The Ultimate Overwatch 2 Brigitte Guide

Published 2023-02-24

All Comments (21)
  • Cannot tell you how helpful this video was for me. I have always struggled to pick Brig because I assumed that you had to constantly be brawling to make her work. Just focusing on inspire uptime and staying alive helped me win 16/20 games with her this weekend - climbing from Gold 2 all the way up to Diamond 5. Huge thanks my dude!!
  • @myseglis
    I actually really like the gameplay with live commentary in those guides, it's educational and demonstrates very well the concepts explained before
  • The extra 25 burst heal really feels like it pushed brig from a neutral/bad pick to situationally strong. When every other support would die she lives with huge heal over time.
  • @Toupan
    Even as a veteran player who gets what brig's job is there's a crazy amount of good info. love how you showed exactly what mistakes on brig look like
  • @Wags2
    He never mentioned that shield bash knocks back a very small amount. So if ball is rolling through you can actually stop his momentum with shield bash as well.
  • @Goldenracer2
    I’ve always loved Brig because she’s just so much fun, but found myself never picking her because I felt useless, this guide was huge and completely changed the way I play her and can feel confident maining her again
  • @kazgill9670
    this is actually a very elite educational guide. probably the best one anyone has put up on any hero haha makes me want to main brig
  • @iyxon
    Quick note! After JOATS meta, Brig's inspire was nerfed to 5s duration. Otherwise, great guide for Brig newbies. I'm GM3 rn, mainly playing her, and it's crazy how many people don't know how to play her considering how strong she is.
  • Appreciate this. Positioning with Brig is something I struggle with and the explanation of the goal with Brig made that clear for me. I like that you went into a game as well to really put those principles into action.
  • This was an awesome guide, thank you for this! Also, did anyone else see Doomfist’s body flailing through the air at 12:04 LOL
  • @dash4800
    I think if they showed the radius of the inspire to other players like they do Lucio then people would understand where they needed to play and Brig would be a better pick. Also put how many people are in your radius like it does Lucio I just started playing her a bit and was shocked at how much healing I was doing in the first few games. But it really depends on the team comp and them understanding what Brig does.
  • @wusaint
    Nice to see someone other than Shift giving Brig some love. With that said his guide is like the Bible for her.
  • This is SO well done. I feel like I learned so much more from this than anything else. Thank you so much!
  • @PraizeJashin
    thank you so much Samito for the guide been struggling learning proper positioning with Brig (too much frontlining) but this helped tremendously
  • @ydg9432
    This is easily one of the best guides I've watched. Watching people put into practice the things they're talking about is so simple and effective yet it's not done so frequently. Thank you!
  • @Shivaziv
    One of the best guides I saw, explaining everything in details, showing the usage in live combat and explaining on the way... wow it helped me so much! Hope to see more of this content.
  • Amazing in game commentary. Def gonna take advantage of your tips! Thank you so much! My friends told me to watch you and I love the way every thought and action has purpose when you play her.
  • @geminimaxxim
    Great, simple guide. Brig's a lot of fun for me, and sometimes it's hard not to get tempted into playing aggro. These tips are super helpful