Our Battle Ongoing: Lyme Disease in Australia | Full Documentary

Published 2017-05-25
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Our Battle Ongoing takes a look into the lives of Australians across the nation currently suffering from Lyme disease or a Lyme-like illness. Every individual has their own unique story as symptoms differ from person to person, but they are all united in a common cause of seeing recognition come to those suffering now and for the generations to come. With little to no help currently available, some have to take drastic measures in order to receive treatment. Our Battle Ongoing brings to light the tragedy of living with an invisible illness in Australia.

Directed by Andy Smith

All Comments (21)
  • @Star5dg
    The suffering is immense. The ignorant response to illness from medical doctors is brutal. Hope god heals all those suffering somehow as the world is full of greed and power to help those in need
  • And here we are 5 years later, and patients are being told the same thing, even here in the US. It's absolutely disgusting and inhumane the way Lyme disease patients are treated. Whoever those are in power that are responsible for the mishandling of so much suffering, deserves stiff punishment. I don't mean jail, fines, or death. No, they deserve to feel the torturous effects of Lyme themselves, without any additional help that would be available to the general population. That would be the most appropriate punishment.
  • That was a brilliant & insightful documentary, thank you to everybody who helped in the making it’s truly & warmly appreciated, thank you
  • @InfinityCalling
    I'm still undiagnosed after 9 years of suffering, my husband left me, my life has broken into pieces.... Can't walk normally, can't sit, it's walking dead. This is so so misunderstood by the society worldwide and ignored by the medical profession, often labelled as fibromyalgia!!!! Sending much Love to All Warriors!!! Calling LIGHT IN! THE TIME IS NOW! 💜☀️💚
  • @mama_keikei8081
    It’s odd how the symptoms of Lyme disease are so close to Fibromyalgia, lupus and other autoimmune conditions. When you have been suffering so long and it becomes your daily life no one believes that any one person could tolerate the pain….but we do. We suffer so much. I’m in a flare up and for days I can’t walk or move my legs, rashes, hair falls out, the exhaustion feels like you’re dying….i throw up a lot…and no one understands…or “Why would you need pain meds?” …Let me hit you with a 2x4 in all your joints for a month every couple months for years…..then ask me WHY?!!
  • @flufwix
    The suffering shown here is awful!! My friend became ill in the US. It wasn’t until she returned to Australia that she finally got diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease. I had a very serious case of Ross River Fever. It took me years to get back to normal and even now I get polyarthritis if I even catch a cold. It’s time doctors listened to their patients
  • Wow, what a great documentary! I will say even here in the United States if you can't fine a Lyme "literate" doctor all the patients here also go through many many Drs, and misdiagnosis, unnecessary testing etc...Its such a shame that so many Drs are in denial all the while the ungodly suffering these patients go through! seriously who would make these symptoms up? who wants to live a miserable lonely painful existence?? especially when most of the attention they "supposedly " seek turns out to be negative and disbelief by doctors who took an oath to "do no harm" and how do they explain all the physical symptoms that are impossible to deny?? I'm ashamed of the medical field constantly blowing this REAL disease off! my heart goes out to all the sufferers and I pray everyday they find good, solid treatment and begin to heal and get some type of quality of life back....I truly believe there is power in knowledge and as hard and frustrating as it is please please please never give up....More research and testing needs to be poured into this chronic disease...so again thank you for bringing this to the forefront, together we will all make a difference and hopefully make future medicine appropriate for these sufferers....Amd lastly I believe if every Dr got very sick (preferably with an "invisible chronic illness" very early In their career and were scared with the lack of knowledge and utter denial it would breed way better doctors!!! Bravo on a documentary well done BRAVO!!! never give up those that believe and want go help are out there! God bless and God speed to an amazing recover ❤❤❤
  • @VegemiteQueen1
    Thank you to Andy and Cassie for their hard work on this project. The Australian medical community has a long way to go.
  • I'm super proud that my home state of western Australia isnt ignorant and helping these people
  • @jemimalamb78
    The Australian medical system here has a lot to answer for when it comes to Lyme disease & other chronic invisible conditions that our government doesn't recognise.
  • @LadyRedBird
    I contacted Lyme in 2004, 17+ ongoing years later I've over 100 symptoms, in fact in a current flare up / herx. From my hips down, sending the tremor up my spine. Came on abruptly as they all do just a bit ago. America doesn't care much for us Lyme people. Thank you so much for creating this documentary. 💚
  • @deborahkish5411
    I got Lyme disease in 1986. It took 27 years to get diagnosed. I have late stage Lyme. It destroyed my jaw joint and mandible. I had a total jaw joint replacement and partial mandible replacement. My mouth was wired shut for 3 and a half months. It was a 9 hour surgery with 2 surgeon's. I've had 3 major jaw surgeries. I live in constant pain.
  • I've had just been diagnosed with Lyme and nobody believed I was sick. People in my neighborhood started taunting me because they think I'm a dole blunger. Even my doctors listed Hypochondria as one of my symptoms.
  • I just wish that Everybody could see this, especially medical staff and services. So well done.
  • @orionhale788
    I have had Long Covid M E for four years now and no real support just daily rheumatic fever, joint pains neuralgia, tremors, blurry vision, light sensitivity, brain fog, periodic breathlessness, acid indigestion and fatigue. And now the government wants to stop vulnerable peoples benefits. Life on the street with this will likely kill me. I cannot work. I cannot sustain it. The fatigue kicks in with pain.
  • Excellent work getting all this put together. Much needed for educational purposes but also for others to know they aren’t alone in the struggle. Thank you
  • @fishnchips8132
    Thank you to the producers of this film - we're indebted.
  • @kidsmoked
    God bless all of you people with tick-borne diseases - and all the researchers, film makers, doctors and specialists bringing this story to the light. <3