The women DESTROYING Star Wars

Published 2024-07-03
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Women who run the star wars universe:
NYT article:
Kathleen Kennedy Says ‘A Lot of Women’ in ‘Star Wars’ Struggle With Fan Attacks ‘Because of the Fan Base Being So Male Dominated’:…
Meet the women behind the scenes at Star Wars:…
Kathleen Kennedy’s Feminist Agenda ruined Star Wars:……

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All Comments (21)
  • @SydneyWatson
    Sign up for a 14-day free trial and enjoy all the amazing features MyHeritage has to offer. Guys, there were SO many clips I left out of this that would have made you insane to watch. These new Star Wars people are unhinged.
  • The best comment I've read "The people who used to bully you for liking Star Wars are now the ones in control of it."
  • They admit it's a male dominant Fandom. So make woke gay girl movies? This is like Nike deciding to only make high heels.
  • @rmglover3191
    The cognitive dissonance of condemning men for not liking something that was not made for men is astounding.
  • @danstrikes
    I'm so sick of those feminists claiming women action heroines are a recent thing. Old movies had plenty of women action heroines, one that comes to mind is the Annie Oakley series. She was portrayed as smart, she could shoot, and ride a horse. In my opinion the reason they don't like or acknowledge women heroine the old screen is because they don't fit the mould of modernity. They were feminine.
  • @TheNewSoda
    How the f*** is Star Wars patriarchal dude literally a Woman led the rebellion
  • Any woman over 21 that says “yasss yasss” or “queen” I can’t take seriously, and Disney SW is full of them.
  • @25meip
    Imagine there's a boy playing in a sandbox. And there's a girl next to it that's jumping rope. The girl turns to the boy and says, "hey can I play with you?" And the boy, excitedly responds, "you want to play in the sandbox with me? Sure!" So the girl gets in the sandbox and immediately starts jumping rope. The rope destroys the castle the boy was working on, flings sand and cat turds everywhere and prevents the boy from trying to make anything new. The boy, with tears in his eyes, asks, "why are you jumping rope in the sandbox?" And the girl responds, "WHY DO YOU HATE WOMEN?" That's pretty much everything in nerd culture the past few years
  • George Lucas talked about the dangers of selfish minded people which in the end turn evil, but he did not recognize that he was talking also about one of the persons sitting with him. That finally is his own tragedy.
  • @mmluon
    As a man who would have been considered a black nerd in my youth, I take great offense at the notion that sci-fi fans are all violent racists. My group of nerds were whites, blacks, Native Americans, and Jewsish. Knowledge and love of the genre was the only prerequisite.
  • So let me get this straight…they say they want it to be less “men” focused and want to make men uncomfortable and if men don’t like then “don’t watch”…but then they’re upset when men don’t wanna watch their stuff?!
  • @andyknb
    My mom was the one who got me into Star Wars, she always loved Star Wars ever since she saw the very first movie in theaters. She did NOT like the sequels, it's just not the Star Wars she fell in love with anymore. By making it more "female-centric" in their own way, they're turning the franchise into something that feels completely different and alienates even female fans.
  • “About 50% of everyone involved is women”. “6/8 people are women on my team” What the absolute fuck that doesn’t even make sense.
  • -Padme beat a grown man in an election at 14. Ruled a planet for 2 terms and then had a respected career as a senator. -Alderaan was ruled by a Queen whose adopted daughter went on to start and lead the rebellion against the Galactic Empire, the splintered remains of said empire and the First Order. -Mandalore was ruled by a Duchess and then her sister. As well as having clans lead by a Matriarch. -The Night Sisters. Who were also dominant over the Night Brothers in their society. -The Queen of Geonosis -the many female bounty hunters -all the female Jedi that served as equals to their male counterparts. -The Head scientist of the Kaminoans was a female Yes, please tell me more about the blatant and widespread patriarchy in Star Wars.
  • The South Park episode pretty much nailed it with their "hire a woman and make her gay" Disney/Kathleen Kennedy episode. 💯
  • @CarportCarl
    And notice not a single one of these female Hollywood women EVER actually support the traditional role of women and support them in their own choice?
  • Ahsoka, while not originally liked actually came to be beloved because her character grew through the course of clone wars, from an annoying child, to a mature and well rounded person. She shouldn’t be compared to Rey or any of the newer lead females.
  • @cmackowick
    The insanity of the Star Wars Patriarchy statements just confirms the ladies of Disney Star Wars are utterly ignorant of past Star Wars.
  • @Bonko78
    If you hypothetically threw a tennisball into a street crowd somewhere in Los Angeles, it's pretty likely that it would hit someone who was A) at least casually fond of the original Star Wars and B) somewhat competent at some form of moviemaking. With that in mind it's interesting just how many times Disney seem to find people who check neither of those boxes.