he passed, while she apparently attended a Dog Show. She would never have told us when she planned on having his ashes interred, and knowing where he'd planned to be buried, I contacted the cemetery shortly after Dad's passing. They very kindly told me they'd most assuredly let me know when his ashes were laid to rest. Seven months afterwards - the day before my dream of Mom and my Aunt - he was laid to rest. I only full realized then why my Mom and Aunt were at my door in black dressy winter clothes. They were at Dad's graveside service, in spirit, and must have wanted me to know he'd not been laid to rest alone. It was truly amazing, and hugging my Mom again was the best gift I will ever have. Sorry this was long. : )
  • Hi ❤ your videos have even getting me through I lost my dad last October it was devastating and I think God guided me to your page
  • @piekeb5714
    Dear Matt, thank you for sharing your gift with us. My husband (for 30 years) passed away 2 years ago, after being sick for only 3 weeks. Live has been a struggle ever since, I am doing okay but it is still hard for me accept he is gone. Everything you share with us, helps me to understand that his energie is still around. And I do feel him too sometimes. If you ever come to the Netherlands, I will make sure to come to your show. I bought your books and look at all your video's and that really helps me. Thanks again Matt, keep up the good work!
  • Matt, I just saw a butterfly on the screen…that is a sign from my husband in Heaven! Beautiful! 🦋What a blessing!
  • You mean by telepathically like how we communicate in dreams , I once saw a dream that someone was talking to me about a dead friend of mine , and I remember that our lips were not moving, he was telling me that her face is white with light in the picture that I see of her because she is in heaven , as I asked him why she is so white , I tried to explain my dream to my family but they didn’t understood the part that we spoke but didn’t spoke 🙂 , now you explained it 🙏🏻
  • @user-ok1gy1wm5i
    Hi Matt thank you for all your videos they've been getting me through a lot missing my mom and Dad and my sister thay passed away a long time ago
  • @csthybeasley7050
    I'm a mommas girl whom lost her mother in 2014 I àm going to try to get into a reading online ,, 22$ is so affordable for me, I've been grieving for so long, I'm crying so hard right now, it's very hard for me to talk about, and I now just heard you talking about our pets, THANK YOU MATT i knew my dog was there he died when i was 15 im 57 now and i have 2 cats that truly saved me when i was grieving my momma i got denzell 1st then delylah and the thoughf of losing them tears my heart out so u just made my day!!!!!!!!