Labour leadership debate | Channel 4 News

All four candidates for the Labour leadership – Jeremy Corbyn, Andy Burnham, Liz Kendall and Yvette Cooper – debate the key issues.

Hosted by Channel 4 News’ Krishnan Guru-Murthy.

コメント (21)
  • @amjid300
    Kendall is a lightweight. Burnham is a flip flopper. Cooper has been bland for most of the campaign. Corbyn is the only one who has been consistent throughout and has my vote.
  • 38:20 "you can't just print money" well Labour did it during the banking crises and so have the torys. I guess its only okay to do it for the rich and the banks.
  • It amused me how Burnham, when talking about the Iraq invasion, was keen to point out that he "lived through that period in time". Like everyone else is 11 years old.
    Jeremy Corbyn yet again showing politics of hope........ God i hope he wins
  • @periurban
    Corbyn is the only principled candidate here. The others can barely speak their own minds, so trussed up by focus group driven doublespeak are they. They spout platitudes, homilies and truisms where Corbyn just says what he thinks, and demonstrates by his every utterance and action that he understand the issues in ways the others do not. At times it was as if he was schooling the others in topics they should have been experts in. They don't seem to have a clue. The thought that one of those body snatchers could one day be Prime Minister is frightening. Corbyn is England's last hope. [I'm from Scotland, so we already have a few like him here.]
  • I think the human, Jeremy Corbyn, made very good points
  • @poland676
    It's obvious to me that Yvette's advisers have told her to go on the attack against Jeremy & his policies the way the No campaign did against the Yes campaign in the Scottish referendum debate. Will this be to her benefit or detriment. That's the question. I'm hoping for the latter. Corbyn for the win.
  • Krishnan is more bothered about getting the candidates to argue with each other rather than gaining good answers to good questions. I personally cannot stand his provocative, tabloid-esque interviewing style.
  • "Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it." Winston Churchill God help us if andy burnham or liz kendall one day lead this country. Corbyn seems to be the only one who recognises that history is on the verge of repeating itself.
  • Jeremy Corbyn absolutely smashed that one. Probably his best to date, the others once again squabbled over each other. If Jeremy wins this election on the most democratic voting system to date, will they oppose him even though he has a mandate through the Labour members.
  • At the end of the day all the nuance of differences between the candidates means relatively little when one of the candidates, Jeremy Corbyn, is offering structural reform which allows for democratic policy making. That's a real advance in the nature of the politics of this country and I'm in.
  • Liz Kendall conducting foreign policy scares the fuck out of me
  • @mrjoelist
    Krishnan is just sniping at them, not moderating discussion.
  • Love Corbyn! Wish I had joined so I could have voted for him. The only politician that is in it for the greater good, rather than power. The important thing is not to win at all costs, the the important thing is to make ethical decisions that the country can get behind. The country is more divided than ever. Corbyn is the only one that can pull everyone together for the common good. Please can the other candidates stop misquoting him just to create fear mongering sound bites to be used in the tabloid media.
  • Yvette is wrong. All money is created out of nothing by banks or by government. Whether it causes inflation or not is dependent on how it is used. If it is used for productive purposes, job creation, research and services it will not cause inflation. Banks cause house price inflation but Yvette does not shout about that. She is a neoliberal fool. Deluded by Harvard neoliberal economics which the lesson is- its ok for banks and rich people to get government subsidy (93 bn a year), but the peasants must borrow from banks. Overt Monetary finance is infaltionary she says. But it is really keeping the poor poorer and the middle classes in debt. Canada had peoples quantitative easing for decades to grow their economies and SMEs. IT WORKED.
  • you can tell that Burnham doesn't believe anything, he's a soundbite man