How Zionism Indoctrinated the West with Ahmed Paul Keeler

Published 2024-01-21
Zionism is the ideology that underpins the barbarism that has been meted out on Palestinians, its latest chapter being the slaughter that is currently happening in Gaza. Yet its ideals remain respectable in establishment circles. In the United States, political leaders fall over one another to declare their un denying loyalty to the creed and in Britain, there has been a long tradition of Christian Zionism that spans back to the early twentieth century and the Balfour Declaration.

Ahmed Paul Keeler argues that Zionism has become embedded into the Western mindset through education and culture. It relies upon a Darwinian hierarchy that places Europeans at the top and Arabs and others as savages and less human, terms that have been uttered in recent events with greater frequency. Ahmed was born in 1942 and was brought up in a conservative upper-middle class Anglo Catholic family. He belonged to a generation that was brought up to serve the British empire. Ahmed Keeler is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, and was a Distinguished Fellow at The Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia in 2016.

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#thethinkingmuslimpodcast episode133

00:00 Introduction
2:30 – What is Zionism?
9:47 – Jews against Zionism
14:38 – 60’s Anti War Movement
18:38 – Zionism and his Education
29:29 – Today and the past
31:40 – Christian Zionism
41:32 – Balfour and Lloyd George
43:39 – Cultural supremacy of Zionism
48:13 – Zionist story
55:19 - Civilising Mission
1:00:21 – Muslim Decline?

All Comments (21)
  • Although we never aim for numbers and have always cherished the quality of our content and viewers we would value every subscription. We are nearly at the 100k milestone Alhamdulillah - a few days before our one year anniversary. Please remember to subscribe and leave a comment to improve this video's ratings. Join our Patreon to get access to exclusive monthly Zoom calls:
  • @ParissaKhoury
    As an orthodox jew, I condemn the terrorist acts and war crimes of Israel. I support the creation of a free and independent Palestinian state. This will end all the violence. As Jews we need to accept that Israel is the occupying force and we need to do the right thing and give Palestinians their own independent state free from Israeli interferences. CRITCIZING ISRAEL ISN'T ANTISEMITISM!!!  JUDAISM HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ZIONISM !!!!
  • @nenzianwari
    I agree the most brutal inhumane things us humans do is rob our children of their childhood.
  • @chryssanthistell
    Beautiful interview! I am Greek Orthodox Christian and, apart from being fascinated by Mr Keeler´s broad knowledge, experience and eloquence I am glad to take a glimpse of the Muslim perspective. As most people, I have been devastated by the Palestinian suffering but also impressed by their resilience and humility which is an unmistaken indication of their truth compared to the arrogance of the other side.
  • This man should be on an exclusive interview with the western mainstream media. They need this eduction to awaken their minds. The whole western world needs to be educated on what the actual difference is between Judaism and Zionism.
  • @PeecfulP
    Authentic Jews stand in solidarity with Palestine. ❤️
  • @user-ew9tn1bw6q
    Ahmed Paul Keeler speaks simple clear logic so beautifully. Ten years ago this wonderful person would not have come into my living room to educate. The hugh difference now is that thru technology he has and I and many like me are standing with the Palestinians. There’s nowhere to run; there’s nowhere to hide. Enough is enough!
  • Heartbreaking and so thankful to have these conversations available. Praying for our humanity and peace from the river to the sea
  • @emmanuelwood8702
    This whole mentality of thinking of one's group as being "better" or "superior" than any other group of human beings is what leads to all this Evil that's going on in the world.
  • @Lalallalu
    Top notch interviewer - it's my first visit here and I am over the moon with the quality of this interview! Thank you ! Mr Keeler confirms the crucial importance of not remaining attached to our views, but go and travel, meet people, and humbly evolve your own ideas over time based on greater life experience and openness.
  • @adam.bashir
    Sidi Ahmed Paul Keeler has for too long been a hidden gem… May Allah preserve him!
  • The life Ahmed Paul Keeler has gone through the process from being a Christian and then Muslim with a presence of mind which had enabled him to enlighten both us of the variety of zionism, what they stand and the British role and hypocrisy in the current Israel -Palestine conflict. It is impossible to thank Keeler enough for his service to humanity by sharing this wonderful insight on the conflict which a mixture of cabal interests of some Jews and of pure colonial mentality.
  • What a wise and an amazing man he is! His speech is very informative and educational. Love from your brothers and sisters in the USA.
  • @sam24027
    Recently discovered Ahmad Paul Keeler. Brilliant speaker with incredible clarity of thought and purpose
  • @Cui-bono987
    Your guests are top notch. Thank you for your work.
  • 12:06 "It was the Holocaust that created a huge change" The same is said by Norman Finkelstein in his book "The Holocaust Industry" and is really close to what is happening today in Ukraine. Quote: “The shakedown of Switzerland and Germany has been only a prelude to the grand finale: the shakedown of Eastern Europe. With the collapse of the Soviet bloc, alluring prospects opened up in the former heartland of European Jewry. Cloaking itself in the sanctimonious mantle of “needy Holocaust victims,” the Holocaust industry has sought to extort billions of dollars from these already impoverished countries. Pursuing this end with reckless and ruthless abandon, it has become the main fomenter of anti-Semitism in Europe.”
  • @KilamSabba
    From Wikipedia: France’s Gen. Henri Gouraud, who occupied Damascus in 1920, is reported to have stood over the tomb of Saladin, the Muslim sultan who took Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine back from the Crusaders, and said, “Saladin, we have returned.” British Gen. Edmund Allenby, on occupying Jerusalem, said: “Today, the Crusades have ended.”
  • @iggythewiz3980
    I love this man, he embodies wisdom, experience, spirituality, all the qualities of Islam. May Allah protect him, ameen
  • @torontoyes
    I miss people from this era. A generation that knew how to communicate ideas, understood objective truths. When this generation passes, we will have lost the last generation of context. Gen Y and Z will never understand the great significance of these former generations, which I am so fortunate to have been educated by.
  • @vickirausch47
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this. Ahamed , a year older than I, explains the entire story so elegantly. All the important points were covered. I am so glad you are now over 100k!!!