overwatch comps EXPLAINED

Published 2023-05-05
Don't know when or what to swap? Here's a guide explaining general playstyles in overwatch and compositions that best fit those. Drop your questions down below and i'll try to answer them!

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All Comments (21)
  • @yeatle
    "erm... actually 🤓☝"
  • @skinnysnorlax1876
    "Resurrect, so they have another chance to lose the duel." Subtle savagery is the best kind
  • @tiggle5485
    “You have the ability to connect the dots” picks reaper for poke
  • @baroncosmos6545
    For those wondering, Illari is totally a poke hero because of her deece range and easy-peasy heals.
  • @samu9946
    This video is actually insane. I play all roles and sometimes I don't understand why the team just isn't working but now I have an idea how to adapt depending on what the team is. I guess I'm a dive and brawl player hahaha
  • @dkrdTV
    9:02 Y: you know what else starts with D? me: deez- Y: DIVE! me: Oh...
  • @laser_fps
    If 80% of the playerbase watched this and understood it, the average level of play in comp would jump 30% or more. Crazy how much composition determines a winning team in ranked Thanks as always yeatle :)
  • @ChimpKassi
    I swear I would be bronze if it wasn’t for yeatle
  • @blakewilkinson8911
    Never thought I'd see footage of Yeatle playing Brig. Made a big sacrifice for the educational content.
  • @tired_void9860
    I love the line "So they have another chance to lose the duel" so true in the metal ranks
  • @milktoast9140
    I just want to take a moment to appreciate how good this b-roll is. Like hot damn, these are all some nice clips
  • @jeffwang2216
    隱約察覺到了這三種破局方式相當有效,但因爲從來都是打路人局見招拆招 “if I can not connect the dots, I switch” is my play style,還從沒思考過具體的組合 視頻總結得超贊
  • @jimothygoldfish
    Hell yeah , covering support compositions first! Hoping and praying to see less Lifeweaver and Mercy combos that will NEVER swap off.
  • @crowsader9943
    Brig to me is more of variation comp hero, for example in traditional dive brig is normally not a great pick but if your team is running a deep dive variation (ball, sombra, tracer) brig is pretty good for protecting the other support. and in a standard brawl comp brig isn't great but if you are running a junkerqueen variation she is a pretty strong pick since she is good at keeping junkerqueen up..
  • @sanddollar500
    Thank you so much for this video, you're the GOAT 🙏🏼 I've been trying to understand compositions more in depth recently but haven't been able to find anything really talking about comps. You explained everything so clearly, amazing video 💛
  • @livelaughsol7066
    As a brig main who talks to other brig mains, she is either called an aggressive brawl hero or a defensive poke hero and it's really situational, very dependent on who your other support is. However, it's probably likely you want to be defensive with her, since she doesn't have as much survivability as people think.
  • @electronicsoap4686
    Some notes (Best playstyle first) 𝗦𝗨𝗣𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗦 Zen = Poke HarmonyDives/DiscordEnemies When Diving Baptiste = Poke Brawl Mercy = Poke Dive Moira = Brawl Dive Lucio = Brawl Dive Ana = Brawl Poke NanoDives Brig = Brawl ⇄ Poke (Ult Diving maybe) Kiriko = Dive Brawl Lifeweaver = Dive Brawl __________________________ 𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗞𝗦 DVA = Dive Brawl Winston = Dive Brawl Doomfist = Dive Brawl Wrecking Ball = Dive Poke Junker = Brawl Dive Rein = Brawl Dive Orisa = Brawl Dive Poke Zaria = Brawl BubbleDives ?Poke? Roadhoag = Brawl Poke Rammatra = Poke Brawl Sigma = Poke Brawl
  • @IchigoTheQuincy
    Bro ur humor in these videos makes it so easy to watch and get good tips about the new meta while enjoying 😂😂 I can’t believe I havnt found u sooner