BREAKING: Trump rally shooter researched JFK assassination, says FBI | LiveNOW from FOX

Published 2024-07-24
A search of a laptop linked to the 20-year-old gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Trump earlier this month revealed he had searched for information on John F. Kennedy's assassination before the shooting, FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers on Wednesday.

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All Comments (21)
  • What do if “Crooks” didn’t do the internet search, fly drone, etc…what if someone just wants us all to believe he did so we focus on Crooks and not elsewhere.
  • @InfoInstants
    I thought the point of NSA mass survelience was to prevent stuff like this
  • Geat job telling us things that we have known for 10 days !
  • The Secret Service and security people weren’t doing their job right they were only doing half assed job. I think those people should go back to class and learn how to do their job right
  • If you read this I hope you are having a wonderful evening ❤❤❤❤
  • FBI and secret service employed an amateur script writer. Story sucks..
  • Can a more Recent picture of the assassin be Found, anywhere?
  • Even if everyone agrees on the failure of Secret Service many questions remains unanswered, where the former Secret Service boss was just dodging & ducking all questions. For example, did Crooks use the 5 ft ladder he bought (not found near the HGR Construction), and if so, where? Why didn't the police/Secret Service have access to any ladder? Did all 8 shots heard (3+5 shots) come from Crooks? Secret Service's snipers only need 1 shot, but counter snipers shot twice? Kimberly Cheatle didn't even know how many shell casings there were from Crooks rifle. 8 shell casings has been recovered next to Crooks body according to Col. Paris (PSP). Where did all bullets go? Where there counter snipers in the HGR construction, and if so, where? Why only 22 (out of more than 8000 employees) - whereof an undisclosed amount of temporary/inexperienced agents - from Secret Service at an event with ten thousands of participants, protecting the person who lives under the probably biggest threat in the world? Why didn't Cheatle want to reveal that there were 22 agents and why did she repeatedly claim that there was enough people to protect Trump? There were 30 from PSP plus an unknown number of Butler Police. Especially strange considering the extended threat to Trump from Iran (where Biden let thousands of illegal Iranians into US thru the Mexican border). Was Butler, Pa. commissioner truthful when he claimed that USSS lied and that all of the police only were there for traffic duty? Why was Trump denied requests for more security, and who denied this? Why didn't FBI add resources? Whatabout the Democrats who wanted to take away Trump's Secret Service protection completely, just weeks before the assassination attempt? Why were Secret Service and the police on different radio frequencies? Is that standard, and if so why? There where 3 different radio systems/frequencies; USSS, Pen State Police & Butler Police - plus phones, voice & text thru some text system - and it seems like this contributed to the obvious communication failure. Col. Paris (PSP responsible) said he doesn't know the routines for how to relay info from the radio communication (or phones) to the correct person (he says only USSS knows this) or if his police could access the other frequences. Why wasn't the radio communication recorded at the event? Cheatle says it's recorded otherwise. Secret Service knew about the threat more than 1 hour before Crooks started shooting. Why did Secret Service let Trump speak in spite of that they knew about Crooks even before Trump went on the stage? Why wasn't Crooks investigated by USSS when he was considered to be a suspicious subject (not even at 5:30 or 5:52)? Seems like Secret Service had Crooks in the crosshairs already 19 minutes before Crooks started shooting. Why did the Secret Service's snipers have their weapons directed towards Crooks for so long (19 minutes) without shooting? Why did they let Trump continue to speak? Why were there no counter sniper team in the water tower (most elevated position, 160 yards away from Trump)? When was the last sweep of the roof where Crooks was shooting from, and the area around it? Why did Secret Service let Crooks run a drone over the area (even more than 1 time)? Why didn't USSS have any drones (or chopper)? Why did the police have to tear down the fence and drive thru a gate to be able to get to the building where Crooks was on the roof? When & why did Thomas Crooks father call the police, worried about what his son would do, how did that conversation go and did USSS search for this info? Who approved the security plan? Who was the site command/site supervisor? Seems like there was a planning problem, a coordination problem and a supervision problem. Who was in what command center at what time & where? Who left their post, when & why? Exactly who signed off on the security plan? Where's the accountability? Nobody has been disciplined and everybody who failed their mission are still active and can continue to put presidents and others at risk for another 60 days or more, during a presidential campaign. Nobody has been fired or even suspended. Why was 'The Beast' not parked immediately adjacent to the stage (with a secure distance to the public) to facilitate a fast exit for Trump? Why did Kimberly Cheatle (one of many Trump-haters & Jill Biden's favorite security guard) lie about the slope on the building, and about who were in the building ('local police') with Crooks on the roof. Kimberly Cheatle had no answers during the hearing 9 days after the assassination attempt. Cheatle knew just about nothing, not even that it was 130-140 yards between Crooks & Trump. Transparency from USSS is close to none.
  • @Deaddog03
    Why do we keep using the old photo of him?
  • They should have asked FBI director if Cheatle has been questioned! Did so Done tell her “don’t ask, don’t tell”????
  • This young man was in a black rock commercial?! Why! And why did black rock move stock the day before! Total inside job.
  • There is no proof that LHO was ever in that window that day. In fact, less than a minute after those shots were taken LHO was in a second floor break room drinking a soda. A woman who was near those stairs said that she did not see or hear LHO coming down the stairs. Absolutely nobody credible saw LHO near or in that window at the time of the shooting. One man said he saw someone who was about 30 years old and 150 pounds at the window. One problem with his testimony is that he needed glasses to see and he was not wearing any at the time he saw the person in the window. He could not identify Oswald in a line up either. His name, the witness, was Brennan I believe if anyone needs to read about him and his part in the JFK aftermath.. It is strange just how quickly the idea of an accomplice has been ruled out in this case, almost exactly as it was in the JFK murder. J Edgar Hoover stated that Oswald was the lone assassin before 24 hours had passed. This was at a time that investigations were done by foot or by phone or by car. There was no way that he could have interviewed every person who gave statements and come to a well researched investigation to make a statement like that unless he knew Oswald personally and had knowledge given to him by Oswald before the murder of JFK.. No, J. Edgar Hoover was part of a far reaching cover up of the murder of jfk. To this day the Justice Department has not done a criminal investigation into the murder of JFK. Incredible, isn't it? No investigation by our best and brightest legal minds into the murder of an elected, and then murdered, President of the United States. The person who had the most to gain from the murder, Lyndon Baines Johnson, was allowed to appoint a commission to prevent any justice dept investigation. I still do not understand why the Justice Dept did not tell Johnson to stand down and then be interrogated like any other person of interest. How does that happen in a country with standard investigatory processes? Our rule of law was trashed that day and has given the big wigs a free pass ever since. If you are rich and/or famous? You have nothing to fear from the so called Justice Dept. The generals and admirals in the autopsy room made sure that the results of that autopsy of JFK would never lead to a prosecution. It was that badly done that no evidence of any use came from the autopsy. This is the type of govt. we have now. One that will never reveal the truth if it were somehow involved in the attempt on Trump's life. Sad, isn't it?
  • @craigbenjamin196
    How many parents force kids pay money back, for the dad gun until father get him a new one.
  • Its horrendous and devastating for Mr. Cory C. Praying everyday for his family. Relieved for Trump, thank goodness, thank goodness❤️ but im physically sick for Cory. He should still be here.