Hario V60 Technique: Osmotic Flow

Published 2021-01-05
This is one of the easiest and most foolproof ways to brew Hario V60 coffee.

Actually, this is an old school Japanese method, but recently it has started to become popular again under the name "Osmotic Flow" due to a blog post by the coffee brand Cafec.

I highly recommend that you try this Hario V60 recipe. It's flexible, relatively easy, and usually the results are outstanding.

▪ Cafec T90 Filters (0.28 mm Thickness) amzn.to/38h5CjC
1:15 ratio (use between 14 and 20 g of coffee. Adjust water accordingly)
▪ Medium-coarse grind size
▪ 93c water
▪ total brew time around 3-5 minutes

1: Blooming 40 seconds - use 2.5 x dry dose (if you use 20 g coffee, bloom with 50 ml)
2: Gently pour in the center to 50% total brew volume
3: Pour the remaining water in a slowly expanding circle. Avoid pouring on the paper filter.

➡ Cafec & Osmotic Flow

➡ More blog posts


Manual grinder: 1zpresso.coffee/store/ref/3124cwzp9/
Filter grinder: amzn.to/3LTSyVY
Burrs (for filter grinder) amzn.to/3FVgMeB
Scale: amzn.to/3K9FdY1
Kettle: amzn.to/3z986gN
AeroPress Go: amzn.to/3Zyze3L
Water dispersion: amzn.to/42G45Op
Drip coffee maker: amzn.to/3U11OcV
Cone Filters: amzn.to/3Zr8Toc
Aeropress Filters: amzn.to/3LO5dcS
Beans: www.kaffebox.no/?apply_coupon=REFR2NQCFKFBJ

Espresso grinder: miicoffee.shop/products/miicoffee-df83-coffee-grin…
Trad. espresso grinder: amzn.to/3Kb9EgI
Machine: www.breville.com/us/en/products/espresso/bes920.ht…
Mini scale: amzn.to/3lBKcri
Tamper: amzn.to/3Kc5t3W
Travel espresso: amzn.to/3z9MEYV
Beans: coffeebros.com/products/espresso-roast-coffee-blen…

Camera: amzn.to/3K9tYyL
Lens: amzn.to/3JMY4Xx
Microphone: amzn.to/3JQk441
Key light: amzn.to/3JEQr5u
Softbox: amzn.to/3JOvR2u
Color light: amzn.to/3KaszYT
Fill light: amzn.to/3FTmjT0
Backlight: amzn.to/40xD0Lo
External drive: amzn.to/3JKlwEV

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All Comments (21)
  • @Chrandreas
    The suggestion of creating circular movements from your hips while keeping your arms steady are a godsend! I’ve struggled making a consistent cup since I started but these tips take a lot of the human error variability out of the process.
  • Tried this method for the second time now. I have never been this close to the perfect cup of coffee, thank you very much.
  • Hey Asser, your videos are getting better and better! Thanks for sharing this technique - definitely trying it out tomorrow!
  • I've never been so close to the perfect cup of coffee. Very different from what i've always been doing. Thank you!
    I cannot express just how much this video helped me. Thank you.
  • @OwMyHip
    I'm still pretty new to making pour over coffee, but this method made the best cup I've made so far. Thanks for the video!
  • @julianpark93
    One of the most underrated coffee channels! Great video
  • This video was clearly meant for me, as I am one of the people you mentioned who struggle to get a good cup out of the V60. I've just tried this method, and while the resulting cup wasn't perfect (due to my technique, I'm sure: at one point I was definitely pouring quicker than it could drain!), it was the best cup I've ever made with a V60. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to try to refine that technique! Thank you!
  • @no-trick-pony
    Just tried it.. Disclaimer: I am pretty much a beginner at V60 (so far only been using the method proposed by James Hoffmann) and I did NOT have the right tools at hand: I only have a V-shaped kettle which is very imprecise and I only have the (better of the two) Hario papers. The rest I did and measure as described and I think I still did a fairly good job and my brew bed looked similar to yours. What I got after a total of 4 minutes (exactly) was a very interesting brew (Ethiopian coffee, light to medium roast): Quite strong, boosting the acidity quite a bit (which I personally like), yet a pretty heavy body and strong aftertest with a (good, not harsh) bitterness. I brewed it at the recommended 1:15 ratio and was definitely stronger than brewing it with the James Hoffmann method (which uses a 1:16.67 ratio but finer grind size). As it cooled down, the acidic aspect got more dominant. Will try it with a different (lighter roasted) coffee again tomorrow against an Aeropress recipe I quite like and which also produces quite a strong cup. Thanks for sharing - the method itself definitely works! :)
  • Glad I've finally come across this channel. Not many good YouTube coffee channels!
  • @liamkirk1143
    I am relatively new to coffee but this method is working so much better for me than others. I think it is because I can focus more on speed than a million other things
  • @just.p3achy
    Thank you so much for all the info! I've realized so many things about how I've been bring my coffee and what I want to change. 💕💕
  • @alawiat2570
    Man this channel bangs. I've been working this method recently and getting surprisingly delicious results. Mouthfeel 10/10.
  • @fishtub
    I’m so glad I came across this video. This made a huge difference in the taste of the coffee. Thank you.
  • @beaver6d9
    Wow, this really does remind me of very old school methods! I used to have a flow restrictor on my fist buono kettle for stuff like this.
  • @imranmalik7417
    Love the creativity of this method and focus on the "pouring". Nice job. I'll try it soon.
  • @cherbelle93
    Definitely trying this out first thing tomorrow morning. I brew multiple small cups (12g brews) everyday but struggle with getting consistency, hopefully this can make my smaller brews tastier! Thank you!
  • @FaroushJinal
    i recently got a cafec dripper so it's timely i saw this vid. thanks for posting!