How to be a Strong Woman in any Relationship (feat. Mari Pablo)

Published 2021-11-09
Have you ever been called "intimidating" as a woman? Do you worry about scaring off all the potential suitors in your life? Do you fear being misunderstood by your girlfriends as "pushy?"

Today Jackie and Mari Pablo discuss how to navigate the dating world and your friendships as a strong Catholic woman.

What does God want this Advent? Simple. He wants you. He wants a personal encounter with you. This year, journey through Advent with "Rejoice! Finding Your Place in the Advent Story," and learn about the places, people, and events that shaped the story of the very first Advent and shape our own lives today:

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All Comments (21)
  • As a bloke who's married to a strong woman ... Y'all are so beautiful (and fierce)!
  • @Pax-Christi
    For all the amazing women watching, a loud, intense, opinionated women does not equal a strong women, some of the strongest women have been humble, introverted and reserved.
  • @MariaPullatt
    My Mom literally reminds me every once in a while that I scare off men and to chill with my obsession with my Faith when it comes to my expectations. As a Catholic, single Indian woman, I always think to myself "Good, 'cause I have such strong opinions and high standards and I ain't settling for a man who isn't intentional about his Catholic Faith." Lord, send me a guy who is in love with the Catholic Church as much as I am, as much as Your Son loves His bride.
  • @Cationna
    I think people in the comments are confusing the strength that comes from knowing who you are and basing that identity in Christ, and the conventional description of an extroverted, expressive personality that both Jackie and Mari happen to have. The latter is certainly often undervalued in women and it is important that they too hear they are beautiful, virtuous, truly feminine women and shouldn't care about hurtful perceptions of being intimidating. That's an important conversation that needs to be happening in Christian circles, it's not an echo chamber, it's just not directed at the more introverted gals in the audience, and that's fine. But Jackie and Mari are also talking about something even more important and universal, namely the insistence of the world that we pipe down about the whole Christ thing, that we make ourselves less annoying by blending in better, that we "compromise" - in fact: lose ourselves - to get love, acceptance, attention. We should all be strongly holding on to Christ and not giving in to those who tell us what we should or should not be in order to be acceptable in their eyes. That, again, can have a distinct shade of misogyny when it's about being "intimidating to men", and J&M address that as well - but it's certainly not the main point. The main point is basing your identity and security in God's love for us as specifically created people.
  • @mb3184
    The way they described strong isn't a one size fits all kind of strong and I don't think they were advocating that their personality is what makes them strong although it might appear that way. Headstrong <--- Strong ---> Stubborn Assertive <--- Strong ---> Aggressive Confident <--- Strong ---> Arrogant Self-Assured (secure) <--- Loud ---> Attention-Seeking (insecure) And that's also not to say that Strong can't be: Vulnerable Compassionate Sensitive Patient Etc. Rather, it seems to me, to be Strong, is to be rooted in oneself and that core comes from being rooted in Christ, and in the faith. To allow ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves that God created us to be
  • @lalvee7041
    Thank you for this!! 4:43 reminded me of Linda Rohnstad. She said that she was so impressed by Emilou Harris's singing that she was almost jealous but thought "i can be jealous or enjoy her voice and hope to sing with her one day. " She chose the latter and they became lifelong friends. Emilou says that Linda helped her in her darkest moment. Beautiful!! We need better female friendships rooted in Christ and love!!
  • @phoebea
    I can be an intimidating woman. Mostly because I am very direct with my words. I express my thoughts honestly and directly, which surprises a lot of people. Ex. If I was in a meeting with a bunch of people and no one is stepping up to lead the meeting and we're not getting what we need done, I may say: "Hey, we need someone to lead this meeting. We're getting off topic and not making any concrete decisions." Then, usually, the leader of the meeting brings up the points that need to be discussed/decided on. I'm sure other people were thinking it, too (especially when the meeting is running long and we're talking about food and movies when we're supposed to be planning an event), but, I am usually one of the people who will vocally call attention to the issue/question at hand. I see a lot of comments of how Mother Mary is a strong woman by being meek and mild. Yes, I agree that Mama Mary is meek and mild and she has a quiet strength I find captivating (especially as she watched Jesus during His