Two Week Update!

Publicado 2012-09-14
So everything seems to have calmed down a bit. I can finally breath again without feeling the lack of oxygen. The first week here was definitely very difficult. You know that feeling of when you go on vacation and than after you go back home and return even more tired than what you were before you left? Ya, well that's exactly how I felt the entire first week. I came to the conclusion that it was because we were having to deal with so many changes all at once: moving, flying, school, new people, new customs, new food, and well basically everything new. It's not like going on vacation and just enjoying your temporary time there, it literally was moving to another country! Now that's exhausting. Anyways, now after two weeks I feel much better and I'm starting to get used to the daily rutin and am able to enjoy my time days to their fullest.