Published 2022-11-13
This project took me a long time to finish, but I finally got it to where I need it and got it to move and work. I hit many hurdles along the way as this had to work in the way I wanted it.
Main Issue I had was the USB cable extension cord which caused all the issues and once it was eliminated, the machine did it's thing.

All Comments (9)
  • @mrbob92679
    Admitting one’s mistakes is always humbling and a true lesson. Great looking machine and great troubleshooting. Looking to build one soon. Thanks for sharing
  • @allted
    Your first test cut was a 5 hour job!?! Heck of a job, it gets a lot easier after the first one. Keep having fun and welcome to the crew.
  • @abdultairu
    Thanks for sharing your experience with MPCNC. I also ventured into building one last year with no prior knowledge of what CNC was or how it works. I am grateful that I spent the time, money and energy building the machine. The machine worked for a while and my cuts were not great due to a number of build errors that I made, I just was not able to get it to square and I followed all the excellent instructions from the site and forum. When it cuts, the circles are not round and rectangles are not accurate all because of user construction errors. All attempts (re-printing several models that were getting loose) to fix the squaring finally broke the machine that it started making wired noise and breaking bits. In conclusion, was it worth it for me, absolutely YES. Now I am able to understand the principle of how the machine works and able to write my own gcodes and scripts to do things my way and even played around with modifying Marlin and flashing the firmware. I took the machine down and bought a fairly inexpensive machine that I was able to modify its cutting area myself and I have started using it to cut and results so far are promising. I used the knowledge I had interacting with Marlin to make GRBL to work for me the way I wanted. What I could not do about seven months ago, so thank you V1 Eng.
  • @robertoaks1043
    The grey C looking shaped ring close to the bit. Is this for a dust shoe that is adjustable? Is there a project on Thingiverse for it? Great job! I have an old burly. The whole project was an experience.
  • @JoeJoseph35
    I noticed that your mount for the router is different than the stock mount.... you don't need the router at at 45 degree angle and your mount seems quite a bit more robust. Can you share a link to the print files or any info about the mount? I've got the same router, and am at the stage of the build where the electronics and the router get installed. Super excited to get it working.
  • @blender_wiki
    You must learn the basic before doing long jobs. Don't test equipment on heavy long work until everything is perfect
  • @Tristoo
    wait so.. no belts, no screws, and no servos - and you're expecting it to be accurate?