passion.) However, like me, Mother Mary is not afraid to be direct. Here are the two instances where Mama Mary was bold and direct in the Bible: 1. Finding of Jesus at the Temple. In the story, Mary and Joseph find Jesus teaching and asking questions to the temple priests/scholars/doctors. Which means that Mary went into the inner temple court or the men's temple court reserved for priests and men (the women's temple court is separate) to find her son. One can imagine the desperation and worry in her words, however, she was on a mission and was not meek and mild when she finally found Jesus. She acted as any worried mother would to find their son. 2. Wedding of Cana. Mary noticed that there was no wine which would embarrass the bride and groom so she tells Jesus about it. When Jesus tells her that it's not His time yet, she tells the servants to do whatever Jesus tells them to do. Without embarrassment, reservation, or even guile (anyone with a mother knows what really happened there) Mary instigates Jesus's first public miracle and the start of His Ministry. Yes, meekness, mildness, and humility are good virtues to have. All women have them to varying degrees (I'm still working on all three!), however, there are times to be bold and direct. What Mari and Jackie says is true: once you know who you are in the eyes of God and who you are meant to be for God, other people's superficial opinion about you becomes secondary. If I am living as the person God calls me to be and someone tells me that guys would like me if I was less direct with my opinions, or that I should be a particular way to be more desirable, I would definitely take it to prayer and discern if it's something I need to address or if it's just an opinion/preference of the other person. I have family and friends who love me and want my happiness and good, so I may care more about what they think, than someone I don't know well, or doesn't know. I know my strengths and I know my weaknesses. I also know and want to be the woman God calls me to be, so I can just keep working on that. If I'm called to be single/religious, then that's what I'll be. If I'm called to be married, then I'll be that. But, at this the moment when there is no direct call to either vocations, I choose to keep living my life for God.
  • 🤣🤣 “insecurities from our childhood wounds, 😢😢” I was just here for Mari Pablo’s smile, I felt the whole video speak to me…
  • @DilnaSebastian
    I needed this video. Thank you ladies and thank you Jesus 🤧🤍
  • @olgamarinho
    What about introvert women? I'm frequently perceived as weak because I don't talk much and have a lower voice, besides I look younger than I really am. Sometimes I feel people underestimate me and don't respect my opinions and feelings.
  • @beccamiller9929
    All throughout grade and especially high school, guys and girls were so intimidated by me and I never understood why. Years later I look back and know why they felt that way and how someone could of felt insecure. Great reminder. Brought me to blast from the past. Thanks.
  • @kmcj2326
    Love you Mari! Great points and that’s one thing you feel around Mari … Safe! The most compassionate, secure and humble woman I know! And yes all of those can be combined! Very virtuous too!
  • @dayanatobar
    Please pray for me. Please.. Thank you very much.
  • @marmeryside
    Thanks for this video, a very new and refreshing point of view about this topic. I remember Psalms 17. Strong women rock 100% agree.
  • @tiyat1
    This is so amazing!!! Thank you so much for this video<3 Deeply appreciate you both<3
  • Thank you. It just gives us woman reason to be who God truly wants us to be. Not all of us woman can be the same, look the same. We all have to serve each other with purpose and strength. Some will like you and some may not?! Be the best version of you! Be the woman God created you to be. 🙏
  • @maryp5127
    Wow yes good topic because I have become very strong with age and time BUT so true my husband of 41yr is the strongest because GOD has blessed him to love me unconditionally.. hang in there single women because a strong man loves a strong women when they let them self get to know you’re heart 💙💖
  • Thank you so much for that affirmation. I have honestly been struggling in my personal life in regards to this topic. I feel as though I am a strong woman, and (of course) there is a lot of insecurities, as well as things I have to work on in many areas of life. I took a break from dating because I have encountered a lot of men (I am not saying that all were bad), but some would tell me, "you're too good for me" or "why is your faith important to you?", "I feel like I am going to corrupt you if this goes any further", etc about the excuses. Also, I have had family members tell me, "you need to calm down with your faith", "stop posting about Jesus", "guys are going to get turned off by that" "don't set your standards high". I honestly felt (and still continue to feel sometimes) hurt by all of this. Therefore, I got discouraged by dating. Please pray for me! Thank you for this content! Keep it up! :-)