Crowder vs DW (angry rant)


コメント (2)
  • I disagree on one point. And I think other YouTubers have made this argument better than I have and the point is this. Neither crowder or DW are as “traditionally conservative” as I believe the audience they cater to believes they are. Both of them have slowly but steadily moved left. Not the rapid run the radical left is making but moving left nonetheless. Both of them are willing to water down traditional conservative values if it serves their financial interests. Both of them are responsible for accepting into the conservative movement people from the left that the left has decided is surplus to their requirements and/or has canceled. On the one hand they’re against being forced to use the lefts language when it comes to gender or pronouns, but are perfectly willing to accept the lefts language on marriage and parent hood when a former member of the left becomes a parent (see the reactions of Dave Rubin and his partner having children). Candace Owens prior to 2016 advocated and started a digital platform to allow people to report others for “online hate speech” to their bosses or other authorities. When people have brought this up or attempted to ask Candace directly about it they’re blocked and/or name called into submission. This drama is straight up a part of the lefts playbook. Both sides aren’t willing to enter into civil discourse, both sides are hardening their respective factions against each other, and both sides are name calling and belittling anyone who dares to disagree with their points. These are all tactics the left has used for decades. And now when money is on the line we see these “conservatives” for what they truly are, the same side of the same coin.