New chancellor promises to 'get Britain building' with policy plans

Published 2024-07-08
Krishnan Guru-Murthy: "The new Chancellor Rachel Reeves has set out the Labour Government's first policy announcements as MPs started to arrive at Westminster.


More than half of them were newly elected on Thursday. Sir Keir Starmer returned from his visits to Northern Ireland and Wales for a photo op with his 411 MPs - a clear illustration of Labour's huge majority, as Gary Gibbon reports."

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All Comments (21)
  • @markgt894
    Labour got only 33% of the vote on a turnout of less than 60% - voting system needs overhauling.
  • @user-kg9nd3vs6g
    Why are they talking about building prisons and houses. Stop people coming in!!!
  • @stevvieb
    If we didn't have half the third world here living for FREE we wouldn't need to build a fraction of the homes.
  • @A190xx
    I hope the media ask the following on her building plan: 1. She said 1.5m homes will be built under Labour in the next 5 years, but how many of those were to be built anyway? The UK was building 200,000 per year, so it seems 500,000 extra. 2. Who will build them? An extra 100,000 per year would need thousands of tradespeople. Are these people sitting around idle? Indeed, the figure will be higher, as any site given the go ahead will take 1-2 years before holes are dug in the ground. 3. If these will be recruited and trained, from where? Will Labour reduce the 50% of children to university and instead encourage blue collar work? Will there be diversity targets for hod carriers? 4. Will the new houses have ample hopsital and GP places, schools, roads and such services? The pesky planning rules that hold up large developments are usually because there is no infrastructure with developers preferring to build the homes and give cash to the council, so the residents move in and wait 5-10 years for the council to get enough money to build the infrastructure and staff to be trained. And developers prefer to over-develop cities and large towns rather than where councils are desperate for housing, which is why they want to destroy the green belt that surrounds London, but not touch unprotected land up North, the South West or Scotland. 5. Much of the green belt supports wildlife and protected species, which the pesky planning rules protect. Will this be disregarded? 6. If the UK has net migration of 750,000, but builds 300,000 homes (with mostly flats in urban areas) and UK average occupancy is 2.36, this will leave 42,000 homeless each year, so 210,000 over the 5 years. It will also block UK youngsters getting on the ladder. How will this be addressed? 7. From where will the materials be sourced, especially for green energy? 78% of Co2 global emissions is from world freight and anything built in China ignores labour laws and Co2 targets, so will this count toward the 2030 net zero target for the UK? I suspect she will discover very quickly why house building has been low and why immigration needs to be tackled to enable the UK infrastructure to catch up.
  • @markmewordz6860
    Labour did this in the 60's. What could possibly go wrong? :]
  • Great idea let’s just ignore the elephant in the room (over population) and build more houses for more people, tarmac the green belt , more traffic congestion, more queues for GPs, over burdened NHS, full schools, more stress and lower quality of life for everyone under Labour.
  • @marwenost
    Clueless labour will destroy the environment and landscape
  • @drundub73
    It was the same last time they got in " breath of fresh air " just wait ,come the next election you will be begging to get them out.
  • @paulsmith1981
    Labour has just given the illegal immigrants who arrived in small boats the right to apply for asylum. Its just like having the UCL student union in government.
  • @justgeneric2876
    Basically private developers have no interest in building non-profitable properties, They won't build schools, infrastructure, gp surgerys, hospitals, parks, social housing. They will build houses but not social housing. It is necessary to place onerous requirements, in reality failing to do so will result in no social houses or infrastructure.
  • @mw89181
    Here’s a thought: if you hadn’t of imported millions and millions of people over the past 27 years, we wouldn’t need to concrete over our entire countrywide. Yet again, clue less ministers and their progressive, mass immigration agenda.
  • "" Get Britain Building "" ? Every where I go I see new estates being built .Thirty years or so ago England was the most densely populated country in Europe by far . Big business building companies must be jumping for joy .WE NEED OUR OPEN SPACES .STOP IMMIGRATION FOR A DECENT QUALITY LIFE .The infrastructure cannot cope now .( Get a piece of turf now ,it could be a collective item !
  • @johnsmith1423
    They only got 1/3 of the votes but got 2/3 of the seats. Bring in proportional representation.
  • @Walksfar64
    Ghettos she means like Belgium, Demark, Sweden that dont work and crime rate rises. Locals get ready.
  • Fighting putting houses on old airstrips and previously developed land is ridiculous.
  • @BritguyQRO
    Building for who exactly, not with my taxes they won't.
  • @Taketimeout3
    Who are they building them for? Immigrants. They have already filled existing buildings and pushed house prices up so it would be better to identify who these millions are before we decide if they should stay or return to their ccountries of origin.
  • @nowgrownup
    Listened to her a few times making exuses already worse mess that WW2 which is lies last labour government left a note stating no money in the treasury and sold off the UK gold reserves anc started an illegal war and Blair was to blame for mass immigration 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • Let's face it- she won't be living anywhere near all the issues that she is proposing to fix! She won't be living near to large housing estates, won't be living in inner city Ghetto's, wont be living in the poor areas of the country- she will just make sure that more of these estates are built for the poorer of us. A NIMBY.. building for the poorer of us...Not In My Back Yard.. but we can live there if we can afford it...