Karen Read defense files response to Commonwealth opposition to their motion to dismiss

Attorney Mark Bederow joins us to discuss Karen Read defense files response to Commonwealth opposition to their motion to dismiss

コメント (21)
  • @IMSHARP777
    Great point mark -! She dosent want these jurors going on Dateline and blow the top off of the entire conspiracy
  • Can I just say I love how Attorney Bederow explains everything it's all very clear and concise and thank you all. This case is just so interesting to me.
  • @DirtyBev
    Dirty Bev said , do not fill out the verdict slip, until you can unanimously agree on the charges. That’s what I recall
  • Judge bev and the rest of these clowns in the norfolk county da"s office really need to go back to school and take some continuing education classes to refresh themselves on ethics of the law
  • The ONLY reason the “judge” doesn’t allow polling the jurors is she wants this all on Karen Read, not her friends!!
  • The judge told the jury she didn't want to be informed of their votes until they had reached a verdict.
  • Where is the Department of Justice in all this, is there no one who is higher up who hold a judge and the DA accountable.
  • Why have a jury if you don't want to listen to them. This all stinks from the top to the bottom.
  • .... the court MAY declare a mistrial in cases where the jury is unable to reach a verdict. However, it MUST first receive and record the verdicts which the jury can agree upon.
  • Thanks to jurors who are speaking out....the foreman should have gotten more instruction.......The public is watching
  • @LinAries68
    The DA wants to prosecute Karen at all cost. It's not about justice anymore. Bev and Lally want Karen to to take the fall for this. There's too many people involved here. It's best for one to take the fall, then exposing the CANTON CLAN. I pray that justice will prevail. Now the jury know that even the second charge should've been not guilty. Looking at the DA"s behavior
  • Yea, where is the FBI? Can they do anything? This is horrible!
  • Mazza basically broke the record for saying the word BASICALLY 100 times in 5 minutes of talking.
  • Surely Judge Cannone's behavior in this trial has been under scrutiny by a legal arbitrary judge adjudication counsel of her peers. What is the legal precedent for a judge, when it comes to a jury being unanimous Not Guilty on two of the charge counts, is the Judge not duty-bound to declare that fact to the Court. Misconduct and bad ethics have been all over this trial,
  • @Pug_Mom11
    Mike! I love the hatless look! Thanks for being a good guy and staying on the side of good. ❤
  • @SockGrlz
    You 3 guys and Attorney Melanie Little youtube are my favorites. You warm my heart, ❤️ such kindness and integrity
  • @IMSHARP777
    I hope that the jurors are pressured somehow to at least speak to someone regarding this.This is nonsensical enough of this corrupt conduct by people that are held in a higher regard must stop! Most of its politically motivated and connected to these Messachusetts courts and people in charge.