Čudesna vežba za gornji deo tela usavršena!/Miraculous exercise No. 2 perfected! - Saša Nikolić

Published 2022-06-19
I have suffered for a long time from physical ailments such as problems with joints, spine, sciatica, disc herniation ... With God's help, the help of doctors and people who deal with health, as well as my own efforts, I came to exercises that can really improve the quality of life and restore impaired health. So I want to share my experience with you and show you the healing exercises that have completely healed me from these diseases. One part of the exercises was designed by me, while the other part was taken from others and slightly modified.

In this video, I showed an exercise I personally created (with God's inspiration), which is incredibly effective for adjusting the shoulders, shoulders, as well as the first thoracic (thoracic) vertebra - Th1, and maybe some cervical vertebrae (depending on the person and type of physical problems). Also, nerve entrapment between the ribs can be removed. All that is needed is self-love, sincere faith in God, for the person to be relaxed and to do this exercise correctly.

See my other videos at the following link:
   • HEALING EXERCISES - real experience  

Thanks to my dad who made this video!

NOTE: These exercises are not a recipe for everyone, but serve as an incentive for everyone to look for a cure. I am not a doctor and I have no right to treat, but to motivate with my experience. The application of these exercises is the personal responsibility of each individual. Also, the exercises should be done on an empty stomach (morning, evening and between meals), switch to a healthy diet and live a spiritual life (think positively and everything else that faith requires) in order to achieve the maximum of a healthy life.

PAYPAL: If you want to support my work with a donation, you can do so via the link www.paypal.me/SashaNikolic

All Comments (21)
  • Meni je za gornji deo ledja pomogao tvoj video "kako da rešite sve probleme sa vratom odmah". Danima nisam mogla da spavam od bola koji se javljao pri mirovanju izmedju lopatica. Hvala ti 🤍🤗
  • @TamaraSretena
    Hvala Vam uvek na korisnim videima! Lep pozdrav! 🌷☘️🌞
  • @626XHG
    Хвала име,жив и здрав био 🙋🏽‍♀️
  • @luyzqint3760
    It sure makes things happening, every lift tension in my thoracic 1 and I felt something in my right shoulder, a little bit like a pain, but I'm not sure exactly what's going to happen there, will see tomorrow. Thank you!, again.✌️
  • Zdravo priljatelju , gledwm tvoi videa imam problem sa doljni deo kicme imam bolove u levom kuku vekj godinu dana , radio sam tvoi vezbe ali mi nije pomoglo pogotovo imam bolovi kada sedim mislish ti
  • @_kurzschluss_
    Sale postoji li način da se oslobodi nerv ruke? Pozdrav.
  • @luyzqint3760
    How many repetitions/sets, or for how long do you do this exercise?.
  • Postoji li neka vjezba za olaksavanje boli ukocenog velikog prsta na nozi (pocetak stvaranja cuklja) i generalno te ukocenosti pri micanju prstiju?
  • @luyzqint3760
    I'm going to try this, but for how long or how many repetitions/sets?. Also, I want to share with you what so far has helped me improve my condition: Hesch Method (he teaches you how to self adjust) and Feldenkrais. Those two have make a big difference. Gracias, amigo.✌️
  • Sale godinama unazad imam skripanje, pucanje u levoj lopatici kad pomeram rame, vrtim ga u krug. Kako se resava taj problem? Hvala
  • @samoja6732
    Imam torokalnu kifozu,zanima me da li bi mi ova vježba mogla pomoći da koliko toliko ispravim lošu posturu. Tako sam nesretna zbog toga 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️
  • @fikkre6186
    Zanima me imas li neku drustvenu mrezu posto mi je iskocilo nesto na rucnom zglobu pa me zanima da ne znas sta je da li mi je ispao zglob Ili je nesto gore takodje ramena mi nisu ravna jedno je spustenije od drugog pa me zanima I za to postoje li neke vjezbe Ili moram kod doktora hvala unaprijed
  • @kunfuj5496
    Sasa imam u desnoj strani vrata vise je u donjem delu kao neki misicni cvor, velicine oraha je, ali se samo pritiskom na tom mestu oseti pod prste. Snimao sam i nista se nije videlo, nije meko tkivo i slicno, dali znas sta je u pitanju i koje vezbe da radim, osecam da mi smeta, bol u tom predelu, ukocenost. Hvala unapred.
  • @josip2577
    Koliko vremenski treba raditi ovu vjezbu dnevno?
  • @flopi229
    Koja je bolja ova nova ili ona stara vezba na pod?