strangest bird u ever did see

So there I was, just minding my business, searching the bushes for local wildlife and perhaps some spare change and maybe for a friend while I’m at it, but instead what do I find? Just the largest, strangest bird you ever did see. It seemed friendly enough but it sure isnt any friend of mine if you catch my meaning.

Well I just went on with my day after that. Told pa about it at dinner. He went out the very next day and shot the poor thing, now we got it stuffed and on our mantle and darn if it doesn’t look mighty fine up there. It’s unfortunate the bird had to die of course but pa can’t resist an exotic bird. He shoots at least one a day, we’ve built mantles on every wall in the house and we’re still almost out of room. We’ll have to buy another house I suppose. Ain’t that just the way it goes?

Well anyway, hope ya’ll have a good night and take care of yourselves now, you hear? Strange birds are afoot.

-your friendly neighborhood mongrel

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