Ancestry DNA Results How I found my Father after 37 years of Searching

Published 2022-03-30

All Comments (21)
  • @rettawhinnery
    This is a great video explaining your journey. I've helped two adoptees and several family members identify their biological father through DNA matches and building lots of trees. You explained the process better than most do. Thanks for sharing.
  • @Swist1213
    I lived with my biological father and still wasn't anybody's little girl. I understand what you were looking for. I wish that I had had that, too. I'm in my sixties now and still wonder how different my life would have been if my father had even moderately liked me.
  • I have been on a similar journey finding my father’s biological parents. My dad died never knowing anything about his origins so I decided to do this for him (and me!) I just wanted to say that with databases growing every day, your journey is not over. You never know when another close family member may decide to test. I think your chances of finding more family is better than not…in time. This has been my experience.
  • Thank you for sharing your story. Mine is similar. I never knew my dad he left my mom when she was pregnant. I always wanted to meet him. I finally had the courage to do the DNA test on ancestry! I got back results and it was under first cousin. Looked her up on fb and it was my dads sister! Found out I had a little brother, a grandfather and step grandmother still living, aunts uncles and cousins! Unfortunately my dad died a year before I did my test so I can also never meet him. So glad you got some answers.
  • @kirrun
    You may look into Geni too. I found my father due to DNA tests, shared my data to FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage, from there came different ppl, looked Geni trees, searched our archives, found one possible closer relative, she took DNA test and so i found my father.
  • You are not alone! My mother told me my dad was the man that signed my birth certificate along with three other men. I went through life calling people that weren't family family. It took 2 dna tests and I am still working through it all. Four search angels have helped and suggested that my fater was tied to my mom's step family.
  • So proud of you. You kept on going even when it was difficult. I hope you continue to be positive. Bless you & your family
  • @ksegura87
    Hi! I'm sorry to hear that your biological father had passed before you got to meet him. I know how important closure can be and listening to your story, I thought I may suggest something that you may have already tried, but here goes... Your aunt... look for her name in obituaries as "survived by." I was on the same journey as you and facing the very same issues. My biological father had a VERY common name and on top of that, he went by a nickname so when he first appeared in obituaries by those he survived, he was called by his nickname. Don't give up!
  • @Phoenixdark1
    You seem super nice. :) I'm currently in the process of finding my father. Hoping it has a good outcome. Just had a big breakthrough thanks to Ancestry.
  • Kia Ora from New Zealand. Thank you so much for the video. I’m trying to work out my real grandfather and have been a bit lost. The small bit of information you have given has been a great help in pointing me in the right direction. I have found it frustrating when people keep their family trees private. Fortunately my brother agreed to have his DNA tested as well, so that gives me a clearer direction to follow. Now l just need to focus and do the mahi.
  • @Veno1342
    Omg I’ve just come across your video and I’m in absolute tears because I can relate to it so much I’m currently looking for my birth father who doesn’t even know I exist, my mum is completely unsupportive and I feel so alone, I’m am nearly 34 years old and I’ve never known anything about him had a picture extra! I just want to say I admire how brave you are talking about this because it’s something I wish I could do but I’m so heartbroken I wouldn’t be able to deal with negative comments! You have a beautiful family and I just want you to know you are not alone in this situation 💚
  • thank you for doing this video, the search is a journey and every bit of support from fellow travelers helps along the way, much like you I unraveled the thread of my own paternity at 47 yrs old, and my father had died a year and a half after I was born so I get it <3 hugs back to you
  • @jessgunn6639
    wishing you the very best of luck in your future❤❤❤🫂
  • My circumstances were very similar except it was both my father mother and father that were unknown. I found both with a lot of the same work that you did.
  • I did ansestry a while back. A lady reached out to me she just did the test and was 42 years old. She never knew any of her family. Well in 2 full days of reasearch I found her mom and dad. Un fortunately her mom past but her dad and siblings are still here. And she's gonna come to my state well have a get together for her. 💪💯❤️
  • @JenShea
    Wow that was a lot. I wanted to find my birth father… I have information through Ancestry, the closer dna matches… but like you, mine died in a plane crash in 1972. He also has a younger sister (now in her mid 70’s) but I don’t know how to contact her. I tried FB but she’s never read my emails… assuming they are going into another folder. I dearly wish I could meet her and find out something about him. I like to think she would be happy to find a niece she never knew she had.